PSC 185.33(9)(e)(e) Unless otherwise authorized by the commission the utility shall not waive any properly applied late payment charges; PSC 185.33(9)(f)(f) A late payment charge shall be applied only once to any given amount outstanding; PSC 185.33(9)(g)(g) If a customer disputes a bill for utility service and does not pay the disputed bill in full within 20 days following issuance of the bill, the late payment charge shall be applied only to that portion of the disputed bill later found to be correct and payable to the utility; PSC 185.33(9)(h)(h) Bills issued for utility service previously unbilled because of meter diversion or tampering with the proper metering of the account may include a late payment charge when issued. PSC 185.33(10)(10) If the utility is authorized to make monthly late payment charges, such charges shall comply with the following requirements: PSC 185.33(10)(a)(a) The amount of the charge shall be no more than one percent per month for late charges related to service provided for the utility’s residential class of customers, and shall be no more than one and one-half percent per month for late charges related to service provided for all other purposes. The amount of the charge shall be filed with and approved by the commission before it may be applied; PSC 185.33(10)(b)(b) The late payment charge shall be applied to the total unpaid balance for utility service including unpaid late payment charges; PSC 185.33(10)(c)(c) Except as provided in par. (h), the late payment charge shall be applied no sooner than 20 days after the date of issuance of the bill; PSC 185.33(10)(d)(d) The late payment charge shall be applied to all customer classes and rate classifications; PSC 185.33(10)(e)(e) If a customer disputes a bill for utility service and does not pay the disputed bill in full within 20 days following issuance of the bill, the late payment charge shall be applied only to that portion of the disputed bill later found to be correct and payable to the utility; PSC 185.33(10)(f)(f) The utility shall not waive any properly applied late payment charge; PSC 185.33(10)(g)(g) No additional late payment charge may be applied to a delinquent account for utility service after the date on which the delinquent account was written off by the utility as uncollectible; PSC 185.33(10)(h)(h) Bills issued for utility service that was previously unbilled because of meter diversion or tampering with the proper metering of the account may include a late payment charge when issued. The late payment charge may be applied from the estimated date that the diversion or tampering began. PSC 185.33(11)(11) If a utility changes the type of late payment charge, or initiates a late payment charge, the new charge shall apply only to utility service provided after the effective date of the change or initiation. PSC 185.33(12)(12) A delinquent amount including late payment charges covered by a deferred payment agreement shall not be subject to additional late payment charges if the customer meets the payment schedule including the current bill as required by the agreement. However, if a customer defaults on a deferred payment agreement, the amount remaining shall be subject to any applicable monthly late payment charge. PSC 185.33(13)(a)(a) If the billing period is longer or shorter than allowed by s. PSC 185.32, the bill shall be prorated on a daily basis unless other provision is made in the utility’s filed rules. PSC 185.33(13)(b)(b) The utility may leave a meter reading form when access to a meter cannot be gained. If requested by the customer, the utility shall provide such a form. If no form is left on the premises, or if the form is not returned in time to be processed in the billing cycle, a minimum or estimated bill may be rendered. In cases of emergency the utility may render minimum or estimated bills without reading meters or supplying meter reading forms to customers. Except in unusual cases, a meter reading by the customer or the utility shall be obtained after no more than 3 consecutive estimated or minimum bills have been rendered. PSC 185.33(13)(c)(c) When an actual meter reading indicates that a previous estimated bill was abnormally high or low, the utility shall calculate the bill for the entire period as if use of service was normally distributed throughout the period. The previous estimated charge shall be deducted from the recomputed total. If there is evidence to indicate that actual use was not uniform throughout the period, the billing shall be adjusted according to available information. PSC 185.33(14)(a)(a) Credits due a customer because of meter inaccuracies, errors in billing, or misapplication of rates shall be shown separately and identified. PSC 185.33(14)(b)(b) Adjustments to past bills rendered because of meter inaccuracies, errors in billing, or misapplication of rates shall be separated from the current regular billing and the charges explained in detail. PSC 185.33(15)(15) Each bill for service shall be computed at the proper filed rate. PSC 185.33(16)(16) A utility may offer a budget payment plan to residential customers. Any such plan shall conform to the guidelines set forth in pars. (a) through (g). PSC 185.33(16)(a)(a) A budget payment plan tariff shall be on file with the commission, applicable only to charges for utility services under commission jurisdiction. PSC 185.33(16)(b)(b) A budget payment plan may be established at any time of the year. The budget amount shall be calculated on the basis of the estimated consumption and estimated applicable rates. If the budget period is a fixed year, then prospective and existing customers requesting a budget payment plan after the start of the fixed year shall have their initial monthly budget amount determined on the basis of the number of months remaining in the current budget year. PSC 185.33(16)(c)(c) An applicant for a budget plan shall be informed at the time of application that budget amounts shall be reviewed and changed every 12 months, if necessary, in order to reflect current circumstances. Adjustments to the budget amount shall be made with the objective that the customer’s underbilled or overbilled balance at the end of the budget year shall be less than one month’s budget amount. PSC 185.33(16)(d)(d) Customers on the budget payment plan shall be notified of adjustments by means of a bill insert, a message printed on the bill itself, or both. The customer shall be adequately informed of the adjustment at the same time the bill containing the adjustment is rendered. PSC 185.33(16)(e)(e) Customers who have arrearages shall be allowed to establish a budget payment plan by signing a deferred payment agreement for the arrears, according to the provisions of s. PSC 185.38.