hist109822To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 482
Relating to: various changes to insurance laws.
By Senator Craig; cosponsored by Representatives Petersen, Duchow, Doyle and Tusler.
hist109823To committee on Rules.
Reference Bureau Corrections
hist109816Assembly Amendment 3 to Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 73
Page 1, line 6: delete ““tax revenues derived from”” and substitute ““tax revenues derived from””.
Page 2, line 7: delete ““population of”” and substitute ““population of””.
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Reference Bureau

Date:   October 28, 2019
To:   Patrick E. Fuller, Assembly Chief Clerk
  Jeffrey Renk, Senate Chief Clerk
From:   Jill Kauffman, Senior Legislative Editor
Subject: Rules published in the October, 2019 Wisconsin Administrative Register, No. 766.
The following rules have been published:
Clearinghouse Rule 16-069 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 17-092 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 18-010 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 18-020 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 18-032 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 18-050 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 18-062 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 18-081 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 18-082 effective 11-1-2019
Clearinghouse Rule 18-101 effective 11-1-2019