Game 9.14(9)(9) If a winning first-half tri-superfecta ticket is not presented for cashing and exchange prior to the second-half tri-superfecta race, the ticket holder may still collect the monetary value associated with the first-half tri-superfecta pool but forfeits all rights to any distribution of the second-half tri-superfecta pool unless the second-half race is canceled, declared a “no race” or if the total number of wagering interests becomes less than the minimum. Game 9.14(10)(10) Both halves of the tri-superfecta shall have at least 7 wagering interests. Prior to the running of the first half of the tri-superfecta, if the total number of scheduled wagering interests become 6 or less for either half the tri-superfecta pool shall be canceled and a complete refund of the tri-superfecta pool shall be performed upon presentation of valid tri-superfecta tickets. Game 9.14(11)(11) If a wagering interest in the first half of the tri-superfecta is scratched, the tri-superfecta wagers including the scratched wagering interest shall be refunded. Game 9.14(12)(12) If a wagering interest in the second half of the tri-superfecta is scratched, an announcement concerning the scratch shall be made and a reasonable amount of time shall be provided for exchange of tickets that include the scratched wagering interest. If tickets have not been exchanged prior to the close of wagering for the second tri-superfecta race, the ticket holder forfeits all rights to the second-half tri-superfecta pool, unless the second-half race is canceled, declared a “no race,” or if the total number of wagering interests becomes less than the minimum. Game 9.14(13)(13) After the first half of the tri-superfecta and prior to the running of the second half of the tri-superfecta, if the total number of scheduled wagering interests becomes 6 or less, the second half of the tri-superfecta shall be canceled. In the event the second half of the tri-superfecta is canceled, then all exchange tickets and outstanding first-half winning tickets shall be entitled to the second-half tri-superfecta pool for that race as a single price pool, but not the tri-superfecta carryover. Game 9.14(14)(14) If there is a dead heat or multiple dead heats in either the first or second half of the tri-superfecta, all tri-superfecta tickets selecting the correct order of finish, counting a wagering interest involved in a dead heat as finishing in any dead-heated position, shall be a winner. In the case of a dead heat occurring in: Game 9.14(14)(a)(a) The first half of the tri-superfecta, the payoff shall be calculated as a profit split. The method of calculation used by the association shall be prominently displayed in a conspicuous area of the grandstand or published in the program. Game 9.14(14)(b)(b) The second half of the tri-superfecta, the payoff shall be calculated as a single price pool. The method of calculation used by the association shall be prominently displayed in a conspicuous area of the grandstand or published in the program. Game 9.14(15)(15) If either of the tri-superfecta races are canceled prior to the first tri-superfecta race, or the first tri-superfecta race is declared “no race,” the entire tri-superfecta pool shall be refunded on tri-superfecta wagers for that race and the second half shall be canceled. Game 9.14(16)(16) If the second-half tri-superfecta pool or race is canceled or declared “no race,” all exchange tickets and outstanding first-half winning tri-superfecta tickets shall be entitled to the net tri-superfecta pool for that race as a single price pool, but not the tri-superfecta carryover, except during the mandatory payout performance, in which all exchange tickets and outstanding first-half winning tickets are entitled to the jackpot carryover pool. Game 9.14(17)(17) The tri-superfecta carryover may be capped at a designated level approved by the division so that if, at the close of any race performance, the amount in the tri-superfecta “jackpot” carryover equals or exceeds the designated cap, the tri-superfecta “jackpot” carryover shall be frozen until it is won or distributed under other provisions of this rule. After the second-half tri-superfecta “jackpot” carryover is frozen, the association shall have the option to: Game 9.14(17)(a)(a) Distribute 100% of the net tri-superfecta pool for each individual race during each subsequent performance after the “jackpot” carryover is frozen and until distributed, to winners of the first half of the tri-superfecta pool. Game 9.14(17)(b)(b) Create a seed pool for the start of a second “jackpot” carryover from money designated for the second part of the divided pool from race performances in which the first “jackpot” is capped and allow for the capped first “jackpot” carryover to be distributed on a mandatory basis during a designated race performance. Money wagered into the tri-superfecta pool during the designated mandatory distribution performance of the first “jackpot” carryover will not be allocated for the second “jackpot” carryover, but shall be distributed along with the first “jackpot” carryover during the mandatory distribution performance. Upon the first “jackpot” carryover being distributed, all money allocated to the seed pool for the second “jackpot” carryover shall be converted to a new first “jackpot” carryover. If while seeding the second “jackpot” carryover from money designated for the second part of the divided pool from race performances the first “jackpot” is capped, and the second “jackpot” carryover exceeds the designated cap amount, then the seeded second “jackpot” carryover shall continue to accumulate until converted to the first “jackpot” carryover, at which time it shall be immediately frozen. Upon conversion to the first “jackpot” carryover, and being capped, money designated for the second part of the divided pool shall be placed in a seed pool for the start of a second “jackpot” carryover and subsequently distributed under the provisions of this rule. Game 9.14(17)(c)(c) Select a race performance or race day in which the capped “jackpot” will be distributed on a mandatory basis. Game 9.14(18)(18) A written request for permission to distribute the tri-superfecta carryover on a specific performance may be submitted to the division. The request shall contain justification for the distribution, an explanation of the benefit to be derived, and the intended date and performance for the distribution. The association must notify the division 10 days prior to implementation. If the tri-superfecta pool cannot be distributed during a designated performance, the mandatory distribution shall resume on the next scheduled mandatory distribution performance. Game 9.14(19)(19) If the tri-superfecta carryover is designated for distribution on a specified date and performance, the following precedence shall be followed in determining winning tickets for the second half of the tri-superfecta after completion of the first half of the tri-superfecta: Game 9.14(19)(a)(a) As a single price pool to those whose combination finished in correct sequence as the first 4 wagering interests. If there is no ticket sold selecting the first 4 wagering interests in correct sequence, then; Game 9.14(19)(b)(b) As a single price pool to holders of valid exchange tickets from the first half of the tri-superfecta. If there are no valid exchange tickets from the first half of the tri- superfecta, then; Game 9.14(19)(c)(c) As a single price pool to holders of outstanding first-half winning tickets. Game 9.14(20)(20) Contrary to sub. (7), during a performance designated to distribute the tri-superfecta carryover, exchange tickets shall be issued for those combinations selecting the greatest number of wagering interests in their correct order of finish for the first half of the tri-superfecta. If there are no wagers correctly selecting the first, second, and third place finishers, in their exact order, then exchange tickets shall be issued for combinations correctly selecting the first and second place wagering interests. If there are no wagers correctly selecting the first and second place finishers, in their exact order, then exchange tickets shall be issued for combinations correctly selecting the first place wagering interest only. If there are no wagers correctly selecting the first place wagering interest only in the first half of the tri-superfecta, all first-half tickets shall become winners and shall receive 100% of that day’s net tri-superfecta pool and the tri-superfecta carryover as a single price pool. Game 9.14(21)(21) The tri-superfecta carryover shall be designated for distribution on a specified date and performance only under the following circumstances: Game 9.14(21)(b)(b) Upon written approval from the division when there is a change in the carryover cap or when the tri-superfecta is discontinued. Game 9.14(22)(22) If the tri-superfecta carryover is held over to the corresponding tri-superfecta pool of a subsequent meet, the carryover shall be deposited in an interest-bearing account approved by the division. The tri-superfecta carryover plus accrued interest shall then be added to the second-half tri-superfecta pool of the following meet on a date and performance so designated by the division. Game 9.14(23)(23) No person may provide information to any person regarding covered combinations, amounts wagered on specific combinations, number of tickets sold, or number of valid exchange tickets until the second-half tri-superfecta race is made official. This shall not prohibit necessary communication between totalizator and mutuel department employees for processing of pool data. Game 9.14(24)(24) The association shall obtain written approval from the division concerning the scheduling of tri-superfecta races and the amount of any cap to be set on the carryover. Any changes to the approved tri-superfecta format require a written request from the association and written approval from the division. Requests for approval shall be made at least 10 days prior to the proposed date of implementation. Approval may be granted if the following conditions are met: Game 9.14(24)(b)(b) If the public is notified 7 days prior to implementation; and