HT = Net heating value of the sample, MJ/scm; where the net enthalpy per mole of offgas is based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg, but the standard temperature for determining the volume corresponding to 1 mol is 20 °C
K = Constant, 1.74´10-7 (1/ppm) (g mol/scm) (MJ/kcal) where standard temperature for (g mol/scm) is 20°C
Ci = Concentration of sample component i in ppm on a wet basis, measured for organics by Method 18 in appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 and measured for hydrogen and carbon monoxide by ASTM D1946-82, both incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11
Hi = Net heat of combustion of sample component i, kcal/9 mol at 25°C and 760 mm Hg. The heats of combustion may be determined using ASTM D2382-83, incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11, if published values are not available or cannot be calculated
NR 664.1033(5)(c)(c) Determine the actual exit velocity of a flare by dividing the volumetric flow rate (in units of standard temperature and pressure), determined by Methods 2, 2A, 2C or 2D in appendix A of 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11, as appropriate, by the unobstructed (free) cross-sectional area of the flare tip.
NR 664.1033(5)(d)(d) Determine the maximum allowed velocity in m/s, Vmax, for a flare complying with sub. (4) (d) 3. by the following equation:
28.8 = Constant
31.7 = Constant
HT = The net heating value determined in par. (b)
NR 664.1033(5)(e)(e) Determine the maximum allowed velocity in m/s, Vmax, for an air-assisted flare by the following equation:
8.706 = Constant
0.7084 = Constant
HT = The net heating value determined in par. (b)
NR 664.1033(6)(6)The owner or operator shall monitor and inspect each control device required to comply with this section to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the control device by implementing all of the following requirements:
NR 664.1033(6)(a)(a) Install, calibrate, maintain and operate according to the manufacturer’s specifications a flow indicator that provides a record of vent stream flow from each affected process vent to the control device at least once every hour. Install the flow indicator sensor in the vent stream at the nearest feasible point to the control device inlet, but before the point at which the vent streams are combined.
NR 664.1033(6)(b)(b) Install, calibrate, maintain and operate according to the manufacturer’s specifications a device to continuously monitor control device operation according to one of the following:
NR 664.1033(6)(b)1.1. For a thermal vapor incinerator, a temperature monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder. The device shall have an accuracy of ±1% of the temperature being monitored in °C or ±0.5°C, whichever is greater. Install the temperature sensor at a location in the combustion chamber downstream of the combustion zone.
NR 664.1033(6)(b)2.2. For a catalytic vapor incinerator, a temperature monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder. The device shall be capable of monitoring temperature at 2 locations and have an accuracy of ±1% of the temperature being monitored in °C or ±0.5°C, whichever is greater. Install one temperature sensor in the vent stream at the nearest feasible point to the catalyst bed inlet and install a second temperature sensor in the vent stream at the nearest feasible point to the catalyst bed outlet.
NR 664.1033(6)(b)3.3. For a flare, a heat sensing monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder that indicates the continuous ignition of the pilot flame.
NR 664.1033(6)(b)4.4. For a boiler or process heater having a design heat input capacity less than 44 MW, a temperature monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder. The device shall have an accuracy of ±1% of the temperature being monitored in °C or ±0.5°C, whichever is greater. Install the temperature sensor at a location in the furnace downstream of the combustion zone.
NR 664.1033(6)(b)5.5. For a boiler or process heater having a design heat input capacity greater than or equal to 44 MW, a monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder to measure a parameter or parameters that indicates good combustion operating practices are being used.
NR 664.1033(6)(b)6.6. For a condenser, any of the following:
NR 664.1033(6)(b)6.a.a. A monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder to measure the concentration level of the organic compounds in the exhaust vent stream from the condenser.