ATCP 30.30(5)(5) “Coarse soil” means a surface soil containing soil texture classes sand, loamy sand or sandy loam. ATCP 30.30(6)(6) “Department” means the Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection. ATCP 30.30(8)(8) “Field moisture capacity” means the amount of water that can be held by soil, in the root zone of the crop being grown, against the force of gravity. ATCP 30.30(9)(9) “Flood plain” means a nearly level alluvial plain bordering a river and subject to flooding unless protected artificially. ATCP 30.30(12)(12) “Lower Wisconsin river valley” means the river terraces and flood plain on either side of the Wisconsin river, downstream of the state highway 60 bridge at Prairie du Sac, and upstream of the confluence of the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers. ATCP 30.30(13)(13) “Mixer-loader” means a person who mixes pesticide in or transfers pesticide into nurse tanks or application equipment. ATCP 30.30(17)(17) “Prohibition area” means an area in which atrazine product is prohibited under this subchapter. ATCP 30.30(18)(18) “Recharge zone” means the land area contributing recharge water to that portion of an aquifer supplying a well. ATCP 30.30(19)(19) “Rescue treatment” means an emergency application of atrazine with crop oil, made after crop emergence to control weeds which are reasonably likely to cause crop yield reduction, either because preplanting, preemergence, or planned postemergence application of herbicides failed to control weeds or because weather conditions prevented use of planned mechanical operations for weed control. ATCP 30.30(20)(20) “River terrace” means an old alluvial plain, ordinarily flat or undulating, bordering a river. ATCP 30.30(21)(21) “Root zone” means the mass of soil extending downward to the depth of the roots of the crop being grown. ATCP 30.30(22)(22) “Soil texture class” means the soil texture designations sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt, silt loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, and clay, as defined in Soil Taxonomy, Agriculture Handbook No. 436, pages 469 to 472 (U.S. department of agriculture soil conservation service: 1975). ATCP 30.30 NoteNote: A copy of relevant portions of Soil Taxonomy, Agriculture Handbook No. 436 may be inspected at the central offices of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the Legislative Reference Bureau. This volume is also commonly available in USDA soil conservation service offices throughout the state.
ATCP 30.30 NoteThe USDA soil conservation service has prepared soil surveys for most Wisconsin counties, which can be found at the following web address: Atrazine users may refer to these surveys to determine the surface soil texture in areas where they wish to apply atrazine. Atrazine users may also use reliable sampling and testing methods to determine soil texture. ATCP 30.30(23)(23) “Surface soil” means the soil ordinarily moved in tillage, or its equivalent in uncultivated soil, ranging in depth from 4 to 10 inches. ATCP 30.30 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, March, 1991, No. 423, eff. 4-1-91; renum. (19) to (22) to be (20) to (23), cr. (19), Register, March, 1992, No. 435, eff. 4-1-92; am. (12), Register, March, 1993, No. 447, eff. 4-1-93; renum. from ATCP 30.01, Register, May, 1998, No. 509, eff. 6-1-98; correction in (3) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats, Register, May, 1998, No. 509; CR 01-028: am. (17), Register September 2001 No. 549 eff. 10-1-01; CR 14-047: am. (11) Register May 2015 No. 713, eff. 6-1-15. ATCP 30.31ATCP 30.31 General restrictions and requirements for use of atrazine. ATCP 30.31(1)(1) Prohibition on non-crop uses. Atrazine product may only be used on agricultural crops. For purposes of this chapter, agricultural crops include forestry crops and tree plantations. No atrazine product may be used on non-crop application sites such as railroad, power line and road rights of way and industrial sites. ATCP 30.31(2)(2) Timing of application. No atrazine product may be applied to any site before April 1 or after July 31 in any year. ATCP 30.31(3)(3) Use of atrazine with irrigation. The following restrictions apply to the use of atrazine product with irrigation: ATCP 30.31(3)(b)(b) No person may apply irrigation water to any site to which atrazine product has been applied for a 2-year period following the application of atrazine product, unless the application of irrigation water is conducted in accordance with an irrigation management program that does not cause the field moisture capacity in the root zone of the soil being irrigated to be exceeded. ATCP 30.31(4)(4) Use and mixing-loading by certified applicators and mixer-loaders only.