(b) When a member of the senate is absent without leave from 2 or more session days, the senate majority leader, with the consent of the committee on senate organization, may do any of the following to compel the absent member to attend:
1. Direct the chief clerk to terminate the direct deposit of the absent member's paycheck and provide the paycheck to the majority leader for the absent member to pick up in person.
2. Direct the chief clerk to cease any and all expense reimbursements for the absent member that are paid out of the member's office expense account until a date specified or the end of the legislative biennium, whichever is earlier.
3. Direct the chief clerk to reduce or zero out the balance of the absent member's office expense account for the remainder of the legislative biennium.
4. Direct the sergeant at arms to revoke the parking privileges allocated to the absent member, and the member's staff, for the remainder of the legislative biennium.
Senate Rule 13r.
Admittance to senate spaces. sr13r(1)(1) Any individual who violates senate rules or policies or provisions in the senate policy manual in a senate space may be removed from the senate space and not be allowed admittance to any senate spaces for a period of 24 hours.
(2) Any individual who violates senate rules or policies or provisions in the senate policy manual in a senate space a 2nd time during a biennial legislative session may be removed from the senate space and not be allowed admittance to any senate spaces until the first roll call day of the next regularly scheduled floorperiod.
(3) Any individual who violates senate rules or policies or provisions in the senate policy manual in a senate space a 3rd time during a biennial legislative session may be removed from the senate space and not be allowed admittance to any senate spaces for the remainder of the biennial legislative session.
(4) Senate spaces shall specifically include the senate chamber, senate offices, senate hearing rooms, and any other space in the capitol that is traditionally reserved for the conduct of senate business.
(5) This section shall not be construed to prevent any senator from fulfilling his or her constitutional duties in any senate space.
Chapter 3:
Senate Rule 14.
Days for meeting. The senate shall meet on Tuesday and Thursday unless a different day or hour is prescribed by the committee on senate organization or by a resolution or motion adopted by majority vote
of the members present. This section shall not apply to a senate session that is convened to prevent a violation of
section 10 of
article IV of the constitution.
Senate Rule 15.
Roll call, quorum. Before proceeding to business, the roll of the members shall be called, and the names of those present and those absent shall be entered on the journal. A member present during any part of a roll call day shall be included in the official attendance roll call for that day. A majority of the membership presently serving must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; a smaller number, however, can adjourn and may compel the attendance of absent members. When a roll call discloses the lack of a quorum, further business may not be conducted until a quorum is obtained, but the members present may take measures to procure a quorum or may adjourn.
Senate Rule 16.
Leave of absence. Members of the senate may not be absent from the daily session during the entire day without first obtaining a leave of absence. The leave may be granted at any time by a majority vote of the senate.
Senate Rule 17.
Order of business. sr17(1)(1)
The order of business in the senate, including any opening prayer and the pledge of allegiance, is as follows:
First order. Call of roll.
Second order. Chief clerk's entries.
Third order. Introduction, first reading, and reference of proposals.
Fourth order. Reports of committees.
Fifth order. Petitions and communications.
Sixth order. Referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules.