10(3) By June 30, 2022, and biennially by June 30 thereafter, the joint committee
11on finance shall determine the amount appropriated under s. 20.255 (2) (ac) in the
12following school year.”.
(2) (a) 1. “Additional general aid" means the amount determined by
17calculating the percentage of a school district's shared costs that would be paid under
18s. 121.08 if its membership included each pupil who is a resident of the school district
19or is attending the school district under s. 118.51 and solely enrolled in a special
20education program provided by
a the county children with disabilities education
that includes the school district in its program under s. 115.817 (2) and the
22school district's shared costs were increased by the costs of the county children with
23disabilities education board program for all pupils participating in the county
24children with disabilities education board program who are residents of the school
or attending the school district under s. 118.51, and multiplying the costs of
2the county children with disabilities education board program by that percentage.”.
Section 356m. 121.15 (1m) (a) (intro.) and 3. of the statutes are consolidated,
5renumbered 121.15 (1m) (a) and amended to read:
(1m) (a) Notwithstanding subs. (1) and (1g),
a portion of state aid to
7school districts shall be distributed as follows: 3. Beginning
beginning in the
81999-2000 school year
and ending in the 2020-21 school year, annually the state
pay distribute a portion of state aid to school districts by paying to school
10districts, from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ac), $75,000,000 on the 4th
11Monday in July of the following school year.”.
(2) (a) 4. For each pupil so transported whose residence is more than
1612 miles from the school attended,
$300 $365 per school year in the
2016-17 2020-21 17school year and
$365 $375 per school year thereafter.
(4) State aid for summer class transportation. Annually on or before
20October 1 of the year in which transportation is provided under s. 118.50 (3) (b) or
21121.54 (4), or under s. 121.54 (10) if the transportation is provided by the nonresident
22school district that a pupil attends under s. 118.51 or 121.84 (4), the school district
23clerk shall file with the department a report, containing such information as the
24department requires, on transportation provided by the school board to and from
1summer classes. Upon receipt of such report and if the summer classes meet the
2requirements of s. 121.14 (1) (a) 1. or 2., state aid shall be paid for such
3transportation. A school district
which that provides such transportation shall be
4paid state aid for such transportation at the rate of $10 per pupil transported to and
5from public school whose residence is at least 2 miles and not more than 5 miles by
6the nearest traveled route from the public school attended, and $20 per pupil
7transported to and from public school whose residence is more than 5 miles by the
8nearest traveled route from the public school attended
, if the pupil is transported 30
9days or more. The state aid shall be reduced proportionately if the pupil is
10transported less than 30 days.”.
(2) (intro.) Annually the department shall
, subject to sub. (3), pay to
14each eligible school district the amount determined as follows:”.
Section 360e. 121.59 (2m) (a) (intro.), 1. and 2. of the statutes are renumbered
17121.59 (2m) (intro.), (am) and (bm), and 121.59 (2m) (intro.) and (bm), as
18renumbered, are amended to read:
(2m) (intro.)
Beginning in the 2017-18 school year and in any school
20year thereafter, if a If an eligible school district was eligible to receive aid under sub.
21(2) in the immediately preceding school year but is ineligible to receive aid in the
22current school year because the number under sub. (2) (d) is not a positive number,
23the state superintendent shall, subject to
par. (b)
sub. (3), pay to that
eligible school
24district the amount determined as follows:
1(bm) Multiply the amount under
subd. 1.
par. (am) by 0.5.
(3) Aid under this section
shall be is paid from the appropriation under
5s. 20.255 (2) (cq).
If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cq) is insufficient to pay
6the full amount of aid under subs. (2) and (2m), the state superintendent shall
7prorate the payments among the eligible school districts entitled to receive aid under
8this section.”.
(1) (h) In determining a school district's revenue limit for the 2021-22,
122022-23, and 2023-24 school years, the number of pupils enrolled in the school
13district in the 2020-21 school year is the sum of the following:
1. The greater of the following:
a. Forty percent of the summer enrollment in the 2019-20 school year.
b. Forty percent of the summer enrollment in the 2020-21 school year.
2. The greater of the following: