Adult child of deceased adoptee: access to adoptee’s original birth certificate and information about birth parents; conditions specified - Act 150
Changing name of child under 14 years old allowed if a parent is convicted of certain homicide or sex offenses - Act 182
Marriage documentation and marriage ceremony changes - Act 84
voter registrationVoter registration, see Elections — Registration
CESA employees may request wage payments over a 12-month period - Act 144
Counting tips of tipped employees: DWD to promulgate rules re employer use of electronic signature to acknowledge gratuities - Act 26
wage _ minimumWage — Minimum
Counting tips of tipped employees: DWD to promulgate rules re employer use of electronic signature to acknowledge gratuities - Act 26
Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes [vetoed] - SB703
wage _ paymentWage — Payment
Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes [vetoed] - SB703
wardWard, see Guardian and ward
warrantWarrant, see Search warrant
warrantyWarranty, see Motor vehicle — Dealers and finance companies
warren knowles_gaylord nelson stewardship programWarren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship Program, see Natural resource
washington countyWashington County
Electronics recycling waste cleanup in certain counties - Act 234
wasteWaste, see Solid waste management
wastewaterWastewater, see Sanitation and sewerage management
water _ pollutionWater — Pollution
Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Loan programs: application process changes - Act 112
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program funding limit from the environmental improvement fund [Sec. 367] - Act 58
Clean Water Fund Program appropriation language revised [Sec. 53] - Act 58
Lead service line replacement, urban nonpoint source program, rural nonpoint source program, well compensation grant program, and grants for well testing and public education: allocating certain federal moneys to [vetoed] - AB243
Nekoosa storm water project appropriation, sunset provision [Sec. 49, 50, 9432 (4)] - Act 58
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects: additional public debt [Sec. 98] - Act 58
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes re collection of special charges, liens, written guarantee, and consent of all mortgage holders; loan may be used for electric vehicle infrastructure, storm water control measures, and energy reliability improvements - Act 175