SB196,,234234(o) “Licensed professional counselor” means a counselor licensed by a member state, regardless of the title used by that state, to independently assess, diagnose, and treat behavioral health conditions.
SB196,,235235(p) “Licensee” means an individual who currently holds an authorization from the state to practice as a licensed professional counselor.
SB196,,236236(q) “Licensing board” means the agency of a state, or equivalent, that is responsible for the licensing and regulation of licensed professional counselors.
SB196,,237237(r) “Member state” means a state that has enacted the compact.
SB196,,238238(s) “Privilege to practice” means a legal authorization, which is equivalent to a license, permitting the practice of professional counseling in a remote state.
SB196,,239239(t) “Professional counseling” means the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of behavioral health conditions by a licensed professional counselor.
SB196,,240240(u) “Remote state” means a member state other than the home state, where a licensee is exercising or seeking to exercise the privilege to practice.
SB196,,241241(v) “Rule” means a regulation promulgated by the commission that has the force of law.
SB196,,242242(w) “Single state license” means a licensed professional counselor license issued by a member state that authorizes practice only within the issuing state and does not include a privilege to practice in any other member state.
SB196,,243243(x) “State” means any state, commonwealth, district, or territory of the United States of America that regulates the practice of professional counseling.
SB196,,244244(y) “Telehealth” means the application of telecommunication technology to deliver professional counseling services remotely to assess, diagnose, and treat behavioral health conditions.
SB196,,245245(z) “Unencumbered license” means a license that authorizes a licensed professional counselor to engage in the full and unrestricted practice of professional counseling.
SB196,,246246(3) State participation in the compact. (a) To participate in the compact, a state must currently:
SB196,,2472471. License and regulate licensed professional counselors.
SB196,,2482482. Require licensees to pass a nationally recognized exam approved by the commission.
SB196,,2492493. Require licensees to have a 60 semester-hour (or 90 quarter-hour) master’s degree in counseling or 60 semester-hours (or 90 quarter-hours) of graduate course work including the following topic areas:
SB196,,250250a. Professional counseling orientation and ethical practice;
SB196,,251251b. Social and cultural diversity;
SB196,,252252c. Human growth and development;
SB196,,253253d. Career development;
SB196,,254254e. Counseling and helping relationships;
SB196,,255255f. Group counseling and group work;
SB196,,256256g. Diagnosis and treatment; assessment and testing;
SB196,,257257h. Research and program evaluation; and
SB196,,258258i. Other areas as determined by the commission.
SB196,,2592594. Require licensees to complete a supervised postgraduate professional experience as defined by the commission.
SB196,,2602605. Have a mechanism in place for receiving and investigating complaints about licensees.
SB196,,261261(b) A member state shall:
SB196,,2622621. Participate fully in the commission’s data system, including using the commission’s unique identifier as defined in rules;