NR 503.10(5)(e)5.5. A minimum of 4 cross-sections through the constructed area parallel and perpendicular to the base line of the landfill, 2 of which shall be in each direction. Additional cross-sections shall be prepared as necessary to add clarification. Each of the cross-sections shall show actual and design sub-base and base grade contours, the top of the granular drainage blanket, leachate pipe elevations and the actual base and sub-base contours of adjacent filled areas. The design sub-base and base grade contours do not need to be shown if there is not an observable variation from the design grades.
NR 503.10(5)(e)6.6. Detail drawings, both plan view and cross-sections, of all manholes, lift stations, storage tanks, sumps and sideslope risers or locations where leachate transfer piping exits the lined area and the secondary containment of these features as well as leak detection monitoring points and other pertinent construction details. At a minimum, these drawings shall show base and top elevations, the invert elevations of all associated piping, pump details, float level elevations and the extent of recompacted clay placed around and below the structures. If float elevations are not available at the time of submittal of the construction documentation report, they shall be provided to the department when they are available.
NR 503.10(5)(e)7.7. Cross section details shall be included to illustrate all important construction features of the liner, lysimeters, leachate collection trenches and sumps, and sediment control and storm water management systems.
NR 503.10(5)(e)8.8. Detail drawings shall be included for leachate header lines or drain lines located outside the limits of waste in critical areas of below-ground piping such as where several pipes cross or meet, to illustrate sufficient pipe location and invert information.
NR 503.10(5)(e)9.9. Additional plan sheets, patterned after those specified in subds. 1. to 8., shall be included for those landfills designed with multiple liners, groundwater gradient control systems or other nonstandard design features.
NR 503.10(5)(f)(f) The report shall contain a detailed narrative describing the construction of the area in a logical fashion. Particular emphasis shall be given to any deviations from the approved plan of operation and to the explicit construction methods used for all locations where leachate transfer piping exits the lined waste fill area. This report shall include the following information at a minimum:
NR 503.10(5)(f)1.1. An analysis and discussion of all soil testing work performed. All density and moisture content testing results shall clearly indicate which Proctor curve is applicable to the soil being compacted. Any changes in the referenced Proctor curve shall be identified as to when they occurred and why the change was made. All raw data from the soil testing performed shall be included in an appendix to the construction documentation report unless other arrangements were previously approved by the department. The raw data shall be summarized using a tabulated format.
NR 503.10(5)(f)2.2. A table containing thicknesses of each layer in the liner system on a 100-foot grid pattern.
NR 503.10(5)(f)3.3. Documentation of the initial leachate collection pipe cleanout and pressure testing of force mains and leachate storage tanks. All provisions used to seal pipe connections, manhole sections and leachate storage tanks including protective coatings and corrosion protection shall be described. The manufacturer’s recommendations for the installation of all equipment shall be included. Any deviations from the recommendations shall be discussed.
NR 503.10(5)(f)4.4. A series of properly labeled 35 millimeter color photographs documenting all major aspects of landfill construction. This shall include close-up photographs of the construction process including clay liner placement, leachate pipe placement including all places where transfer piping exits the lined waste fill area or sideslope riser installation, drainage blanket placement and the installation of all manholes, sumps, sideslope risers, lift stations and storage tanks. Panoramic views shall be included showing the prepared sub-base and the completed liner before and after granular blanket placement.
NR 503.10(5)(g)(g) All construction documentation reports for the closure of landfill areas shall contain a set of 24 inch by 36 inch engineering plan sheets, unless an alternative size is approved by the department in writing, prepared in accordance with s. NR 500.05 and shall include:
NR 503.10(5)(g)1.1. A plan sheet documenting the final waste grades, including daily or intermediate cover. Documentation of grades shall include spot elevations taken on a maximum 100-foot grid after grading has been performed to establish uniform slopes. For areas less than 4 acres, a 50-foot grid shall be used.
NR 503.10(5)(g)2.2. A plan view drawing for each one-foot thickness of clay placed showing the locations of the various soil testing performed at each test location. Multiple plan views may be presented on a single engineering plan sheet if legibility is not compromised.
NR 503.10(5)(g)3.3. A plan sheet documenting the final landfill surface following topsoil placement. Documentation of grades shall include spot elevations taken on a maximum 100-foot grid. The approved final grades shall also be shown in a clear and legible manner. This plan sheet shall also show the locations of all manholes, lift stations, risers, head wells, gas venting systems, surface settlement monitoring points, storm water management and sediment control structures, environmental monitoring points and other appurtenances. For areas less than 4 acres, a 50-foot grid shall be used.
NR 503.10(5)(g)4.4. A minimum of 4 cross-sections through the closed area which are constructed parallel and perpendicular to the base line of the landfill, 2 of which shall be in each direction. Each of the cross-sections shall show all surficial and subsurface features encountered including gas vents, leachate lines, and other landfill structures and shall be tied into the grades of adjacent previously filled areas. At a minimum, each cross section shall show sub-base grades, base grades, final waste grades and final topsoil grades.
NR 503.10(5)(g)5.5. Detail drawings, plan view and cross-section of the gas venting system, manholes, lift stations and collection tanks.
NR 503.10(5)(g)6.6. Cross section details shall be included to illustrate all important construction features of the final cover, including sediment control and storm water management structures.
NR 503.10(5)(h)(h) The report shall contain a detailed narrative describing the closure of the area in a logical fashion. Particular emphasis shall be placed on any deviations from the approved plans. This report shall also include the following information at a minimum:
NR 503.10(5)(h)1.1. An analysis and discussion of all soil testing work performed. All density and moisture content testing results shall clearly indicate which Proctor curve or line of optimums is applicable to the soil being compacted. Any changes in the referenced Proctor curve or line of optimums shall be identified as to when they occurred and why the change was made. All raw data from the soil testing performed shall be included in an appendix to the closure documentation report unless previously approved by the department. The raw data shall be summarized using a tabulated format. Also included shall be the make, model, weight and foot length of each piece of equipment used to compact clay.
NR 503.10(5)(h)2.2. When the auger method is used to determine soil layer thickness, a discussion of how the auger boreholes were backfilled and the materials used.
NR 503.10(5)(h)3.3. A table containing thicknesses of each layer in the cover system on a 100-foot grid pattern. When determining soil thickness by using surveying information, the table shall contain elevations before and after soil layer placement on the 100-foot grid. For areas less than 4 acres, a 50-foot grid shall be used. As an alternative to the survey method, soil thickness shall be controlled using settlement plates and grade stakes, and clay thickness shall be established on a 100-foot grid using auger borings. Boreholes shall be backfilled with a soil-bentonite mix such that the in-place permeability of the backfilled material is equal to or less than the surrounding clay cap.
NR 503.10(5)(h)4.4. The rates and types of fertilizer, seed and mulch applied. Liming requirements shall also be included along with the actual rate of application.
NR 503.10(5)(h)5.5. A series of properly labeled 35 millimeter color photographs which document all major aspects of landfill closure. This shall include panoramic views of the closed area as well as close-up photos of the construction process and completed engineering structures such as gas vents, cleanout ports, manholes and other pertinent structures.
NR 503.10(5)(i)(i) Testing shall be performed during the construction and closure of all landfill areas. At a minimum, this testing shall include:
NR 503.10(5)(i)1.1. For all recompacted clay soil construction the following tests shall be performed:
NR 503.10(5)(i)1.a.a. Dry density and as-placed moisture content shall be determined on an approximate 100-foot grid pattern for each one-foot thickness of clay placed. The grid pattern shall be offset on each subsequent layer of tests. A minimum of 2 dry density and moisture content tests for each one-foot thickness of clay placed shall be performed to fully define the degree of soil compaction obtained in confined areas where equipment movement is hindered or hand compaction is necessary.
NR 503.10(5)(i)1.b.b. One moisture-density curve shall be developed for every 5,000 cubic yards or less of clay placed and for each major soil type utilized. At least 5 points shall be established on each curve. If a line of optimums analysis is performed, at least 2 curves shall be included for each analysis. A representative sample for every 5,000 cubic yards or less of clay placed shall be analyzed for grain size distribution through the .002 millimeter particle size and for Atterberg limits. If apparent changes in soil quality are observed during clay placement, a one-point Proctor analysis shall be utilized to verify the applicability of previously analyzed moisture-density curves.
NR 503.10(5)(i)1.c.c. A minimum of one undisturbed sample for each acre or less for every one-foot thickness of clay placement shall be retrieved and analyzed for Atterberg limits, grain size distribution through the .002 millimeter particle size, moisture content and dry density. Laboratory hydraulic conductivity tests using effective stresses less than or equal to 5 psi and hydraulic gradients less than or equal to 30 shall be performed on every third undisturbed sample. The department may require that a portion of the hydraulic conductivity testing for liner documentation be performed using leachate.
NR 503.10(5)(i)2.2. During placement of the leachate drainage blanket over the liner or the granular drain layer in the final cover, the following testing shall be performed: