DCF 59.06(5)(d)(d) Children shall not be permitted to sleep in finished basement rooms unless provisions have been made for heating, ventilation and humidity control and there are 2 means of exit from the basement, at least one of which will open to the outside.
DCF 59.06(5)(e)(e) Children shall not be permitted to sleep in bedrooms above the second floor of a one or 2 family dwelling unless provisions have been made for heating and ventilation and there are at least 2 means of exit to grade level.
DCF 59.06(5)(f)(f) No child in shelter care shall be required to sleep in a bed with an adult.
DCF 59.06(5)(g)(g) No child in shelter care shall be permitted to share a bedroom with a child of the opposite sex.
DCF 59.06(5)(h)(h) No more than 4 children shall occupy any bedroom.
DCF 59.06(5)(i)(i) Children of the shelter care workers shall not be displaced and permitted to occupy sleeping quarters not acceptable for shelter care children except as indicated in other sections of these rules.
DCF 59.06(5)(j)(j) No child in shelter care shall be required to share a bedroom with a shelter care worker or a hold-over room attendant.
DCF 59.06(5)(k)(k) During sleeping hours a shelter care worker or relief help or, for a hold-over room, a hold-over room attendant, shall be within call of the child or children.
DCF 59.06(6)(6)Areas.
DCF 59.06(6)(a)(a) There shall be a quiet area in the home suitable for study, or simply being alone.
DCF 59.06(6)(b)(b) Space shall be provided where children may receive and talk with visitors privately.
DCF 59.06(7)(7)Dining area.
DCF 59.06(7)(a)(a) In family and small group shelter facilities, dining facilities shall be such as to permit all members of the household to sit down to meals together.
DCF 59.06(7)(b)(b) In large group shelter facilities dining facilities shall be provided with sufficient space and equipment to serve all the residents.
DCF 59.06(7)(c)(c) The unit supervisor of a hold-over room shall arrange for nutritious meals for the occupant or occupants held in a hold-over room over a meal period or when the occupant or occupants have not had the most recent meal, and shall provide the occupant or occupants a snack between lunch and supper and at night before the occupant or occupants go to sleep.
DCF 59.06(8)(8)Bathroom.
DCF 59.06(8)(a)(a) The facility shall contain one complete bathroom including stool, washbowl, and tub or shower, for each 8 individuals residing there.
DCF 59.06(8)(b)(b) Bathroom facilities shall be within the facility and within one floor of sleeping room occupied by children.
DCF 59.06(8)(c)(c) In large group shelter facilities separate bathroom facilities shall be provided for both sexes if the facility is co-educational.
DCF 59.06(8)(d)(d) A hold-over room shall have bathroom facilities available on the premises that are accessible at any time to a child placed in the hold-over room.
DCF 59.06(9)(9)Indoor recreation area. Indoor recreation equipment and space appropriate to the age and interest levels of children shall be provided.
DCF 59.06(10)(10)Furnishings.
DCF 59.06(10)(a)(a) The living area shall be adequately furnished and allow for free and informal use by the children.
DCF 59.06(10)(b)(b) Each child in shelter care shall be provided with a separate bed except that siblings of the same sex may share a double bed.
DCF 59.06(10)(c)(c) Each bed shall be of such size as to ensure comfort of the child, be in good condition, have a clean and comfortable mattress with waterproof covering when necessary, and be provided with a pillow, 2 sheets, bedspread and blankets adequate for the season.
DCF 59.06(10)(d)(d) All sheets and pillow cases shall be changed at least once a week, more often if necessary and when the bed is occupied by a new resident.
DCF 59.06(10)(e)(e) Triple decker bunks shall not be used.
DCF 59.06(10)(f)(f) An adequate supply of clean wash cloths, and bath towels shall be available to each child.
DCF 59.06(10)(g)(g) A hold-over room shall have a table. The hold-over room shall also have a chair for each occupant. Where necessary, comfortable sleeping accommodations shall be provided for each occupant.