(1) Birth record information changes. The state registrar may change
13information on a birth record registered in this state which was correct at the time
14the birth record was filed under a court or administrative order issued in this state,
15in another state or in Canada or under the valid order of a court of any federally
16recognized Indian tribe, band
, or nation if
all of the following occur:
(a) The order provides for an adoption, name change
, or name change with sex
18change or establishes
paternity; and parentage.
(b) A clerk of court or, for a
paternity parentage action, a clerk of court or county
20child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), sends the state registrar a certified report
21of an order of a court in this state in the method prescribed by the state registrar or,
22in the case of any other order, the state registrar receives a certified copy of the order
23and the proper fee under s. 69.22.
24Section 161
. 69.15 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(3) (title)
162. 69.15 (3) (a) (intro.), 1., 2. and 3. and (b) 1., 2., 3. and 4. (intro.),
2a. and b. of the statutes are amended to read:
(3) (a) (intro.) If the state registrar receives an order under sub. (1) that
paternity parentage or determines that
the man a person whose name
5appears on a registrant's birth record is not
the father a parent of the registrant, or
6a report under s. 767.804 (1) (c) that shows a conclusive determination of
paternity 7parentage, the state registrar shall do the following, as appropriate:
1. Prepare under sub. (6) a new record omitting the
father's parent's name if
9the order determines that the
man person whose name appears on a registrant's
10birth record is not
the father a parent of the registrant and if there is no
other 11adjudicated
father parent.
2. Prepare under sub. (6) a new record for the subject of a
paternity parentage 13action changing the name of the
father parent if the name of the adjudicated
father 14is different than the name of the man parent does not appear on the birth record.
3. Except as provided under subd. 4., insert the name of the adjudicated or
16conclusively determined
father parent on the original birth record if the name of
17father that parent was omitted on the original record.
(b) 1. Except as provided under par. (c), if the state registrar receives a
19statement acknowledging
paternity parentage in the manner prescribed by the state
20registrar and signed by both of the
birth natural parents of a child determined to be
21a marital child under s. 767.803, a certified copy of the parents' marriage record, and
22the fee required under s. 69.22 (5) (b) 1., the state registrar shall insert the name of
husband spouse of the person who gave birth from the marriage record as the
24father other parent if the name of
the father the other parent was omitted on the
1original birth record. The state registrar shall include for the acknowledgment the
2items in s. 767.813 (5g).
2. Except as provided under par. (c), if the parent of a child determined to be
4a marital child under s. 767.803 dies after his or her marriage and before the
5statement acknowledging
paternity parentage has been signed, the state registrar
6shall insert the name of the
father parent under subd. 1. upon receipt of a court order
7determining that the
husband spouse was the
father parent of the child.
3. Except as provided under par. (c), if the state registrar receives a statement
paternity parentage in the method prescribed by the state registrar
10and signed by both parents, neither of whom was under the age of 18 years when the
11form was signed, along with the fee under s. 69.22, the state registrar shall insert the
12name of the
father parent under subd. 1. The state registrar shall mark the record
13to show that the acknowledgement is on file. The acknowledgement shall be
14available to the department of children and families or a county child support agency
15under s. 59.53 (5) pursuant to the program responsibilities under s. 49.22 or to any
16other person with a direct and tangible interest in the record. The state registrar
17shall include on the acknowledgment the information in s. 767.805 and the items in
18s. 767.813 (5g).
4. (intro.) If a registrant has not reached the age of 18 years and if any of the
20following indicate, in a statement acknowledging
paternity parentage under subd.
211. or 3., that the given name or surname, or both, of the registrant should be changed
22on the birth record, the state registrar shall enter the name indicated on the birth
23record without a court order:
a. The
mother of the parent who gave birth to the registrant, except as provided
25under subd. 4. b. and c.
1b. The
father of natural parent who did not give birth to the registrant if
2father that parent has legal custody of the registrant.
3Section 163
. 69.15 (3) (b) 3m. of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (b) 3m. Except as provided in par. (c), if the state registrar receives
5an acknowledgement of parentage on a form prescribed by the state registrar and
6signed by both of the people presumed to be natural parents under s. 891.41 (1) (b),
7a certified copy of the parents' marriage certificate, and the fee required under s.
869.22 (5) (b) 1., the state registrar shall insert the name of the spouse of the person
9who gave birth from the marriage certificate as a parent if the name of that parent
10was omitted on the original birth certificate.
164. 69.15 (3m) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (title)
Rescission of statement acknowledging paternity
14Section 165
. 69.15 (3m) (a) 3. and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
(3m) (a) 3. The person rescinding the statement files a rescission in the
16method prescribed under subd. 2. before the day on which a court or circuit court
17commissioner makes an order in an action affecting the family involving the
man 18person who signed the statement and the child who is the subject of the statement
19or before 60 days elapse after the statement was filed, whichever occurs first.
(b) If the state registrar, within the time required under par. (a) 3., receives a
21rescission in the method prescribed by the state registrar, along with the proper fee
22under s. 69.22, the state registrar shall prepare under sub. (6) a new record omitting
father's parent's name if it was inserted under sub. (3) (b).
24Section 166
. 69.18 (1) (e) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (e) 1. (intro.) If a death is a miscarriage and 20 weeks or more have
2elapsed between the
mother's last normal menstrual period
of the person who was
3pregnant and delivery or the stillbirth weighs 350 grams or more, one of the following
4shall submit, within 5 days after delivery, a fetal death report to the state registrar:
5Section 167
. 69.20 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) Except as provided under sub. (3), the state registrar and local
7registrars may not permit inspection of or disclose information contained in any
8record of a birth
which that occurred after September 30, 1907
, if the
mother of 9person who gave birth to the subject of the record was not married at any time from
10the conception to the birth of the subject of the record, unless the inspection is by or
11the information is disclosed to a person who has a direct and tangible interest in such
13Section 168
. 71.03 (2) (d) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (d) (title)
Husband and wife Spouses joint filing.