sr13m(1) (1) Shall be quiet at all times.
sr13m(2) (2) Shall be seated at all times.
sr13m(3) (3) May not lean over or put any object over the balcony.
sr13m(4) (4) May not display signs or other objects. If an individual brings a sign to the chamber, the sign shall be left in the gallery vestibule.
sr13m(5) (5) May not read books or newspapers.
sr13m(6) (6) May not consume food or beverages.
sr13m(7) (7) May not use tobacco products.
sr13m(8) (8) Shall silence and conceal all electronic devices.
sr13m(9) (9) May not use a laptop or other computer.
sr13m(10) (10) May not photograph or record any of the proceedings in the chamber.
[cr. 2009 S.Res. 2]
[(4) and (8) am. 2013 S.Res. 3]
[(8) am. 2017 S.Res. 2]
[(10) am. 2019 S.Res. 2]
sr13n Senate Rule 13n. Imposing penalties on senators who are absent without leave.
sr13n(1)(1) Penalty. A member of the senate who is absent from 2 or more session days without obtaining a leave of absence under rule 16 shall do all of the following:
sr13n(1)(a) (a) Forfeit to the senate $100 for each day that the member is absent without leave. Amounts under this paragraph shall be paid exclusively from the member's personal funds.
sr13n(1)(b) (b) Reimburse to the senate the actual costs incurred in compelling the attendance of the member. The chief clerk shall calculate the costs and submit the result to the president. Amounts under this paragraph shall be paid exclusively from the member's personal funds.
sr13n(2) (2) Process.
sr13n(2)(a)(a) The penalties and costs under sub. (1) are imposed by a senate resolution that identifies the member who is absent without leave. A resolution under this paragraph is a privileged resolution and may be offered by any member of the senate at any time during the legislative session in which the absence without leave occurs.
sr13n(2)(b) (b) Publication of a senate calendar that includes the resolution serves as notice to the member who is absent without leave that the member is subject to the penalties and costs under sub. (1). The president may provide additional notice to the member who is absent without leave by requiring the sergeant at arms to deliver a copy of both the calendar and the resolution to the senate office of the member who is absent without leave.
sr13n(2)(c) (c) A member of the senate who is identified in a resolution under this subsection shall be given an opportunity to be heard on the resolution only on the session day on which the resolution is before the senate. If the member is absent on that day, the member waives his or her opportunity to be heard on the resolution.
sr13n(3) (3) Collection and compulsion.
sr13n(3)(a)(a) If a member who owes the penalties and costs imposed under subs. (1) and (2) has not paid those amounts in full within 30 days after the day on which a resolution under sub. (2) is adopted, the chief clerk shall withhold any payments due to the member for per diem, travel expenses, or other matters, not including salary, in an amount equal to the unpaid penalties and costs.
sr13n(3)(b) (b) When a member of the senate is absent without leave from 2 or more session days, the senate majority leader, with the consent of the committee on senate organization, may do any of the following to compel the absent member to attend:
1. Direct the chief clerk to terminate the direct deposit of the absent member's paycheck and provide the paycheck to the majority leader for the absent member to pick up in person.
2. Direct the chief clerk to cease any and all expense reimbursements for the absent member that are paid out of the member's office expense account until a date specified or the end of the legislative biennium, whichever is earlier.
3. Direct the chief clerk to reduce or zero out the balance of the absent member's office expense account for the remainder of the legislative biennium.
4. Direct the sergeant at arms to revoke the parking privileges allocated to the absent member, and the member's staff, for the remainder of the legislative biennium.
[cr. 2011 S.Res. 3]
sr13r Senate Rule 13r. Admittance to senate spaces.
sr13r(1)(1) Any individual who violates senate rules or policies or provisions in the senate policy manual in a senate space may be removed from the senate space and not be allowed admittance to any senate spaces for a period of 24 hours.