SB268-SA2,31,1414 5. The licensee or permittee discloses all restricted investors to the division.
SB268-SA2,31,2115 6. Each restricted investor executes an affidavit, on a form prescribed by the
16division, swearing to a complete lack of involvement in the day-to-day operations
17of, and lack of control over, the licensee or permittee beyond the restricted investor's
18ability to vote as an owner. If the restricted investor is a restricted entity, the
19affidavit shall be executed on behalf of the restricted entity by an individual who is
20an officer or director of the restricted entity or who otherwise has management
21authority over the restricted entity.
SB268-SA2,31,2422 (b) A licensee or permittee, or a restricted individual of a licensee or permittee,
23may enter into a landlord­tenant relationship with another licensee or permittee
24operating in a different tier if all of the following are satisfied:
11. The lease or rental agreement explicitly states that the landlord has no
2control over or day-to-day involvement in the business of the tenant.
SB268-SA2,32,33 2. No control or involvement in the business of the tenant by the landlord exists.
SB268-SA2,32,64 3. The landlord and tenant maintain compliance with ss. 125.33 and 125.69,
5as applicable and subject to s. 125.33 (2) (hr), and this requirement is set forth in the
6lease or rental agreement.
SB268-SA2,32,87 4. The lease or rental agreement is in writing and disclosed to the division for
SB268-SA2,32,109 (c) Notwithstanding subs. (2) to (4), a spouse may have an interest in the license
10or permit of the other spouse if all of the following are satisfied:
SB268-SA2,32,1211 1. The marriage is governed by a valid marital property agreement or
12prenuptial agreement.
SB268-SA2,32,1413 2. The marital property agreement or prenuptial agreement was disclosed on
14any license or permit application.
SB268-SA2,32,1615 3. A copy of the marital property agreement or prenuptial agreement is
16provided to the municipal clerk or division prior to issuance of the license or permit.
SB268-SA2,32,1917 4. Both spouses execute an affidavit, on a form prescribed by the division,
18swearing to a complete lack of involvement in the day-to-day operations of, and lack
19of control over, each respective business.
SB268-SA2,32,2120 (d) For purposes of subs. (2) to (4), employment in a nonmanagerial capacity
21for a licensee or permittee is not an interest in the licensee or permittee.
SB268-SA2,26ao 22Section 26ao. 125.20 (5) (c) and (d) of the statutes, as created by 2023
23Wisconsin Act .... (this act), are amended to read:
SB268-SA2,33,324 125.20 (5) (c) To the extent there is a conflict between any provision of subs. (2)
25to (4) and any provision of ss. 125.24 (3), 125.25 (2) (b), 125.26 (2) (b), 125.27 (7),

1125.28 (2) (b), 125.29 (2) (a), 125.295 (2) (a) 6., 125.30 (3) (c), and 125.69 (1), the
2provisions of ss. 125.24 (3), 125.25 (2) (b), 125.26 (2) (b), 125.27 (7), 125.28 (2) (b),
3125.29 (2) (a), 125.295 (2) (a) 6., 125.30 (3) (c), and 125.69 (1) are controlling.
SB268-SA2,33,94 (d) If a license or permit may not be issued to a person under s. 125.24 (3),
5125.25 (2) (b), 125.26 (2) (b), 125.27 (7), 125.28 (2) (b), 125.29 (2) (a), 125.295 (2) (a)
66., 125.30 (3) (c), or 125.69 (1), the person may not acquire an interest prohibited
7under s. 125.24 (3), 125.25 (2) (b), 125.26 (2) (b), 125.27 (7), 125.28 (2) (b), 125.29 (2)
8(a), 125.295 (2) (a) 6., 125.30 (3) (c), or 125.69 (1) after the license or permit has been
SB268-SA2,26ap 10Section 26ap. 125.21 of the statutes is created to read:
SB268-SA2,33,11 11125.21 Production agreements. (1) Definitions. In this section:
SB268-SA2,33,1412 (a) “Alternating proprietorship" means an arrangement in which a host
13producer provides use of space and equipment, and may additionally provide
14personnel, to a guest producer for the production of alcohol beverages.
SB268-SA2,33,1715 (b) “Bottling” means placing alcohol beverages into sealed finished packages,
16including cans, bottles, boxes, bags, kegs, barrels, or any other packaging of finished
17products. When “bottle” is used as a verb, it has the same meaning as “bottling.”
SB268-SA2,33,2018 (c) “Contract producer" means a producer who directly manufactures, bottles,
19or labels alcohol beverages as an agent of a recipe producer or out-of-state recipe
SB268-SA2,33,2421 (d) “Contract production" means a contract, agreement, or business
22arrangement described in sub. (3) (b) whereby a recipe producer or out-of-state
23recipe supplier provides consideration to a contract producer for the production,
24bottling, or labeling of alcohol beverages.
1(e) “Guest producer" means a producer who enters into a contract, agreement,
2or business arrangement with a host producer whereby the producer has use of the
3host producer's premises and equipment, and may have use of the host producer's
4personnel, for the production of the guest producer's alcohol beverages.
SB268-SA2,34,85 (f) “Host producer" means a producer who enters into a contract, agreement,
6or business arrangement with a guest producer whereby the guest producer has use
7of the producer's premises and equipment, and may have use of the producer's
8personnel, for the production of the guest producer's alcohol beverages.
SB268-SA2,34,119 (g) “Licensing agreement" means an agreement between a licensor and a
10producer for the production of alcohol beverages containing the name, symbol, or
11mark of the licensor.
SB268-SA2,34,1312 (h) “Out-of-state recipe supplier” means a person to whom all of the following
SB268-SA2,34,1514 1. The person is located in another state and produces alcohol beverages in that
SB268-SA2,34,1716 2. The person does not hold a permit under this chapter, other than a permit
17issued under s. 125.30, 125.535, or 125.58.
SB268-SA2,34,2018 3. The person purchases alcohol beverages from a producer that are
19manufactured consistently with a recipe provided by the person or are bottled or
20labeled for the person.