(c) The date on which the minor's custodian is required to transfer the property
9to the minor or the minor's estate in accordance with the uniform gifts to minors act
10or uniform transfers to minors act of the state in which the account was opened.
11(2) If the holder does not send communications to the custodian by 1st class
12mail, as described in sub. (1), the holder shall attempt to confirm the custodian's
13interest in the property by sending the custodian e-mail not later than 2 years after
14the custodian's last indication of interest in the property, except that the holder shall
15promptly attempt to contact the custodian by 1st class mail if any of the following
(a) The holder does not have information needed to send the custodian e-mail
18or the holder believes that the custodian's e-mail address in the holder's records is
19not valid.
(b) The holder receives notification that the e-mail was not received.
(c) The custodian does not respond to the e-mail within 30 days from the date
22on which the e-mail was sent.
23(3) If 1st class mail sent under sub. (2) is returned to the holder by the U.S.
24postal service as undeliverable, the property is presumed abandoned on the date
25determined under sub. (1).
1(4) The property in the account described under sub. (1) is not subject to this
2section after the property is transferred to the minor or the minor's estate.
56. 177.0205 of the statutes is created to read:
4177.0205 When contents of safe deposit box presumed abandoned. 5Tangible property held in a safe deposit box and proceeds from a sale of the property
6by the holder permitted by law of this state other than this chapter are presumed
7abandoned if the property remains unclaimed by the apparent owner 5 years after
8the earliest of the following:
9(1) The
expiration of the lease or rental period for the box.
10(2) The earliest date when the lessor of the box is authorized by contract or law
11of this state other than this chapter to enter the box and remove or dispose of the
12contents without consent or authorization of the lessee.
57. 177.0207 of the statutes is created to read:
14177.0207 When security presumed abandoned. (1) Subject to s. 177.0210,
15a security is presumed to be abandoned 3 years after the following:
(a) The date on which a 2nd consecutive communication sent by the holder by
171st class mail to the apparent owner is returned to the holder by the U.S. postal
18service as undeliverable.
(b) If the 2nd communication is sent by the holder to the apparent owner later
20than 30 days after the date on which the first communication is returned to the
21holder by the U.S. postal service as undeliverable, the date on which the first
22communication was returned as undeliverable.
23(2) If the holder does not send communications to the apparent owner of the
24security by 1st class mail, as described in sub. (1), the holder shall attempt to confirm
25the apparent owner's interest in the security by sending the apparent owner e-mail
1not later than 2 years after the apparent owner's last indication of interest in the
2security, except that the holder shall promptly attempt to contact the apparent owner
3by 1st class mail if any of the following applies:
(a) The holder does not have information needed to send the apparent owner
5e-mail or the holder believes that the apparent owner's e-mail address in the
6holder's records is not valid.
(b) The holder receives notification that the e-mail was not received.
(c) The apparent owner does not respond to the e-mail within 30 days from the
9date on which the e-mail was sent.
10(3) If 1st class mail sent under sub. (2) is returned to the holder by the U.S.
11postal service as undeliverable, the security is presumed abandoned 3 years after the
12date on which the mail is returned.
58. 177.0208 of the statutes is created to read:
14177.0208 When related property presumed abandoned. At and after the
15time property is presumed abandoned under this chapter, any property right or
16interest accrued or accruing from property presumed abandoned under this chapter
17is presumed abandoned.
59. 177.0210 of the statutes is created to read:
19177.0210 Indication of apparent owner interest in property. (1)
20Property is presumed abandoned from the earliest of the following:
(a) The date on which the property is otherwise presumed abandoned under
22this subchapter.
(b) The date on which the dormancy period has elapsed following the last
24indication of interest by the apparent owner in the property.
1(2) Under this chapter, an indication of an apparent owner's interest in
2property includes the following:
(a) A record communicated by the apparent owner to the holder or the holder's
4agent concerning the property or the account in which the property is held.
(b) An oral communication by the apparent owner to the holder or agent of the
6holder concerning the property or the account in which the property is held, if the
7holder or the holder's agent contemporaneously makes and preserves a record of the
8fact of the apparent owner's communication.