AB484,150 6Section 150 . 69.12 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,60,117 69.12 (5) A change in the marital status on the record of birth may be requested
8under this section only if the marital status is inconsistent with father or husband
9information appearing on the birth record. This section may not be used to add or
10delete the name of a parent on the record of birth or change the identity of either
11parent named on the birth record.
AB484,151 12Section 151. 69.13 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,60,17 1369.13 Correction of facts misrepresented by informant for record of
(intro.) The state registrar may, under an order issued by the circuit court
15of the county in which a birth occurred, correct information about the parent or the
16marital status of the mother person who gave birth on a record of birth that is
17registered in this state if all of the following conditions apply:
AB484,152 18Section 152 . 69.13 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,60,2319 69.13 (2) (b) 4. If relevant to the correction sought, a certified copy of a marriage
20document, divorce or annulment record, or a final divorce decree that indicates that
21the mother person who gave birth to the child was not married to the person listed
22as his or her husband spouse at any time during the pregnancy, a legal name change
23order, or any other legal document that clarifies the disputed information.
AB484,153 24Section 153 . 69.14 (1) (c) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
169.14 (1) (c) 4. In the absence of a person under subds. 1. to 3., the father or
2mother parent, parent's spouse, or, in the absence of the father the parent or parent's
and the inability of the mother person who gave birth to the child, the person
4responsible for the premises where the birth occurs.
AB484,154 5Section 154 . 69.14 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,61,206 69.14 (1) (cm) Information concerning paternity parentage. For a birth which
7occurs en route to or at a hospital, the filing party shall give the mother person who
8gave birth
a copy of the pamphlet under s. 69.03 (14). If the child's parents are not
9married at the time of the child's birth, the filing party shall give the mother person
10who gave birth
a copy of the form prescribed by the state registrar under s. 69.15 (3)
11(b) 3. The filing party shall ensure that trained, designated hospital staff provide to
12the child's available parents oral information or an audio or video presentation and
13written information about the form and the significance and benefits of, and
14alternatives to, establishing paternity parentage, before the parents sign the form.
15The filing party shall also provide an opportunity to complete the form and have the
16form notarized in the hospital. If the mother person who gave birth provides a
17completed form to the filing party while she the person is a patient in the hospital
18and within 5 days after the birth, the filing party shall send the form directly to the
19state registrar. The department of children and families shall pay the filing party
20a financial incentive for correctly filing a form within 60 days after the child's birth.
AB484,155 21Section 155 . 69.14 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,62,222 69.14 (1) (e) Father's Other parent's name. 1. If the mother of person who gave
23birth to
a registrant under this section was married at any time from the conception
24to the birth of the registrant, the name of the husband spouse of the mother person
25who gave birth
shall be entered on the birth record as the a legal father parent of the

1registrant. The name of the father parent entered under this subdivision may not
2be changed except by a proceeding under ch. 48 or 767.
AB484,62,83 2. If the mother person who gave birth was not married at any time from the
4conception to the birth of a registrant under this section, no name of any alleged
5father parent of the registrant may be entered as the father a parent on the birth
6record except as provided under s. 69.15 (3). If under this subdivision the name of
7the father a parent of the registrant of a birth record is omitted from the record, no
8other information about the father parent may be entered on the record.
AB484,156 9Section 156 . 69.14 (1) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,62,1510 69.14 (1) (f) 1. a. Except as provided under subd. 1. b., if the mother of person
11who gave birth to
a registrant of a birth record under this section is married to the
12father of the registrant
at any time from the conception to the birth of the registrant,
13the given name and surname which that the mother and father parents of the
14registrant enter for the registrant on the birth record shall be the given name and
15surname filed and registered on the birth record.
AB484,62,2516 b. If the mother parents of a registrant of a birth record under this section is
17are married to the father of the registrant each other at any time from the conception
18to the birth of the registrant and the mother is are separated or divorced from the
19father of the registrant
at the time of birth, the given name and surname which that
20the parent of the registrant with actual custody enters for the registrant on the birth
21record shall be the given name and surname filed and registered on the birth record,
22except that if a court has granted legal custody of the registrant, the given name and
23surname which that the person with legal custody enters for the registrant on the
24birth record shall be the given name and surname filed and registered on the birth
1c. If the mother of person who gave birth to a registrant of a birth record under
2this section is not married to the father of the registrant at any time from the
3conception to the birth of the registrant, the given name and surname which that the
4mother of person who gave birth to the registrant enters for the registrant on the
5birth record shall be the given name and surname filed and registered on the birth
6record, except that if a court has granted legal custody of the registrant, the given
7name and surname which that the person with legal custody enters for the registrant
8on the birth record shall be the given name and surname filed and registered on the
9birth record.
AB484,157 10Section 157 . 69.14 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,63,1711 69.14 (1) (g) Birth by artificial insemination. If the registrant of a birth record
12under this section is born as a result of artificial insemination under the
13requirements of s. 891.40, the husband spouse of the woman person inseminated
14shall be considered the father a parent of the registrant on the birth record. If the
15registrant is born as a result of artificial insemination which does not satisfy the
16requirements of s. 891.40, the information about the father of the registrant shall be
17omitted from the registrant's birth record.
AB484,158 18Section 158 . 69.14 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,64,319 69.14 (1) (h) If the registrant of a birth record under this section is born to a
20surrogate mother, information about the surrogate mother shall be entered on the
21birth record and the information about the father a second parent shall be omitted
22from the birth record. If After a court determines parental rights over the registrant,
23the clerk of court shall report the court's determination to the state registrar on a
24form prescribed by the state registrar, along with the fee required under s. 69.22.
25Upon receipt of the report, the state registrar shall prepare and register a new birth

1record for the registrant under s. 69.15 (6) and send notice of the new record to the
2local registrar who filed the original record. Upon receipt of the notice, the local
3registrar shall destroy his or her copy of the replaced record.
AB484,159 4Section 159 . 69.14 (2) (b) 2. c. and d. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB484,64,65 69.14 (2) (b) 2. c. The full maiden birth name of the mother person who gave
AB484,64,107 d. The full birth name of the father other parent of the registrant, except that
8if the mother was parents were not married to each other at the time of conception
9or birth or between conception and birth of the registrant, the name of the father
10other parent may not be entered except as provided under s. 69.15 (3).
AB484,160 11Section 160 . 69.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,64,1612 69.15 (1) Birth record information changes. The state registrar may change
13information on a birth record registered in this state which was correct at the time
14the birth record was filed under a court or administrative order issued in this state,
15in another state or in Canada or under the valid order of a court of any federally
16recognized Indian tribe, band, or nation if all of the following occur:
AB484,64,1817 (a) The order provides for an adoption, name change, or name change with sex
18change or establishes paternity; and parentage.
AB484,64,2319 (b) A clerk of court or, for a paternity parentage action, a clerk of court or county
20child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), sends the state registrar a certified report
21of an order of a court in this state in the method prescribed by the state registrar or,
22in the case of any other order, the state registrar receives a certified copy of the order
23and the proper fee under s. 69.22.
AB484,161 24Section 161 . 69.15 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read: