NR 105.06(6)(c)(c) If, for a commercially, recreationally or ecologically important species, the SMCV is lower than the calculated SCV, that SMCV shall be used as the SCV instead of the calculated SCV.
NR 105.06(6)(d)(d) If there is an FPV available using the procedure in s. NR 105.11 which is lower than the calculated SCV, that FPV shall be used as the SCV instead of the calculated SCV.
NR 105.06(7)(7)Secondary acute-chronic ratios.
NR 105.06(7)(a)(a) If a FACR cannot be calculated using the procedure in sub. (5) because SMACRs are not available for a fish, an invertebrate or an acutely sensitive freshwater species, a secondary acute-chronic ratio (SACR) may be calculated using the procedure in this subsection.
NR 105.06(7)(b)(b) The SACR shall be equal to the geometric mean of 3 acute-chronic ratios. Those ratios consist of the SMACRs available for the species in sub. (5) (c). When SMACRs are not available for the species in par. (a), the default acute-chronic ratio to be used is 18. Use of a SACR will result in the calculation of a secondary chronic value.
NR 105.06(8)(8)Chronic toxicity criteria expressed in the dissolved form. Chronic water quality criteria may be expressed as a dissolved concentration. The conversion of a chronic water quality criterion expressed as a total recoverable concentration to a chronic water quality criterion expressed as a dissolved concentration, the portion of the substance which will pass through a 0.45 um filter, shall be done using the equations in pars. (a) and (b). Substances which may have criteria expressed as a dissolved concentration are listed in par. (a) with corresponding conversion factors.
NR 105.06(8)(a)(a) The conversion of the water quality criterion expressed as total recoverable (WQCTotal R.) to the water quality criterion expressed as dissolved (WQCD) shall be performed as follows:
WQCD = (CF)(WQCTotal R.)
Where:   WQCTotal R.   =   Criteria from NR 105, Table 5 or 6.
  CF   =   Conversion factor for total recover-           able to dissolved.
Conversion factors are as follows:
Arsenic   1.000
Cadmium   0.850
Chromium (III)   0.860
Chromium (VI)   0.962
Copper   0.960
Lead   0.792
Mercury   0.85
Nickel   0.997
Selenium   0.922
Zinc   0.986
NR 105.06(8)(b)(b) The translation of the WQCD into the water quality criterion which accounts for site-specific conditions (WQCTRAN) shall be performed as follows:
WQCTRAN = (Translator)(WQCD)
Where:   Translator (unitless) = ((MP)(TSS) + MD)/MD
MP = Particle-bound concentration of the pollutant (ug/g) in receiving water.
MD = Dissolved concentration of the pollutant in receiving water (ug/L).
TSS = Total Suspended Solids (g/L) concentration in receiving water.
NR 105.06(8)(c)(c) The procedures in pars. (a) and (b) may also be used for the conversion of secondary values from total recoverable to dissolved.
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