Dentists authorized to administer flu and COVID-19 vaccines [vetoed] - AB1
Discrimination by governmental entity against person’s COVID-19 vaccination status prohibited [vetoed] - AB316
Hospitals providing nursing-facility-level custodial care and outpatient services: DHS to provide certain payment under MA; expiration and COVID-19 vaccine provisions [vetoed] - AB1
Immunization-related mail: government entities, schools, health care providers, and childcare centers required to ensure mail is sealed and no information is visible on the outside - Act 81
Intentional destruction of a vaccine or drug rendering it ineffective or unusable made a felony - Act 120
Natural COVID-19 immunity in lieu of vaccination or testing as condition of continued employment: employer required to accept; documentation and discrimination provisions [vetoed] - AB675
Pharmacy students authorized to administer vaccines under supervision [vetoed] - AB1
Pharmacy technicians authorized to administer vaccines and specified drugs for adverse reactions; any health care provider authorized to administer vaccines may supervise pharmacy students administering vaccines; use of title “pharmacist” provision - Act 3
Proof of coronavirus vaccination as condition for transacting business or receiving any services prohibited [vetoed] - AB299
Restrictive covenants in employment and agency relationships: termination for not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine or disclosing vaccination status is considered an unreasonable restraint [vetoed] - SB708
SeniorCare coverage of vaccinations re 2019 WisAct 185 required regardless of federal waiver [vetoed] - AB1
“Veteran” definition for state employment relations law to include persons discharged who chose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine [vetoed] - SB707
vehicleVehicle, see Motor vehicle, and its subheadings; Motorcycle; Recreation vehicle; Snowmobile
vendor or vendor serviceVendor or vendor service, see Personal property
venueVenue, see Court — Procedure
Authorized State Building Program for 2021-23 amended re construction of additional columbarium units at the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Act 229
Hire Heroes program eligibility modified [Sec. 339] - Act 58
Hmong-Lao Veterans Day created and May 14 designated as - Act 31
Purple Heart Memorial Highways: STH 21 designated as; contributions from interested parties provision - Act 91
Purple Heart Reservation signs: Oneida Nation my erect in highway right-of-way - Act 202
Talent attraction and retention initiatives: allocation of federal moneys to focus on veterans [vetoed] - AB888
“Veteran” definition for state employment relations law to include persons discharged who chose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine [vetoed] - SB707
veteran _ hospitals and homeVeteran — Hospitals and home
DVA expenditures and grants re response to state of emergency at veterans home and U.S.S. Wisconsin support [Sec. 76, 77, 181, 183, 9148 (1), 9348 (1)] - Act 58
veteran _ organizationVeteran — Organization
DVA expenditures and grants re response to state of emergency at veterans home and U.S.S. Wisconsin support [Sec. 76, 77, 181, 183, 9148 (1), 9348 (1)] - Act 58
License to conduct a 50/50 raffle not required for qualified organizations - Act 106
veteran _ reliefVeteran — Relief