ETF 20.17(3)(b)(b) Service in different categories of employment; Calculation of cost. In cases where the service to be reestablished was earned in more than one employment category, separate calculations shall be done for each period of service using the applicable statutory contribution rate under s. 40.05 (1) (a), Stats., as affected by s. 40.05 (1) (b), Stats., for each employment category. The department’s estimate to purchase service shall be calculated based on all the years and fractions of a year of forfeited service that are then available for purchase under s. 40.285 (2) (a), Stats., and this subsection, including the limits of s. 40.285 (2) (a) 1. a. and b., Stats., unless the applicant specifies a lesser amount. If the applicant so requests on the application received by the department, the final calculation of cost made after the application is received may include all years and fractions of a year of forfeited service eligible for purchase under s. 40.285 (2) (a), Stats., as of the date of application. ETF 20.17(3)(d)(d) Proration of multiple category service for payment shortfall. If the participant’s payment to purchase service forfeited by a separation benefit or withdrawal of employee or member contributions is less than the amount needed to purchase all of the forfeited service that the participant is eligible to buy, the department shall complete the purchase by reducing the service credit purchased to the prorated credit that can be purchased by the payment actually received. Within each category of employment, the payment received shall be applied first to purchase service credit eligible to be treated as pre-2000 service, as provided in s. ETF 20.19 (2) (d). If the participant has forfeited service based on employment in more than one category under s. 40.23 (2) (b), Stats., and the participant does not specify the service category or categories to which the payment is to be applied, the department shall use the following order of priority in determining to which category of service to apply the payment, until the amount paid is exhausted: ETF 20.17(4)(4) Purchase and crediting of other governmental service. ETF 20.17(4)(b)(b) Eligibility criteria. The department shall grant creditable service for other governmental service to participants who meet all of the following requirements: ETF 20.17(4)(b)1.1. On the date of application, the applicant is a participating employee with at least 3 continuous years of creditable service, as defined by s. ETF 10.01 (7), with no break in service between the three continuous years and the application date. ETF 20.17(4)(b)2.2. With respect to the other governmental service for which credit is to be purchased, the participant was the employee of a federal, state or local governmental entity. In this paragraph, notwithstanding s. 40.02 (26) and (28), Stats., the terms “employee” and “employer” have their common meanings. The term “employee” does not include an unpaid volunteer, an independent contractor, a person contracted to furnish more than his or her personal services, a patient or inmate of a hospital, home or institution who performs services therein, or anyone who did not receive salary, wages or other compensation for his or her services. Employment by a private or non–profit entity which received government moneys or which was under contract to provide services to or on behalf of a governmental entity does not constitute employment with a governmental entity. ETF 20.17(4)(b)3.3. The participant submits an application to the department with payment, on a form approved by the department. The applicant shall then have 90 days to complete the application process by submitting all of the following: ETF 20.17(4)(b)3.a.a. Evidence that the service was other governmental service and which meets the requirements of par. (c). The department’s determination as to the sufficiency of the documentation shall be subject to timely appeal to the employee trust funds board under ch. ETF 11. ETF 20.17(4)(b)3.b.b. A written certification by the employer for which the service was rendered that the service will not be used to establish entitlement to, or the amount of, any other pension or retirement benefit from a plan for federal, state or local government employees which is subject to sections 401 or 403 of the internal revenue code, except for a disability or OASDHI benefit or a benefit paid for service in the national guard and the reserves. If the participant is unable to obtain the employer’s certification through reasonable efforts, the department may accept the employee’s written statement in lieu of the employer’s certification, or contact the employer directly. If the employer does not have the information necessary to make this certification, the department may accept the employee’s written statement in lieu of the employer’s certification. ETF 20.17 NoteNote: If the federal, state or local governmental retirement or pension plan, like the Wisconsin retirement system, provides a benefit defined in part by service but also includes an alternative money-purchase benefit, then service under that plan is used to establish entitlement even if the particular individual received a benefit calculated without reference to years of service. The same is true for any plan with a vesting requirement.
ETF 20.17(4)(c)(c) Required evidence of service. A participant who proposes to purchase other governmental service shall provide to the department all of the following: ETF 20.17(4)(c)1.1. The correct name and current or latest address, and telephone number, if any, of the employer for which the service was rendered. ETF 20.17(4)(c)2.2. The dates of service for the other governmental employer, including the beginning and ending dates of each period of employment. ETF 20.17(4)(c)3.3. Evidence of whether the employment was considered full-time or part-time, and of the number of hours worked in each calendar year, sufficient to establish the amount of service which the participant is eligible to purchase. Full-time employment will be assumed to be 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week, absent a showing that the employer established a different standard. Years of service shall be calculated from hours of service rendered in the manner provided in s. ETF 10.03 (3). ETF 20.17(4)(c)4.4. Evidence that the employer was a federal, state, or local governmental entity in the United States. The department may rely on the determination of the social security administration as to whether an employer is a governmental entity. ETF 20.17(4)(c)5.5. Evidence that the participant was an employee of the governmental entity. ETF 20.17(4)(c)7.a.a. The service was not performed as an independent contractor or subject to a contract under which the employee furnished more than his or her personal services. ETF 20.17(4)(c)7.b.b. That the services were not performed as a student assistant, or as an employee-in-training or for a school or other educational institution where the employee was a student attending classes and performing services incidental to the course of study.