SB70-SSA2-SA5,36,1815 20.155 (1) (gg) High-voltage transmission line annual impact fee distributions.
16All moneys received from the payment of fees under the rules promulgated under s.
1716.969 196.492 (2) (a) for distributions to towns, villages and cities under s. 16.969
18196.492 (3) (a).
SB70-SSA2-SA5,56 19Section 56. 20.505 (1) (gs) of the statutes is renumbered 20.155 (1) (gr) and
20amended to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,36,2421 20.155 (1) (gr) High-voltage transmission line environmental impact fee
All moneys received from the payment of fees under the rules
23promulgated under s. 16.969 196.492 (2) (b) for distributions to counties, towns,
24villages and cities under s. 16.969 196.492 (3) (b).
SB70-SSA2-SA5,57 25Section 57. 196.491 (3g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1196.491 (3g) (a) A person who receives a certificate of public convenience and
2necessity for a high-voltage transmission line that is designed for operation at a
3nominal voltage of 345 kilovolts or more under sub. (3) shall pay the department of
commission an annual impact fee as specified in the rules
5promulgated by the department of administration commission under s. 16.969
6196.492 (2) (a) and shall pay the department of administration commission a
7one-time environmental impact fee as specified in the rules promulgated by the
8department of administration commission under s. 16.969 196.492 (2) (b).
SB70-SSA2-SA5,9101 9Section 9101. Nonstatutory provisions; Administration.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,37,1010 (1) Transfer of high-voltage transmission line fees.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,37,1311 (a) Definition. In this subsection, “fees” means the annual impact and onetime
12environmental impact fees required to be paid under the rules promulgated under
13s. 16.969 (2) (a), 2021 stats., and s. 16.969 (2) (b), 2021 stats.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,37,1714 (b) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, the assets and
15liabilities of the department of administration primarily relating to the fees, as
16determined by the secretary of administration, become the assets and liabilities of
17the public service commission.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,37,2118 (c) Employee transfers. On the effective date of this paragraph, all positions,
19and the incumbent employees holding those positions, in the department of
20administration primarily related to the fees, as determined by the secretary of
21administration, are transferred to the public service commission.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,38,222 (d) Employee status. Employees transferred under par. (c ) have all the rights
23and the same status under ch. 230 in the public service commission that they enjoyed
24in the department of administration immediately before the transfer.

1Notwithstanding s. 230.28 (4), no employee so transferred who has attained
2permanent status in class is required to serve a probationary period.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,38,63 (e) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
4tangible personal property, including records, of the department of administration
5primarily relating to the fees, as determined by the secretary of administration, is
6transferred to the public service commission.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,38,127 (f) Contracts. All contracts entered into by the department of administration
8primarily relating to the fees, as determined by the secretary of administration, in
9effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect and are transferred to
10the public service commission. The public service commission shall carry out any
11obligations under those contracts unless modified or rescinded to the extent allowed
12under the contract.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,38,1913 (g) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated by the department of
14administration in effect on the effective date of this paragraph that are primarily
15related to the fees remain in effect until their specified expiration dates or until
16amended or repealed by the public service commission. All orders issued by the
17department of administration in effect on the effective date of this paragraph that
18are primarily related to the fees remain in effect until their specified expiration dates
19or until modified or rescinded by the public service commission.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,38,2520 (h) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the department of
21administration on the effective date of this paragraph that is primarily related to the
22fees, as determined by the secretary of administration, is transferred to the public
23service commission. All materials submitted to or actions taken by the department
24of administration with respect to the pending matter are considered as having been
25submitted to or taken by the public service commission.”.
199. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,2 2 Section 58. 20.370 (1) (ed) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,53 20.370 (1) (ed) Parks - admission receipt fee waivers. From the general fund,
4a sum sufficient equal to the amount of the annual vehicle admission receipt fees
5waived under s. 27.01 (9) (bg), for the operation of state parks.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,59 6Section 59. 27.01 (9) (bg) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,77 27.01 (9) (bg) Annual 4th grade pass. 1. In this paragraph:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,108 a. “Fourth grade pupil” means a child receiving a 4th grade level of instruction
9in a school or a home-based private educational program, as defined in s. 115.001
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,1111 b. “Guardian” has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (8).
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,1212 c. “Parent” has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (13).
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,1913 2. The parent or guardian of a child may apply for an annual vehicle admission
14receipt fee waiver by submitting an application to the department. An application
15may not be submitted to a regional office of the department or to a person who is
16subject to an appointment or a contract as authorized under s. 29.024 (6) (a) 2. to 4.
17but must be submitted directly to the main office of the department. An application
18shall be submitted on a form provided by the department and shall include all of the
19following information:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,2020 a. The child's name.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,2121 b. The child's date of birth.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39,2422 c. The name of the school the child is or will be attending or a certification that
23the child is in a home-based private educational program, as defined in s. 115.001
1d. A certification that the child is, was, or will be a 4th grade pupil on the first
2day of January of the calendar year for which the waiver is issued. This certification
3may be satisfied with dated report cards, dated and signed enrollment forms, a dated
4letter from the child's school on official letterhead, or any other proof deemed
5acceptable by the department.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,40,86 3. Subject to subd. 4., the department shall provide to an individual whose
7application submitted under subd. 2. is approved an annual vehicle admission
8receipt fee waiver that is valid for the calendar year in which the waiver is issued.