DCF 252.41 NoteNote: Alterations, additions, or changes of use to commercial buildings may require submittal of plans to and approval by the Department of Safety and Professional Services or its agent before commencing construction. It is recommended that an architect or engineer be consulted prior to the beginning of any construction or remodeling to determine whether plans must be submitted.
DCF 252.41(2)(m)(m) Any confirmed case of a communicable disease reportable under ch. DHS 145 in a child enrolled at the day camp or any person in contact with children at the camp, within 24 hours after the camp is notified of the diagnosis. The licensee shall also notify the local health department within 24 hours after the camp is notified of the diagnosis. DCF 252.41(2)(n)(n) Any change in meal preparation arrangements, at least 5 calendar days prior to the change. Camps adding meal preparation after an initial license has been issued shall document compliance with building codes related to kitchens before beginning to prepare meals. DCF 252.41(2)(o)(o) Any change in transportation services, at least 5 calendar days prior to the change. DCF 252.41(2)(p)(p) Expected temporary closures lasting more than 2 weeks, at least 5 calendar days before the closure. DCF 252.41(2)(q)(q) Unexpected closures lasting more than 2 weeks, within 24 hours after the camp has been closed for a 2-week period. DCF 252.41(2)(r)(r) Any change in swimming or water activities, boating, firearms and archery, horseback riding, or adventure-based activities, at least 20 working days prior to the change. DCF 252.41(4)(a)(a) The licensee shall create and maintain at the camp a current written record for each child before the child’s first day of attendance or subsequent re-enrollment. The licensee shall make the record available to the licensing representative. Each child’s file shall include all of the following: DCF 252.41(4)(a)1.d.d. Address and telephone number where a parent can be reached while the child is in care. DCF 252.41(4)(a)1.e.e. Name, address, telephone number and relationship to the child of the person to be notified in an emergency, when a parent cannot be reach immediately. DCF 252.41(4)(a)1.f.f. Names, address and telephone number of the physician or medical facility caring for the child. DCF 252.41(4)(a)1.g.g. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons authorized to pick-up the child or to accept the child who is dropped off. DCF 252.41 NoteNote: The licensee may use either the department’s form, Child Care Enrollment, or the licensee’s own form to obtain consent of the child’s parent for emergency medical treatment. Information on how to obtain forms is available from the department’s website, http://dcf.wisconsin.gov, or any regional licensing office in Appendix A. DCF 252.41(4)(a)4.4. Authorization from the parent for the child to participate in field trips and other off-premises activities, if these are part of the camp program. DCF 252.41 NoteNote: The licensee may use either the department’s forms Field Trip or Other Activity Permission /Notification — Child Care Centers and Child Care Enrollment or the licensee’s own form for securing parental information. Forms are available on the department’s website at https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/cclicensing/ccformspubs. DCF 252.41(4)(a)5.5. Specific written informed consent from the parent for each incident of participation by a child in any research or testing project. The day camp shall obtain and make available to the department and to the parent a statement indicating the sponsor, the subject matter, the specific purpose and the proposed use of results with respect to each project. DCF 252.41 NoteNote: The licensee may use either the department’s form, Informed Consent for Observation or Testing by an Outside Agency — Child Care Centers, or the licensee’s own form for securing the parent’s written consent. Information on how to obtain forms is available from the department’s website, http://dcf.wisconsin.gov, or any regional licensing office in Appendix A. DCF 252.41(4)(a)6.c.c. A telephone number where the parent can be reached while the child is in care. DCF 252.41(4)(a)6.d.d. The name, address, and telephone number of the physician or medical facility caring for the child.