hist184791Please add my name as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 970, relating to sex offender registration for certain crimes. hist184792Please add my name as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 977, relating to required human trafficking prevention instruction in certain grades and teacher training related to identifying victims of child trafficking. hist184793Please add my name as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 981, relating to instruction on human trafficking in licensed schools of barbering, schools of cosmetology, and specialty schools. Sincerely,
State Representative
22nd Assembly District
January 23, 2024
Edward A. Blazel
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Blazel:
hist184816Please add my name as a coauthor and cosponsor of Assembly Bill 114 and Senate Bill 110, relating to extension of eligibility under the Medical Assistance program for postpartum women. Sincerely,
State Representative
24th Assembly District