AB68-SSA1,781,19 19(4) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer this section.
AB68-SSA1,1597 20Section 1597. 93.64 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,782,2 2193.64 Small farm diversity grant program. (1) Grants. The department
22may award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (f) to agricultural
23producers that have been in operation for at least one year and that, in the year prior
24to applying for a grant, earned less than $350,000 in gross cash farm income. Grants
25awarded under this section shall be in an amount no less than $5,000 and no more

1than $50,000. The recipient of a grant under this section shall provide matching
2funds of 30 percent of the amount of the grant.
AB68-SSA1,782,4 3(2) Eligible costs. Grants awarded under this section may be used to pay for
4any of the following:
AB68-SSA1,782,75 (a) Costs to develop a new agricultural product or increase production of an
6agricultural product where market opportunities exist, including business planning,
7feasibility research, engineering, and architectural designs.
AB68-SSA1,782,88 (b) Start-up costs for new agricultural production operations.
AB68-SSA1,782,109 (c) Research and development of uses for food, feed, and fiber products that are
10innovative and add value to agricultural products.
AB68-SSA1,782,1111 (d) Developing on-farm processing of agricultural commodities.
AB68-SSA1,782,1212 (e) Developing an agritourism venue.
AB68-SSA1,782,14 13(3) Priority. The department, in awarding grants under this section, shall give
14preference to applications that do any of the following:
AB68-SSA1,782,1615 (a) Develop a business plan with market research and income projections
16including new and innovative plans for marketing.
AB68-SSA1,782,1817 (b) Demonstrate a high probability of increased revenue, job creation, or
18enhanced viability.
AB68-SSA1,782,1919 (c) Feature research that is innovative as well as commercially plausible.
AB68-SSA1,782,2020 (d) Demonstrate a high probability of rapid commercialization.
AB68-SSA1,782,2221 (e) Demonstrate a commitment for funding from other private or public sources
22or from the applicant.
AB68-SSA1,782,24 23(4) Reports. The recipient of a grant under this section shall submit annual
24reports to the department documenting grant money expenses and results.
AB68-SSA1,782,25 25(5) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer this section.
1Section 1598. 93.65 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,783,4 293.65 Value-added agricultural practices. (1) Definition. In this section,
3“value-added agricultural product” means a farm product that satisfies any of the
AB68-SSA1,783,55 (a) The product has undergone a change in physical state.
AB68-SSA1,783,66 (b) The product is produced in a manner that enhances its value.
AB68-SSA1,783,77 (c) The product is physically segregated in a manner that enhances its value.
AB68-SSA1,783,88 (d) The product is a source of farm-based or ranch-based renewable energy.
AB68-SSA1,783,99 (e) The product is aggregated and marketed as a locally produced farm product.
AB68-SSA1,783,13 10(2) Value-added products. The department may provide education and
11technical assistance related to promoting and implementing agricultural practices
12that produce value-added agricultural products, including by doing all of the
AB68-SSA1,783,2214 (a) Assistance for organic farming practices. Providing education and technical
15assistance related to organic farming practices, including business and market
16development assistance; collaborating with organic producers, industry
17participants, and local organizations that coordinate organic farming; and
18stimulating interest and investment in organic production. The department may
19award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (f) to organic producers,
20industry participants, and local organizations that coordinate organic farming. The
21department may award a grant to an organic producer, industry participant, or local
22organization under this paragraph for any of the following purposes:
AB68-SSA1,783,2423 1. Providing education and technical assistance related to implementing
24organic farming practices.
AB68-SSA1,783,2525 2. Helping to create organic farming plans.
13. Assisting farmers to transition to organic farming.