(Equation 1B)
BC is the total mass of organic HAP in the thinners and other additives used in the controlled coating operation during the month, kg (lb)
Volt,j is the total volume of thinner or other additive j used during the month, liters (gallons)
Dt,j is the density of thinner or other additive j, kg per liter (lb per gallon)
Wt,j is the mass fraction of organic HAP in thinner or other additive, j, kg per kg (lb per lb). For reactive adhesives, use the mass fraction of organic HAP that is emitted as determined using the method in 40 CFR part 63, Subpart PPPP, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (24r).
n is the number of different thinners and other additives used
(Equation 1C)
CC is the total mass of organic HAP in the cleaning materials used in the controlled coating operation during the month, kg (lb)
Vols,k = Total volume of cleaning material, k, used during the month, liters (gallons)
Ds,k is the density of cleaning material, k, kg per liter (lb per gallon)
Ws,k is the mass fraction of organic HAP in cleaning material, k, kg per kg (lb per lb)
p is the number of different cleaning materials used
(Equation 1D)
HUNC is the total mass of organic HAP in the coatings, thinners and other additives, and cleaning materials used during all deviations specified in sub. (4)(c) and (d) that occurred during the month in the controlled coating operation, kg (lb)
Volh is the total volume of coating, thinner or other additive, or cleaning material, h, used in the controlled coating operation during deviations, liters (gallons)
Dh is the density of coating, thinner or other additive, or cleaning material, h, kg per liter (lb per gallon)
Wh is the mass fraction of organic HAP in coating, thinner, other additive or cleaning material, h, kg (lb) of organic HAP per kg (lb) of coating. For reactive adhesives , use the mass fraction of organic HAP that is emitted as determined using the method in 40 CFR part 63, Subpart PPPP, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (24r).
q is the number of different coatings, thinners and other additives, and cleaning materials used
NR 465.48(2)(j)(j) Calculate the organic HAP emission reduction for each controlled coating operation using liquid-liquid material balances. For each controlled coating operation using a solvent recovery system for which you conduct liquid-liquid material balances, calculate the organic HAP emission reduction by applying the volatile organic matter collection and recovery efficiency to the mass of organic HAP contained in the coatings, thinners and other additives, and cleaning materials that are used in the coating operation or operations controlled by the solvent recovery system during each month. Perform a liquid-liquid material balance for each month as specified in subds. 1. to 6. Calculate the mass of organic HAP emission reduction by the solvent recovery system as specified in subd. 7.
NR 465.48(2)(j)1.1. For each solvent recovery system, install, calibrate, maintain and operate according to the manufacturer’s specifications, a device that indicates the cumulative amount of volatile organic matter recovered by the solvent recovery system each month. The device shall be initially certified by the manufacturer to be accurate to within plus or minus 2.0% of the mass of volatile organic matter recovered.
NR 465.48(2)(j)2.2. For each solvent recovery system, determine the mass of volatile organic matter recovered for the month, based on measurement with the device required in subd. 1.
NR 465.48(2)(j)3.3. Determine the mass fraction of volatile organic matter for each coating, thinner, other additive and cleaning material used in the coating operation or operations controlled by the solvent recovery system during the month, kg (lb) of volatile organic matter per kg (lb) of coating. You may determine the volatile organic matter mass fraction using Method 24 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), or an EPA approved alternative method, or you may use information provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the coating. In the event of any inconsistency between information provided by the manufacturer or supplier and the results of Method 24 or an approved alternative method, the test method results will take precedence unless, after consultation, you demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the formulation data are correct.
NR 465.48(2)(j)4.4. Determine the density of each coating, thinner, other additive and cleaning material used in the coating operation or operations controlled by the solvent recovery system during the month, kg per liter (lb per gallon), according to s. NR 465.47 (2) (c).