We can only raise your premium if we raise the premium for all policies like yours in this state. [Include information specifying when premiums will change.]
If your policy was issued as an under age 65 policy due to disability, when you turn 65 premiums will remain at the disabled rates. [Include this statement within premium information when issuer does not change premium to age 65 rate.]
Use this outline to compare benefits and premiums among policies.
This is only an outline describing your policy’s most important features. The policy is your insurance contract. You must read the policy itself to understand all of the rights and duties of both you and your insurance company.
If you find that you are not satisfied with your policy, you may return it to (insert issuer’s address). If you send the policy back to us within 30 days after you receive it, we will treat the policy as if it had never been issued and return all your payments directly to you.
If you are replacing another health insurance policy, do NOT cancel it until you have actually received your new policy and are sure you want to keep it.
This policy may not fully cover all of your medical costs.
(1) The outline of coverage for a Medicare cost policy as described in s. 600.03 (28p) a. and c., Stats., shall contain the following language: Medicare cost policy: This policy provides basic Medicare hospital and physician benefits. It also includes benefits beyond those provided by Medicare. This policy is a replacement for Medicare and is subject to certain limitations in choice of providers and area of service. The policy does not provide benefits for custodial care such as help in walking, getting in and out of bed, eating, dressing, bathing, and taking medicine.
(2) (a) In 24–point type: For Medicare supplement policies marketed by intermediaries:
Neither (insert company’s name) nor its agents are connected with Medicare.
(b) In 24–point type: For Medicare supplement and Medicare select policies marketed by direct response:
(insert company’s name) is not connected with Medicare.
(c) For Medicare cost policies as described in s. 600.03 (28p) a. and c., Stats.:
(insert company’s name) has contracted with Medicare to provide Medicare benefits. Except for emergency care anywhere or urgently needed care when you are temporarily out of the service area, all services, including all Medicare services, must be provided or authorized by (insert company’s name).
(3) (a) For Medicare supplement policies, provide a brief summary of the major benefits and gaps in Medicare Parts A and B with a parallel description of supplemental benefits, including dollar amounts, as outlined in these charts.
(b) For Medicare cost policies, as described in s. 600.03 (28p) a. and c., Stats., provide a brief summary of both the basic Medicare benefits in the policy and additional benefits using the basic format as outlined in these charts and modified to accurately reflect the benefits.
(c) If the coverage is provided by a health maintenance organization as defined in s. 609.01 (2), Stats., provide a brief summary of the coverage for emergency care anywhere and urgent care received outside the service area if this care is treated differently than other covered benefits.
(4) If the plan is a Medicare Supplement High Deductible Plan as described in sub. (5) (n) or (o), add the following text in a bold or contrasting color: You will pay [half (for plans described in sub. (5) (n))] [one quarter (for plans described in sub. (5) (o))] of the cost-sharing of some covered services until you reach the annual out-of-pocket maximum of [$4,000 (for plans described in sub. (5) (n))] [$2,000 (for plan described in sub. (5) (o))] each calendar year. The amounts you must pay are noted in the chart below. Once you reach the annual limit, the plan pays for 100% for the items or services noted in the chart.
The following information shall be inserted AFTER the specific plan type, Medicare supplement, Medicare supplement cost-sharing, Medicare cost, or Medicare select outline of coverage that is provided to all insureds. The information shall include the information specific to the plan type.
(5) All limitations and exclusions, including each of the following, must be listed under the caption “LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS” if benefits are not provided:
(a) Nursing home care costs beyond what is covered by Medicare and the additional 30–day skilled nursing mandated by s. 632.895 (3), Stats.
(b) Home health care above the number of visits covered by Medicare and the 365 visits mandated by s. 632.895 (2), Stats. [For Medicare select policies only.]
(c) Physician charges above Medicare’s approved charge.
(d) Outpatient prescription drugs.