VOCA is the volume-weighted average VOC content of 2 or more coatings applied on a coating line during any day in kilograms per liter (pounds per gallon) of coating, excluding water
i is the subscript denoting an individual coating
n is the number of different coatings subject to the same numerical emission limitation applied during any day on a coating line
Ci is the VOC content of each coating (i) as applied during any day on the coating line in kilograms per liter (pounds per gallon) of coating, excluding water
Vi is the volume of each coating (i), excluding water, as applied during any day on the coating line in liters (gallons)
VT is the total volume of all n coatings subject to the same emission limitation, excluding water, applied during any day on the coating line in liters (gallons)
NR 422.04(1)(b)(b) No owner or operator of a printing line subject to an emission limitation contained in s. NR 422.14 (2) (a) or (b) and complying with the emission limitation by means of this subsection may cause, allow or permit the daily volume-weighted average VOC content to exceed the emission limitation to which the inks are subject:
NR 422.04(1)(b)1.1. When s. NR 422.14 (2) (a) applies, the daily volume-weighted average VOC content shall be calculated by using the following equation:
VOCB is the volume-weighted average VOC content of 2 or more inks applied on a printing line during any day in percent VOC by volume of the volatile fraction
i is the subscript denoting an individual ink
n is the number of different inks subject to the same emission limitation applied during any day on a printing line
Ci is the VOC content in percent VOC by volume of the volatile fraction in each ink (i) as applied
Li is the volume of each ink (i) as applied in liters (gallons)
VVFi is the volume fraction volatile content in each ink (i) as applied
NR 422.04(1)(b)2.2. When s. NR 422.14 (2) (b) applies, the daily volume-weighted average VOC content shall be calculated by using the following equation:
VOCC is the volume-weighted average VOC content of 2 or more inks applied on a printing line during any day in percent VOC by volume, excluding water
i is the subscript denoting an individual ink
n is the number of different inks subject to the same emission limitation applied during any day on a printing line
Ci is the VOC content of each ink (i) applied during any day on the printing line in percent VOC by volume, excluding water
Vi is the volume of each ink (i), excluding water, applied during any day on the printing line in liters (gallons)
VT is the total volume of all n inks subject to the same emission limitation, excluding water, applied during any day on the printing line in liters (gallons)
NR 422.04(1)(c)(c) An owner or operator of a coating or printing line subject to an emission limitation in this chapter not specified in par. (a) or (b) may comply by means of this subsection only by obtaining prior department approval through an order issued under s. 285.13 (2), Stats., or through a permit. Any approval granted by the department under this paragraph shall be submitted to, and will not become effective for federal purposes until approved by, the administrator or designee as a source-specific revision to the department’s state implementation plan for ozone.
NR 422.04(2)(2) General methods. The surface coating or printing emission limitations shall be achieved by one of the following: