SB70-SSA2-SA2,326,1817 973.015 (1m) (a) 3. c. A crime for which the maximum period of imprisonment
18is more than 6 years.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,326,2019 cg. A violation of s. 940.32 or 943.14 or, if the court noted in the record that the
20property damaged was a business, a violation of s. 943.01.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,326,2221 cr. A violation of a temporary restraining order or injunction issued under s.
22813.12 (3) or (4).
SB70-SSA2-SA2,326,2323 d. A violation of chs. 341 to 348.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,326,2524 4. The court may order at the time of sentencing that the record is ineligible
25for expungement.
1Section 713. 973.015 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,327,172 973.015 (1m) (b) A For purposes of par. (a), a person has successfully
3completed the sentence if the person has completed all periods of incarceration,
4parole, or extended supervision to which he or she was sentenced; the person has paid
5all fines, costs, fees, surcharges, and restitution assessed and has completed any
6court-ordered community service; the person
has not been convicted of a subsequent
7offense crime; and, if on probation was imposed, the probation has not been revoked
8and the probationer has satisfied the conditions of probation. Upon successful
9completion of the a sentence involving incarceration or probation, the detaining or
10probationary authority shall issue and forward to the court of record a certificate of
11discharge which shall be forwarded to the court of record and which shall have the
12effect of expunging the record
that indicates whether the person successfully
13completed his or her sentence. If the court has ordered the record expunged under
14par. (a) 1. a. or 2. and the person has successfully completed the sentence, the person's
15record shall be expunged as ordered
. If the person has been imprisoned incarcerated,
16the detaining authority shall also forward a copy of the certificate of discharge to the
SB70-SSA2-SA2,714 18Section 714. 973.015 (1m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,328,719 973.015 (1m) (c) Upon receipt of a petition under par. (a) 1. b., the district
20attorney shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the victim, as defined in s. 950.02
21(4), of the petition. In the notice, the district attorney shall inform the victim that
22he or she may waive the hearing requirement and that, if waived, the court may
23review the petition without a hearing. The district attorney shall inform the victim
24of the manner in which he or she may provide written statements concerning the
25petition and, if the victim does not waive the hearing requirement, that he or she may

1appear at the hearing. If the victim waives the hearing requirement, the district
2attorney may inform the court that there is no objection to waiving the hearing
3requirement. Notwithstanding the confidentiality of victim address information
4obtained under s. 302.113 (9g) (g) 3., a district attorney who is required to make a
5reasonable attempt to notify a victim under this paragraph may obtain from the clerk
6of the circuit court the victim address information that the victim provided to the
7clerk under s. 302.113 (9g) (g) 3.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,715 8Section 715. 973.015 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,328,129 973.015 (4) A record of a crime expunged under this section is not considered
10a conviction for employment purposes or for purposes of the issuance of a license, as
11defined in s. 111.32 (10), by a licensing agency, as defined in s. 111.32 (11). This
12subsection does not apply to the extent that its application conflicts with federal law.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,716 13Section 716. 973.25 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,328,1714 973.25 (1) (a) “Certificate of qualification for employment” means a certificate
15issued by the council on offender employment that provides an offender with relief
16from a collateral sanction, except that it does not provide relief from s. 48.685 (5m),
1750.065 (4m), or 111.335 (3) (a) (ar), (b), (c), or (e) or (4) (h) or (i).
SB70-SSA2-SA2,9351 18Section 9351. Initial applicability; Other.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,328,2319 (1ex) Expungement. The treatment of s. 973.015 (1m) (a) 3. a., c., cg., cr., and
20d. and 4., (b), and (c), the renumbering and amendment of s. 973.015 (1m) (a) 1., and
21the creation of s. 973.015 (1m) (a) 1. a. and b. first apply to any conviction for which
22sentencing has occurred but for which the record has not been ordered expunged on
23the effective date of this subsection.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,9451 24Section 9451. Effective dates; Other.
1(1ex) Expungement. The treatment of ss. 111.335 (3) (a), (ah), and (g) and (4)
2(b), (c) 1. (intro.), (e), and (f) 1., 950.04 (1v) (g), 973.015 (1b), (1m) (a) 3. a., c., cg., cr.,
3and d. and 4., (b), and (c), and (4), and 973.25 (1) (a), the renumbering and
4amendment of s. 973.015 (1m) (a) 1., the creation of s. 973.015 (1m) (a) 1. a. and b.,
5and Section 9351 (1ex) of this act take effect on the first day of the 13th month
6beginning after publication.”.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,329,7 7283. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,329,9 8 Section 717. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
9insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-SSA2-SA2,718 10Section 718. 20.455 (5) (bf) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,329,1311 20.455 (5) (bf) Grants to provide services to crime victims. As a continuing
12appropriation, the amounts in the schedule to provide grants under s. 165.935 for
13crime victim service programs.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,719 14Section 719. 165.935 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,329,17 15165.935 Grants for crime victim services. The department of justice shall
16award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.455 (5) (bf) to organizations that
17provide services for crime victims.”.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,329,18 18284. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,329,19 19 Section 720. 978.03 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
1978.03 (1m) The district attorney of any prosecutorial unit having a population
2of 200,000 or more but less than 750,000 may appoint 3 4 deputy district attorneys
3and such assistant district attorneys as may be requested by the department of
4administration and authorized in accordance with s. 16.505. The district attorney
5shall rank the deputy district attorneys for purposes of carrying out duties under this
6section. The deputies, according to rank, may perform any duty of the district
7attorney, under the district attorney's direction. In the absence or disability of the
8district attorney, the deputies, according to rank, may perform any act required by
9law to be performed by the district attorney. Any such deputy must have practiced
10law in this state for at least 2 years prior to appointment under this section.”.
SB70-SSA2-SA2,330,11 11285. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,330,12 12 Section 1. 977.08 (4m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA2,330,1913 977.08 (4m) (d) Unless otherwise provided by a rule promulgated under s.
14977.02 (7r) or by a contract authorized under sub. (3) (f), for cases assigned on or after
15January 1, 2020, and before July 1, 2023, private local attorneys shall be paid $70
16per hour for time spent related to a case, excluding travel, and $25 per hour for time
17spent in travel related to a case if any portion of the trip is outside the county in which
18the attorney's principal office is located or if the trip requires traveling a distance of
19more than 30 miles, one way, from the attorney's principal office.