(1m) (b) Whoever intentionally points a firearm at or towards a law
25enforcement officer, a fire fighter, an emergency medical services practitioner, an
1emergency medical responder,
an individual with a privilege to practice, as defined
2in s. 256.60 (2) (L), an ambulance driver, or a commission warden who is acting in
3an official capacity and who the person knows or has reason to know is a law
4enforcement officer, a fire fighter, an emergency medical services practitioner, an
5emergency medical responder,
an individual with a privilege to practice, as defined
6in s. 256.60 (2) (L), an ambulance driver, or a commission warden is guilty of a Class
7H felony.
(1) (c) “Emergency medical personnel" means an emergency medical
10services practitioner licensed under s. 256.15, emergency medical responder
11certified under s. 256.15 (8),
an individual with a privilege to practice, as defined in
12s. 256.60 (2) (L), peace officer or fire fighter, or other person operating or staffing an
13ambulance or an authorized emergency vehicle.
(1) (b) “Public safety worker" means an emergency medical services
16practitioner licensed under s. 256.15, an emergency medical responder certified
17under s. 256.15 (8),
an individual with a privilege to practice, as defined in s. 256.60
18(2) (L), a peace officer, a fire fighter, or a person operating or staffing an ambulance.
(1) (b) Summons and makes contact with a law enforcement officer,
21ambulance, emergency medical services practitioner, as defined in s. 256.01 (5),
22individual with a privilege to practice, as defined in s. 256.60 (2) (L), or other health
23care provider, in order to assist another person if the other person is, or if a
24reasonable person would believe him or her to be, suffering from an overdose of, or
25other adverse reaction to, any controlled substance or controlled substance analog.
The treatment of s. 256.61 (3) takes effect on the day after publication.