NR 102.06(3)(a)40.40. Sugar River from outlet of Albany Lake to state line, excluding Decatur Lake.
NR 102.06(3)(a)41.41. Tomahawk River from outlet of Willow Reservoir to Lake Nokomis.
NR 102.06(3)(a)42.42. Trempealeau River from confluence with Pigeon Creek near Whitehall to Mississippi River.
NR 102.06(3)(a)43.43. White River from outlet of White River Flowage in Ashland County to Bad River.
NR 102.06(3)(a)44.44. Wisconsin River from the Rhinelander Dam to Mississippi River, excluding Lake Alice, Lake Mohawksin, Alexander Lake, Lake Wausau, Mosinee Flowage, Lake Dubay, Wisconsin River Flowage, Biron Flowage, Petenwell Flowage, Castle Rock Flowage and Lake Wisconsin.
NR 102.06(3)(a)45.45. Wolf River from confluence with Hunting Creek in Langlade County to Lake Poygan.
NR 102.06(3)(a)46.46. Yahara River from outlet of Lake Kegonsa to Rock River.
NR 102.06(3)(b)(b) Except as provided in subs. (6) and (7), all other surface waters generally exhibiting unidirectional flow that are not listed in par. (a) are considered streams and shall meet a total phosphorus criterion of 75 ug/L.
NR 102.06(3)(c)(c) An impounded flowing water shall meet the river or stream criterion in par. (a) or (b) that applies to the primary stream or river entering the impounded water.
NR 102.06(4)(4)Reservoirs and lakes. Except as provided in subs. (6) and (7), to protect fish and aquatic life uses established in s. NR 102.04 (3) and recreational uses established in s. NR 102.04 (5), total phosphorus criteria are established for reservoirs and lakes as follows:
NR 102.06(4)(a)(a) For stratified reservoirs, total phosphorus criterion is 30 ug/L. For reservoirs that are not stratified, total phosphorus criterion is 40 ug/L.
NR 102.06(4)(b)(b) For the following lakes that do not exhibit unidirectional flow, the following total phosphorus criteria are established:
NR 102.06(4)(b)1.1. For stratified, two-story fishery lakes, 15 ug/L.
NR 102.06(4)(b)2.2. For lakes that are both drainage and stratified lakes, 30 ug/L.
NR 102.06(4)(b)3.3. For lakes that are drainage lakes, but are not stratified lakes, 40 ug/L.
NR 102.06(4)(b)4.4. For lakes that are both seepage and stratified lakes, 20 ug/L.
NR 102.06(4)(b)5.5. For lakes that are seepage lakes, but are not stratified lakes, 40 ug/L.
NR 102.06(5)(5)Great lakes. To protect fish and aquatic life uses established in s. NR 102.04 (3) and recreational uses established in s. NR 102.04 (5) on the Great Lakes, total phosphorus criteria are established as follows:
NR 102.06(5)(a)(a) For both open and nearshore waters of Lake Superior, 5 ug/L.
NR 102.06(5)(b)(b) For both open and nearshore waters of Lake Michigan, excluding waters identified in par. (c), 7 ug/L.
NR 102.06(5)(c)(c) For the portion of Green Bay from the mouth of the Fox River to a line from Long Tail Point to Point au Sable, the water clarity and other phosphorus-related conditions that are suitable for support of a diverse biological community, including a robust and sustainable area of submersed aquatic vegetation in shallow water areas.
NR 102.06(6)(6)Exclusions. The following waters are excluded from subs. (3) (b), (4) and (5):
NR 102.06(6)(a)(a) Ephemeral streams.
NR 102.06(6)(b)(b) Lakes and reservoirs of less than 5 acres in surface area.
NR 102.06(6)(c)(c) Wetlands, including bogs.
NR 102.06(6)(d)(d) Waters identified as limited aquatic life waters in ch. NR 104. Limited aquatic life waters are those subject to the criteria in s. NR 104.02 (3) (b) (2).
NR 102.06(7)(7)Site-specific criteria.
NR 102.06(7)(a)(a) A criterion contained within this section may be modified by rule for a specific surface water segment or waterbody. A site-specific criterion may be adopted in place of the generally applicable criteria in this section where site-specific data and analysis using scientifically defensible methods and sound scientific rationale demonstrate a different criterion is protective of the designated use of the specific surface water segment or waterbody. Procedures for developing site-specific criteria for phosphorus are established in ch. NR 119.
NR 102.06 NoteNote: Assessment procedures for site-specific phosphorus criteria are the same as those for statewide phosphorus criteria under s. NR 102.07, unless otherwise specified.