NR 154.04(26)(a)(a) The department may provide cost-share grants to implement roofs for animal lot and manure storage structures. NR 154.04(27)(a)(a) The department may provide cost-share grants to implement roof runoff systems. NR 154.04(28)(a)(a) The department may provide cost-share grants to implement sediment basins. NR 154.04(28)(c)(c) Sediment basins with embankments of 15 to 25 feet in structural height or with maximum storage capacities of 15 to 50 acre-feet in volume may be cost-shared only if the department makes a finding, in writing and prior to construction, that failure of the structure would have minimum potential to endanger life or real or personal property. NR 154.04(29)(29) Shoreline habitat restoration for developed areas. NR 154.04(29)(a)(a) Definitions. In this subsection, “shoreline habitat restoration” means the establishment in developed areas of a shoreline buffer zone of diverse native vegetation that extends inland and water-ward from the ordinary high water mark. The shoreline habitat restoration design seeks to restore the functions provided by the original, natural vegetation, and includes a mixture of native trees, shrubs, ground cover or wetland species. This practice includes the following: NR 154.04(29)(a)1.1. Natural recovery. Used where native vegetation will recover naturally when a site is protected from disturbance, due to the presence of existing native plants, and adequate seed sources and site conditions. This method may be applied to wet margins of lakes or rivers where turf grasses are not well established and in shallow water areas adjacent to shoreland restoration areas. NR 154.04(29)(a)2.2. Accelerated recovery. Used in areas not suited for natural recovery. Native vegetation is established by seeding and planting. This method shall be used in areas where dense turf grasses have been maintained for several years. This may also be used in limited situations where one or more layers of natural vegetative cover have been removed if approved by the department. NR 154.04(29)(b)(b) Eligible costs. Costs eligible for cost-sharing reimbursement include: NR 154.04(29)(b)1.1. Costs for shoreline habitat restoration when existing shoreline vegetation lacks the structure or complexity to support habitat functions for littoral and riparian areas. NR 154.04(29)(c)(c) Ineligible costs. Costs ineligible for cost-sharing reimbursement include: NR 154.04(29)(c)2.2. Cost for plants, seed, mulch or other materials not approved by the department. NR 154.04(29)(c)3.3. Costs for shoreline erosion control materials such as riprap or biologs unless approved by the department. NR 154.04(29)(c)4.4. Cost for materials for stairs, walkways, paths or other access structures. NR 154.04(29)(d)(d) Design, construction and maintenance. A cost-share grant under ch. NR 153 may not reimburse any costs related to shoreline habitat restoration for developed areas unless all the following conditions are met: NR 154.04(29)(d)1.1. No violations of county and local shoreland zoning requirements are present on the entire property. NR 154.04(29)(d)2.2. Runoff from roofs, driveways or other hard surfaces on the property is maintained in sheet flow with no channels or gullies, to the greatest extent possible using downspout runoff spreaders, directing runoff to flat or gently sloping grassy areas and minor landscaping to temporarily pond or spread out runoff or other means.