2Section 18
. 111.34 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (b)
Refusing Subject to sub. (3), refusing to reasonably accommodate
4an employee's or prospective employee's disability unless the employer can
5demonstrate that the accommodation would pose a hardship on the employer's
6program, enterprise or business.
7Section 19
. 111.34 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) Notwithstanding s. 111.322, this subchapter does not apply to any
9act of an employer based upon an individual's use of medical marijuana.
10Section 20
. Subchapter IV of chapter 139 [precedes 139.97] of the statutes is
11created to read:
chapter 139
subchapter Iv
medical marijuana tax
15139.97 Definitions. In this subchapter:
16(1) “Commission” means the medical marijuana regulatory commission.
17(2) “Department” means the department of revenue.
18(3) “Dispensary” has the meaning given in s. 73.17 (1) (c).
19(4) “Marijuana" has the meaning given in s. 961.01 (14).
20(5) “Medical marijuana" has the meaning given in s. 73.18 (1) (e).
21(6) “Processor" has the meaning given in s. 73.17 (1) (h).
22(7) “Producer” has the meaning given in s. 73.17 (1) (i).
23139.971 Medical marijuana tax.
(1) An excise tax is imposed on a processor
24at the rate of 10 percent of the sales price on each wholesale sale in this state of
25medical marijuana to a dispensary.
1(2) Each person liable for the taxes imposed under sub. (1) shall pay the taxes
2to the commission no later than the 15th day of the month following the month in
3which the person's tax liability is incurred and shall include with the payment a
4return on a form prescribed by the commission. The commission shall deposit all
5taxes collected under this section into the medical marijuana fund.
6(3) The commission may increase or decrease the rate under sub. (1) by
7submitting a request to the joint committee on finance. A request made under this
8subsection may not propose to increase or decrease the rate by more than a 5 percent
9increment. In addition to the proposed rate, the commission shall include in its
10request its rationale for the proposed rate, the impact that the proposed rate may
11have on the regulation of medical marijuana, and the first date on which the
12proposed rate would apply. If the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance
13do not notify the commission that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the
14purpose of reviewing the request within 30 working days after the date of the
15submission, the commission may implement the proposal. If within 30 working days
16after the date of the submission, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the
17commission that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing
18the request, the commission may implement the proposal only upon approval of the
20139.972 Records and reports. (1) Every producer and processor shall keep
21accurate and complete records of its production and sales of marijuana and medical
22marijuana in this state. The records shall be kept on the premises described in its
23license application under s. 73.17 and in such manner as to ensure permanency and
24accessibility for inspection at reasonable hours by the authorized personnel of the
25commission or department. The commission shall prescribe reasonable and uniform
1methods of keeping records and making reports and shall provide the necessary
2forms to producers and processors.
3(2) If the commission determines that any records of a producer or processor
4are not kept in the prescribed form or are in such condition that the commission
5requires an unusual amount of time to determine from the records the amount of the
6tax due, the commission shall give notice to the producer or processor that it is
7required to revise its records and keep them in the prescribed form. If the producer
8or processor fails to comply within 30 days, it shall pay the expenses reasonably
9attributable to a proper examination and tax determination at the rate of $30 per day
10for each auditor used to make the examination and determination. The commission
11shall send a bill for such expenses, and the producer or processor shall pay the
12amount of such bill within 10 days.
13(3) If any producer or processor fails to file a report when due, it shall be
14required to pay a late filing fee of $10. A report that is mailed is filed on time if it is
15mailed in a properly addressed envelope with postage prepaid, the envelope is
16officially postmarked, or marked or recorded electronically as provided under section
177502 (f) (2) (C) of the Internal Revenue Code, on the date due, and the report is
18actually received by the commission or at the destination that the commission
19prescribes within 5 days of the due date. A report that is not mailed is timely if it
20is received on or before the due date by the commission or at the destination that the
21commission prescribes. For purposes of this subsection, “mailed" includes delivery
22by a delivery service designated under section
7502 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code.
23(4) Sections 71.78 (1), (1m), and (4) to (9) and 71.83 (2) (a) 3. and 3m., relating
24to confidentiality of income, franchise, and gift tax returns, apply to any information
25obtained from any producer or processor under this subchapter on a tax return,
1report, schedule, exhibit, or other document or from an audit report relating to any
2of those documents, except that the commission shall publish production and sales
4139.973 Administration and enforcement. (1) The commission, in
5consultation with the department, shall administer and enforce this subchapter and
6promulgate rules necessary to administer and enforce this subchapter.
7(2) The duly authorized employees of the commission and the department have
8all necessary police powers to prevent violations of this subchapter.
9(3) Authorized personnel of the commission, the department of justice, and the
10department of revenue, and any law enforcement officer, within their respective
11jurisdictions, may at all reasonable hours enter the premises of any producer or
12processor and examine the books and records to determine whether the tax imposed
13by this subchapter has been fully paid and may enter and inspect any premises
14where marijuana or medical marijuana is produced, processed, made, sold, or stored
15to determine whether the producer or processor is complying with this subchapter.
16(4) The commission may suspend or revoke the license of any producer or
17processor who violates s. 100.30, any provision of this subchapter, or any rules
18promulgated under sub. (1). The commission shall revoke the permit of any producer
19or processor who violates s. 100.30 3 or more times within a 5-year period.
20(5) No suit shall be maintained in any court to restrain or delay the collection
21or payment of the tax levied in s. 139.971. The aggrieved taxpayer shall pay the tax
22when due and, if paid under protest, may at any time within 90 days from the date
23of payment sue the state to recover the tax paid. If it is finally determined that any
24part of the tax was wrongfully collected, the secretary of administration shall pay the
25amount wrongfully collected out of the medical marijuana fund. A separate suit need
1not be filed for each separate payment made by any taxpayer, but a recovery may be
2had in one suit for as many payments as may have been made.
3(6) (a) Any person may be compelled to testify in regard to any violation of this
4subchapter of which the person may have knowledge, even though such testimony
5may tend to incriminate the person, upon being granted immunity from prosecution
6in connection with such testimony. Upon the giving of the testimony under this
7paragraph, the person shall not be prosecuted because of the violation relative to
8which the person has testified.