Note: This Section provides that, in a petition for review of a Tax Appeals
Commission decision, the prevailing parties before the commission are the named
respondents if the petitioner is the Department of Revenue.
SB803,142 4Section 142. Initial applicability.
SB803,27,75 (1) Hub facility exemption. The treatment of ss. 70.11 (42), 76.02 (1) and (4m),
676.025 (5), 76.04 (3), 76.31, and 78.55 (1) first applies to the property tax assessments
7as of January 1, 2020.
SB803,27,128 (2) Repealing obsolete references and updating references. The treatment
9of ss. 71.05 (22) (f) 1., 2., and 3., 71.07 (6) (am) 1., 1m., and 2. d., (8), and (9e) (a), (ac),
10(ad), (af), (ah), (aj) (intro.), (ap), (at), and (g) 2., 71.10 (4) (b) and (j), 71.15 (2), 71.22
11(11), 71.25 (14), 71.66 (2) (c) and (d), and 77.94 (1) and (2) first applies to taxable years
12beginning after December 31, 2018.
SB803,28,213 (3) Adding titles and repealing obsolete additions and subtractions. The
14treatment of ss. 71.05 (6) (a) 1. (title), 2. (title), 3. (title), 4., 5. (title), 6. (title), 7., 8.
15(title), 9., 10. (title), 12. (title), 13. (title), 14. (title), 15. (title), 16. (title), 17., 18. (title),
1620. (title), 21., 22., 23. (title), 24. (title), 25. (title), 26. (title), 27. (title), 28. (title), and
1729. (title) and (b) 1. (title), 2. (title), 3. (title), 3m. (title), 4. (title), 5. (title), 6. (title),
188. (title), 9. (title), 9m. (title), 10. (title), 12. (title), 13., 14., 17., 18., 19. (title), 20., 21.
19(title), 22. (title), 23. (title), 25. (title), 26. (title), 28. (title), 29. (title), 30. (title), 31.
20(title), 32. (title), 32m. (title), 33. (title), 34. (title), 35. (title), 36., 37., 38. (title), 39.,
2140., 41., 42. (title), 43. (title), 44., 45. (title), 46. (title), 47., 47m., 48. (title), 48m.
22(title), 49. (title), 50. (title), 51. (title), 52. (title), and 53. (title) and 71.07 (5) (a) 15.,

171.26 (2) (a) 10., and 71.85 (3) first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1,
SB803,143 3Section 143. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after
4publication, except as follows:
SB803,28,65 (1) Reimbursement for training. The treatment of s. 73.06 (1) takes effect on
6January 1 of the year following the year in which this subsection takes effect.
SB803,28,77 (End)