AB68-ASA2-AA6,34,2419 5. Any individual who is employed on a project of public works that is subject
20to this section who knowingly allows any part of the wages to which he or she is
21entitled under the contract governing the project to be deducted from his or her pay
22is guilty of an offense under s. 946.15 (4), unless the deduction would be allowed
23under 29 CFR 3.5 or 3.6 from an individual who is working on a project that is subject
24to 40 USC 3142.
16. Subdivision 1. does not apply to any person who fails to provide any
2information to the department to assist the department in determining prevailing
3wage rates under sub. (3) (am) or (ar).
AB68-ASA2-AA6,35,16 4(12) Debarment. (a) Except as provided under pars. (b) and (c), the department
5shall notify any local governmental unit applying for a determination under sub. (3)
6of the names of all persons that the department has found to have failed to pay the
7prevailing wage rate determined under sub. (3) or has found to have paid less than
81.5 times the hourly basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of the prevailing
9hours of labor at any time in the preceding 3 years. The department shall include
10with each name the address of the person and shall specify when the person failed
11to pay the prevailing wage rate and when the person paid less than 1.5 times the
12hourly basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of the prevailing hours of labor.
13A local governmental unit may not award any contract to the person unless otherwise
14recommended by the department or unless 3 years have elapsed from the date the
15department issued its findings or the date of final determination by a court of
16competent jurisdiction, whichever is later.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,35,2217 (b) The department may not include in a notification under par. (a) the name
18of any person on the basis of having subcontracted a contract for a project of public
19works to a person that the department has found to have failed to pay the prevailing
20wage rate determined under sub. (3) or has found to have paid less than 1.5 times
21the hourly basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of the prevailing hours of
AB68-ASA2-AA6,36,223 (c) This subsection does not apply to any contractor, subcontractor, or agent
24who in good faith commits a minor violation of this section, as determined on a

1case-by-case basis through administrative hearings with all rights to due process
2afforded to all parties or who has not exhausted or waived all appeals.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,36,123 (d) Any person submitting a bid or negotiating a contract on a project of public
4works that is subject to this section shall, on the date the person submits the bid or
5negotiates the contract, identify any construction business in which the person, or
6a shareholder, officer, or partner of the person, if the person is a business, owns, or
7has owned at least a 25 percent interest on the date the person submits the bid or
8negotiates the contract or at any other time within 3 years preceding the date the
9person submits the bid or negotiates the contract, if the business has been found to
10have failed to pay the prevailing wage rate determined under sub. (3) or to have paid
11less than 1.5 times the hourly basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of the
12prevailing hours of labor.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,36,1313 (e) The department shall promulgate rules to administer this subsection.” .
AB68-ASA2-AA6,36,14 1460. Page 295, line 17: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,36,15 15 Section 238y. 70.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,37,416 70.03 (1) In chs. 70 to 76, 78, and 79, “real property," “real estate," and “land"
17include not only the land itself but all buildings and , fixtures, improvements thereon,
18and all fixtures and, leases, rights , and privileges appertaining thereto, including
19assets that cannot be taxed separately as real property, but are inextricably
20intertwined with the real property, enable the real property to achieve its highest and
21best use, and are transferable to future owners,
except as provided in sub. (2) and
22except that for the purpose of time-share property, as defined in s. 707.02 (32), real
23property does not include recurrent exclusive use and occupancy on a periodic basis
24or other rights, including, but not limited to, membership rights, vacation services,

1and club memberships. In this subsection, “lease” means a right in real estate that
2is related primarily to the property and not to the labor, skill, or business acumen of
3the property owner or tenant. In this subsection, “highest and best use” has the
4meaning given in s. 70.32 (1).
AB68-ASA2-AA6,37,5 561. Page 296, line 11: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,37,6 6 Section 242d. 70.32 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,38,47 70.32 (1) Real property shall be valued by the assessor in the manner specified
8in the Wisconsin property assessment manual provided under s. 73.03 (2a) at its
9highest and best use
from actual view or from the best information that the assessor
10can practicably obtain, at the full value which could ordinarily be obtained therefor
11at private sale. In determining the value, the assessor shall consider recent
12arm's-length sales of the property to be assessed if according to professionally
13acceptable appraisal practices those sales conform to recent arm's-length sales of
14reasonably comparable property; recent arm's-length sales of reasonably
15comparable property; and all factors that, according to professionally acceptable
16appraisal practices, affect the value of the property to be assessed. In this subsection,
17“arm's-length sale" means a sale between a willing buyer and willing seller, neither
18being under compulsion to buy or sell and each being familiar with the attributes of
19the property sold. In this subsection, “highest and best use" means the specific
20current use of the property or a higher use for which the property may be used as of
21the current assessment date, if the property is marketable for that use and the use
22is legally permissible, physically possible, not highly speculative, and financially
23feasible and provides the highest net return. When the current use of a property is
24the highest and best use of that property, value in the current use equals full market

1value. In this subsection, “legally permissible” does not include a conditional use
2that has not been granted as of the assessment date or any use that has not received
3as of the assessment date all federal, state, or local government approvals, permits,
4or licenses that are necessary for the use to occur.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,242e 5Section 242e. 70.32 (1b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,38,186 70.32 (1b) In determining the value of real property under sub. (1), the assessor
7may consider, as part of the valuation under sub. (1), any lease provisions and actual
8rent pertaining to a property and affecting its value, including the lease provisions
9and rent associated with a sale and leaseback of the property, if all such lease
10provisions and rent are the result of an arm's-length transaction involving persons
11who are not related, as provided under section 267 of the Internal Revenue Code for
12the year of the transaction. The assessor shall reconcile the results of such
13consideration with the professionally acceptable appraisal practices regarding
14reasonably comparable sales, the cost approach, and other methods specified in the
15Wisconsin property assessment manual provided under s. 73.03 (2a). In this
16subsection, an “arm's-length transaction" means an agreement between willing
17parties, neither being under compulsion to act and each being familiar with the
18attributes of the property.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,242f 19Section 242f. 70.32 (1d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,38,2220 70.32 (1d) (a) To determine the value of property using generally accepted
21appraisal methods, the assessor shall consider all of the following as comparable to
22the property being assessed:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,38,2423 1. Sales or rentals of properties exhibiting the same or a similar highest and
24best use with placement in the same real estate market segment.
12. Sales or rentals of properties that are similar to the property being assessed
2with regard to age, condition, use, type of construction, location, design, physical
3features, and economic characteristics, including similarities in occupancy and the
4the potential to generate rental income. For purposes of this subdivision, such
5properties may be found locally, regionally, or nationally.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,39,76 (b) For purposes of par. (a), a property is not comparable if any of the following
AB68-ASA2-AA6,39,118 1. At or before the time of sale, the seller places any deed restriction on the
9property that changes the highest and best use of the property, or prohibits
10competition, so that it no longer qualifies as a comparable property under par. (a) 1.
11or 2. and the property being assessed lacks such a restriction.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,39,1612 2. The property is dark property and the property being assessed is not dark
13property. In this subdivision, “dark property” means property that is vacant or
14unoccupied beyond the normal period for property in the same real estate market
15segment. For purposes of this subdivision, what is considered vacant or unoccupied
16beyond the normal period may vary depending on the property location.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,39,1817 (c) For purposes of par. (a), “highest and best use" has the meaning given in s.
1870.32 (1).
AB68-ASA2-AA6,39,2419 (d) For purposes of par. (a), “real estate market segment” means a pool of
20potential buyers and sellers that typically buy or sell properties similar to the
21property being assessed, including potential buyers who are investors or
22owner-occupants. For purposes of this paragraph, and depending on the type of
23property being assessed, the pool of potential buyers and sellers may be found locally,
24regionally, nationally, or internationally.”.
162. Page 310, line 17: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,40,3 2 Section 279a. 79.01 (2d) of the statutes is renumbered 79.01 (2d) (intro.) and
3amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,40,74 79.01 (2d) (intro.) There is established an account in the general fund entitled
5the “County and Municipal Aid Account." The total amount to be distributed in 2011
6to counties and municipalities from the county and municipal aid account is as
AB68-ASA2-AA6,40,9 8(a) In 2011, $824,825,715 and the total amount to be distributed to counties and
9municipalities in
AB68-ASA2-AA6,40,11 10(b) Beginning in 2012, and in each year thereafter, from the county and
11municipal aid account is
and ending in 2020, $748,075,715.