AB68-ASA2,95 12Section 95 . 20.866 (2) (s) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,254,2013 20.866 (2) (s) University of Wisconsin; academic facilities. (intro.) From the
14capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the board of regents of the University
15of Wisconsin System to acquire, construct, develop, enlarge or improve university
16academic educational facilities and facilities to support such facilities. The state may
17contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $2,552,521,100 for this purpose. The
18state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to $471,510,000 for this
19purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to
20$540,612,000 for this purpose.
Of those amounts:
AB68-ASA2,96 21Section 96 . 20.866 (2) (t) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,255,722 20.866 (2) (t) University of Wisconsin; self-amortizing facilities. From the
23capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the board of regents of the University
24of Wisconsin System to acquire, construct, develop, enlarge, or improve university
25self-amortizing educational facilities and facilities to support such facilities. The

1state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $2,740,855,400 for this
2purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to
3$435,866,700 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an
4amount up to $33,875,000 for this purpose.
Of those amounts, $4,500,000 is allocated
5only for the University of Wisconsin-Madison indoor practice facility for athletic
6programs and only at the time that ownership of the facility is transferred to the
AB68-ASA2,97 8Section 97. 20.866 (2) (ta) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,256,29 20.866 (2) (ta) Natural resources; Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson
10stewardship 2000 program.
From the capital improvement fund a sum sufficient for
11the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship 2000 program under s. 23.0917.
12The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $1,046,250,000 for this
13program. The state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to
14$42,600,000 for this program. The state may contract additional public debt in an
15amount up to $90,000,000.
Except as provided in s. 23.0917 (4g) (b), (4m) (k), (5), (5g),
16and (5m), the amounts obligated, as defined in s. 23.0917 (1) (e), under this
17paragraph may not exceed $46,000,000 in fiscal year 2000-01, may not exceed
18$46,000,000 in fiscal year 2001-02, may not exceed $60,000,000 in each fiscal year
19beginning with fiscal year 2002-03 and ending with fiscal year 2009-10, may not
20exceed $86,000,000 in fiscal year 2010-11, may not exceed $60,000,000 in fiscal year
212011-12, may not exceed $60,000,000 in fiscal year 2012-13, may not exceed
22$47,500,000 in fiscal year 2013-14, may not exceed $54,500,000 in fiscal year
232014-15, and may not exceed $33,250,000 in each fiscal year beginning with 2015-16
24and ending with fiscal year 2021-22. Except as provided in s. 23.0917 (4g) (b), (4m)
25(f) and (k), (5g), and (5m), the amounts obligated, as defined in s. 23.0917 (1) (e),

1under this paragraph may not exceed $25,250,000 in each fiscal year beginning with
2fiscal year 2022-23 and ending with fiscal year 2025-26.
AB68-ASA2,98 3Section 98. 20.866 (2) (tf) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,256,104 20.866 (2) (tf) Natural resources; nonpoint source. From the capital
5improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of natural resources to fund
6nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects under s. 281.65 (4c) and (4e).
7The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $44,050,000 for this
8purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to
9$6,500,000 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an
10amount up to $6,500,000 for this purpose.
AB68-ASA2,99 11Section 99. 20.866 (2) (th) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,256,2212 20.866 (2) (th) Natural resources; urban nonpoint source cost-sharing. From
13the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of natural
14resources to provide cost-sharing grants for urban nonpoint source water pollution
15abatement and storm water management projects under s. 281.66, to provide
16municipal flood control and riparian restoration cost-sharing grants under s.
17281.665, and to make the grant under 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 9135 (1i). The
18state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $53,600,000 for this
19purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to
20$4,000,000 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an
21amount up to $4,000,000 for this purpose.
Of those amounts, $500,000 is allocated
22in fiscal biennium 2001-03 for dam rehabilitation grants under s. 31.387.
AB68-ASA2,100 23Section 100. 20.866 (2) (ti) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,257,524 20.866 (2) (ti) Natural resources; contaminated sediment removal. From the
25capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of natural resources

1to fund removal of contaminated sediment under s. 281.87. The state may contract
2public debt in an amount not to exceed $32,000,000 for this purpose. The state may
3contract additional public debt in an amount up to $4,000,000 for this purpose. The
4state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to $4,000,000 for this
AB68-ASA2,101 6Section 101 . 20.866 (2) (tr) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,257,127 20.866 (2) (tr) Natural resources; recreation development. From the capital
8improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of natural resources to
9acquire, construct, develop, enlarge or improve state recreation facilities and state
10fish hatcheries. The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed
11$23,061,500 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an
12amount up to $13,261,700 for this purpose.
AB68-ASA2,102 13Section 102 . 20.866 (2) (tu) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,257,2214 20.866 (2) (tu) Natural resources; segregated revenue supported facilities. From
15the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of natural
16resources to acquire, construct, develop, enlarge, or improve natural resource
17administrative office, laboratory, equipment storage, or maintenance facilities and
18to acquire, construct, develop, enlarge, or improve state recreation facilities and
19state fish hatcheries. The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed
20$108,171,100 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an
21amount up to $15,786,900 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public
22debt in an amount up to $33,583,500 for this purpose.
AB68-ASA2,103 23Section 103. 20.866 (2) (tx) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,258,624 20.866 (2) (tx) Natural resources; dam safety projects. From the capital
25improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of natural resources to

1provide financial assistance to counties, cities, villages, towns, and public inland
2lake protection and rehabilitation districts for dam safety projects under s. 31.385.
3The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $25,500,000 for this
4purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to
5$4,000,000 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an
6amount up to $10,000,000 for this purpose.
AB68-ASA2,104 7Section 104 . 20.866 (2) (uup) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,259,28 20.866 (2) (uup) 1. From the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the
9department of transportation to fund the Marquette interchange reconstruction
10project under s. 84.014, as provided under s. 84.555, the reconstruction of the I 94
11north-south corridor and the zoo interchange, as provided under s. 84.555 (1m), the
12reconstruction of the I 94 east-west corridor, as provided under s. 84.555 (1m),

13southeast Wisconsin freeway megaprojects under s. 84.0145, as provided under s.
1484.555 (1m), and high-cost state highway bridge projects under s. 84.017, as
15provided under s. 84.555 (1m). The state may contract public debt in an amount not
16to exceed $704,750,000 for these purposes. In addition, the state may contract public
17debt in an amount not to exceed $107,000,000 for the reconstruction of the Zoo
18interchange and I 94 north-south corridor, as provided under s. 84.555 (1m), as
19southeast Wisconsin freeway megaprojects under s. 84.0145, in an amount not to
20exceed $216,800,000 for high-cost state highway bridge projects under s. 84.017, as
21provided under s. 84.555 (1m), and in an amount not to exceed $300,000,000 for
22southeast Wisconsin freeway megaprojects under s. 84.0145, as provided under s.
2384.555 (1m), and in an amount not to exceed $95,000,000 for the reconstruction of the
24Zoo interchange, as provided under s. 84.555 (1m), as a southeast Wisconsin freeway
25megaproject under s. 84.0145, and in an amount not to exceed $40,000,000 for the

1reconstruction of the I 94 east-west corridor, as provided under s. 84.555 (1m), as a
2southeast Wisconsin freeway megaproject under s. 84.0145
AB68-ASA2,105 3Section 105 . 20.866 (2) (uuv) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2,259,84 20.866 (2) (uuv) Transportation; design-build projects. From the capital
5improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of transportation to fund
6design-build projects under s. 84.062 that are state highway rehabilitation projects,
7major highway projects, or southeast Wisconsin freeway megaprojects. The state
8may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $20,000,000 for this purpose.
AB68-ASA2,106 9Section 106. 20.866 (2) (uv) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,259,1510 20.866 (2) (uv) Transportation, harbor improvements. From the capital
11improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of transportation to provide
12grants for harbor improvements. The state may contract public debt in an amount
13not to exceed $120,000,000 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public
14debt in an amount up to $32,000,000 for this purpose. The state may contract
15additional public debt in an amount up to $15,300,000 for this purpose.
AB68-ASA2,107 16Section 107. 20.866 (2) (uw) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,259,2517 20.866 (2) (uw) Transportation; rail acquisitions and improvements and
18intermodal freight facilities.
From the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient
19for the department of transportation to acquire railroad property under ss. 85.08 (2)
20(L) and 85.09; to provide grants and loans for rail property acquisitions and
21improvements under s. 85.08 (4m) (c) and (d); and to provide intermodal freight
22facilities grants under s. 85.093. The state may contract public debt in an amount
23not to exceed $250,300,000 for these purposes. The state may contract additional
24public debt in an amount up to $30,000,000 for these purposes. The state may
25contract additional public debt in an amount up to $20,000,000 for these purposes.
1Section 108. 20.866 (2) (ux) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2,260,72 20.866 (2) (ux) Corrections; correctional facilities. From the capital
3improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of corrections to acquire,
4construct, develop, enlarge, or improve adult and juvenile correctional facilities. The
5state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $951,679,900 for this
6purpose. The state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to
7$37,821,900 for this purpose.
AB68-ASA2,109 8Section 109 . 20.866 (2) (uz) of the statutes is amended to read: