NR 110.10(1)(1) Facilities plans for sewer projects. For sewer projects the facilities plan shall include the following information: NR 110.10(1)(a)(a) Description. A brief description of the project; including its geographic location and any necessary reference maps or exhibits. NR 110.10(1)(b)(b) Topography. A brief description of the topography of the general area with specific reference to the area serviced by the proposed sewer. NR 110.10(1)(c)(c) Soil investigations. A description of the extent of soil investigations, including information on rock likely to be encountered. In addition, that portion of the proposed sewer which is below high ground water level shall be indicated. NR 110.10(1)(d)(d) Flooding. A designation of any portion of the proposed sewer which is located within the floodway or floodplain as defined in ch. NR 116. All projects shall conform to the requirements of ch. NR 116. NR 110.10(1)(e)(e) Wetlands. A statement indicating whether the proposed sewer will pass through a wetlands area, and the approximate acreage of the wetland. NR 110.10(1)(f)(f) Population. Population growth rate (annual) based on the most recent data for the municipality. NR 110.10(1)(g)(g) Sewer service area. If the sewer project is tributary to a treatment plant for which a service area that has been delineated as a part of an approved areawide waste treatment management plan, indicate the location of the sewer on a map of the service area. NR 110.10(1)(h)(h) Downstream overflows. A description of the number and location of sanitary sewer overflow structures and a description of the occurrence of sanitary sewer overflow events at any location within the sewerage system. NR 110.10(1)(i)(i) Description of treatment facilities. A brief description of the type of treatment facility indicating the ability of the facility to handle the sewage of the proposed project during both wet and dry weather conditions. NR 110.10(1)(j)(j) Costs. A discussion of the estimated capital costs and where an entire sewerage system is being installed, the estimated annual cost to the user of the system. NR 110.10(1)(k)(k) Basis of design. The following data shall be provided for the proposed project: NR 110.10(1)(k)4.4. Per capita sewage contribution expressed as an average and maximum value, include basis for this determination. NR 110.10(1)(L)(L) Environmental analysis. The department may require the submittal of an environmental analysis meeting the requirements of s. NR 110.09 (3) for large or complex sewer projects, for those projects which are proposed to be constructed in environmentally sensitive areas, or for projects which involve significant public controversy. NR 110.10(2)(a)(a) Since the location and length of interceptors will influence growth, interceptor routes and staging of construction shall be planned carefully and shall be consistent with approved areawide waste treatment management plans, growth management plans and other environmental laws. NR 110.10(2)(b)(b) The staging period for interceptor construction and interceptor pipe sizes shall be cost-effective. A 20 year staging period shall be analyzed. Other staging periods, not to exceed 40 years, may also be evaluated. The cost-effectiveness analysis shall consider the following factors: