ATCP 93.050(85)(85)“Pipe” or “piping” means a pressure-tight cylinder used to convey, transfer or move a fluid, and is ordinarily designated “pipe” in applicable material specifications. Materials designated as tube or tubing in the specifications are considered pipe when intended for pressure service. This term includes pipe emanating from or feeding storage tanks, or transferring product to or from storage tanks.
ATCP 93.050(85m)(85m)“Pipeline facilities,” including gathering lines, means new and existing pipe rights-of-way and any equipment, facilities, or buildings.
ATCP 93.050(86)(86)“Pipe system” or “piping system” means the primary piping, secondary containment, leak detection devices, tubing, including suction line drop tube, flanges, bolts, gaskets, valves, fittings, flexible connectors, the pressure-containing parts of other components such as expansion joints and strainers, and devices that serve such purposes as mixing, separating, distributing, metering, or controlling flow, and any core components which allow the piping system to function as intended and in accordance with the installation requirements.
ATCP 93.050 NoteNote: For a typical underground system, the pipe system would be from the point of connection at the tank to the connection to the dispenser, immediately downstream of the emergency shutoff valve.
ATCP 93.050(88)(88)“Place of employment” has the meaning given in s. 101.01 (11), Stats.
ATCP 93.050(89)(89)“Point-of-sale” or “POS” means a marketing or dispensing practice that accommodates a cash, credit card, key, personal identification number or similar dispenser-authorized transfer of fuel into a motor vehicle without the direct oversight, supervision or intervention of an employee of the fueling facility.
ATCP 93.050(90)(90)“Precision tightness testing” or “precision tightness test” means a procedure for testing the ability of a tank system to prevent a release of a regulated substance, that is capable of detecting a 0.1 gallon per hour leak rate with a probability of detection of 0.95 and a probability of false alarm of 0.05.
ATCP 93.050(91)(91)“Pressurized piping” means product piping that experiences product pressure above normal atmospheric pressure. Product pressure may be generated from a pump or static head of an aboveground storage tank.
ATCP 93.050(92)(92)“Pressurized system” or “remote pumping system” means a dispensing system where the pump is not located at, or is remote from, the dispenser.
ATCP 93.050(93)(93)“Product” means any regulated substance in a storage tank.
ATCP 93.050(94)(94)“Public access fueling” means the use of a facility by persons who are not employees of the facility to dispense fuel into vehicles, or to transfer fuel for resale into vehicles that are not owned or operated by the facility.
ATCP 93.050(95)(95)“Public building” has the meaning given in s. 101.01 (12), Stats.
ATCP 93.050(96)(96)“Public used-oil collection center” means any used-oil collection facility that allows an individual who is not an employee of the facility to transfer used oil from a portable container into a storage tank.
ATCP 93.050(97)(97)“Public way” means any public thoroughfare, sidewalk, dedicated alley, railroad, waterway or right-of-way. The point of measurement is from the engineered or natural borders of the vehicle or pedestrian traffic lanes.
ATCP 93.050(98)(98)“Readily accessible” means capable of being reached easily and quickly for operation, maintenance and inspection.
ATCP 93.050(99)(99)“Re-commission” means the process of returning a system, component or process to a code-complying, in-service condition.
ATCP 93.050(100)(100)“Recreational vehicle” means any self-propelled motor-driven vehicle that is used for moving people typically off-road, on land, snow, ice or water for sport or recreation, such as snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles.
ATCP 93.050(101)(101)“Red-tag” means a red tag secured to a component of a storage or dispensing system, which gives notice that the system or the product stored is under enforcement action for failure to comply with the requirements of either this chapter or ch. ATCP 94, and which prohibits operation of the system until the tag is removed by or under the direction of the authority having jurisdiction.
ATCP 93.050(102)(102)“Regulated substance” means any flammable or combustible liquid and any liquid that is a federally regulated hazardous substance as defined in s. 168.21, Stats.
ATCP 93.050 NoteNote: The definition of federally regulated hazardous substances in s. 168.21 (3), Stats., corresponds to the CERCLA List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities contained in 40 CFR 302.4, Table 302.4.
ATCP 93.050(103)(103)“Release” means any discharge, including spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, leaching, dumping or disposal of a regulated substance into groundwater, surface water or subsurface soils.
ATCP 93.050 NoteNote: See sub. (62) for a definition of “leak,” sub. (76) for a definition of “obvious release” and sub. (113) for a definition of “suspected release.”
ATCP 93.050(104)(104)“Release detection” means determining whether a discharge of a regulated substance has occurred from a storage tank system into the environment.
ATCP 93.050(105)(105)“Repair” means any work necessary to correct or restore a tank, pipe, spill prevention equipment, overfill prevention equipment, corrosion protection equipment, leak detection equipment, or other storage tank or dispensing system component that either has caused a suspected or obvious release or has failed to function properly.
ATCP 93.050(106)(106)“Residential watercraft fueling facility” means that portion of a 1- or 2-family residential property where liquid fuels are stored in or dispensed for non-retail purposes from fixed equipment on land into the fuel tanks of self-propelled watercraft, including all facilities used for the storage, dispensing, and handling of flammable and combustible liquids.
ATCP 93.050(107)(107)“Sacrificial anode system” means a method of corrosion protection that generates cathodic current from the galvanic corrosion of an expendable anode which is more electrochemically active than the structure being protected.
ATCP 93.050(108)(108)“Secondary containment” means an approved barrier installed around a storage tank system that is designed to prevent a leak from the primary tank or piping from contacting the surrounding earth or the waters of the state before the leak can be detected and cleaned up.
ATCP 93.050(109)(109)“Significant noncompliance” means the existence of one or more of the following:
ATCP 93.050(109)(a)(a) A violation that causes, or may cause, a substantial, continuing risk to public health or the environment.