NR 465.46 NoteNote: Note: For example, concerning which HAPs to include, if toluene, which is not an OSHA carcinogen, is 0.5% of the material by mass, you do not have to count it.
NR 465.46(2)(a)5.5. ‘Solvent blends.’ Solvent blends may be listed as single components for some materials in data provided by manufacturers or suppliers. Solvent blends may contain organic HAP which shall be counted toward the total organic HAP mass fraction of the materials. When test data and manufacturer’s data for solvent blends are not available, you may use the default values for the mass fraction of organic HAP in these solvent blends listed in Table 2 or 3 of this subchapter. If you use the tables, you shall use the values in Table 2 for all solvent blends that match Table 2 entries according to the instructions for Table 2, and you may use Table 3 only if the solvent blends in the materials you use do not match any of the solvent blends in Table 2 and you know only whether the blend is aliphatic or aromatic. However, if the results of a test using Method 311 in 40 CFR part 63, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (25), indicate higher values than those listed on Table 2 or 3, the Method 311 results will take precedence unless, after consultation, you demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the formulation data are correct. NR 465.46(2)(b)(b) Determine the volume fraction of coating solids for each coating. You shall determine the volume fraction of coating solids, in liters (gallons) of coating solids per liter (gallon) of coating, for each coating used during the compliance period by a test, by information provided by the supplier or the manufacturer of the material, or by calculation, as specified in subds. 1. to 4. If test results obtained according to subd. 1. do not agree with the information obtained under subd. 3. or 4., the test results will take precedence unless, after consultation, you demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the formulation data are correct. NR 465.46(2)(b)1.1. ‘ASTM D2697-86 (1998) or ASTM D6093-97 (2003).’ You may use ASTM D2697-86 (1998) “Standard Test Method for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings”, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.10 (39e), or ASTM D6093-97 (2003) “Standard Test Method for Percent Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings Using a Helium Gas Pycnometer”, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.10 (55m), to determine the volume fraction of coating solids for each coating. Divide the nonvolatile volume percent obtained with the methods by 100 to calculate volume fraction of coating solids. NR 465.46(2)(b)2.2. ‘Alternative method.’ You may use an alternative test method for determining the solids content of each coating once the administrator has approved it. You shall follow the procedure in s. NR 460.06 (5) to submit an alternative test method for approval. NR 465.46(2)(b)3.3. ‘Information from the supplier or manufacturer of the material.’ You may obtain the volume fraction of coating solids for each coating from the supplier or manufacturer. NR 465.46(2)(b)4.4. ‘Calculation of volume fraction of coating solids.’ You may determine the volume fraction of coating solids using the following equation: (Equation 1)
Vs is the volume fraction of coating solids, liters (gallons) of coating solids per liter (gallon) of coating
mvolatiles is the total volatile matter content of the coating, including HAP, volatile organic compounds, water and exempt compounds, determined according to Method 24 in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, grams (lb) of volatile matter per liter (gallon) of coating Davg is the average density of volatile matter in the coating, grams (lb) of volatile matter per liter (gallon) of volatile matter, determined from test results using ASTM D1475-98 (2003) “Standard Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks, and Related Products”, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.10 (22), information from the supplier or manufacturer of the material, or reference sources providing density or specific gravity data for pure materials. If there is disagreement between ASTM Method D1475-98 (2003) test results and other information sources, the test results will take precedence unless, after consultation, you demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the formulation data are correct. NR 465.46(2)(c)(c) Determine the density of each coating. Determine the density of each coating used during the compliance period from test results using ASTM D1475-98 (2003) “Standard Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks, and Related Products”, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.10 (22), information from the supplier or manufacturer of the material, or specific gravity data for pure chemicals. If there is disagreement between ASTM D1475-98 (2003) test results and the supplier’s or manufacturer’s information, the test results will take precedence unless, after consultation, you demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the formulation data are correct. NR 465.46(2)(d)(d) Determine the organic HAP content of each coating. Calculate the organic HAP content of each coating used during the compliance period using the following equation: (Equation 2)
Hc is the organic HAP content of the coating, kg (lb) of organic HAP emitted per liter (gallon) of coating solids used
Dc is the density of coating, kg (lb) of coating per liter (gallon) of coating, determined according to par. (c)
Wc is the mass fraction of organic HAP in the coating, kg (lb) of organic HAP per kg (lb) of coating, determined according to par. (a)
Vs is the volume fraction of coating solids, liter (gallon) of coating solids per liter (gallon) of coating, determined according to par. (b)
NR 465.46(2)(e)(e) Compliance demonstration. The calculated organic HAP content for each coating used during the initial compliance period shall be less than or equal to the applicable emission limit in s. NR 465.43 (1); and each thinner, other additive and cleaning material used during the initial compliance period may not contain any organic HAP, determined according to par. (a). You shall keep all records required by s. NR 465.45 (3) and (4). As part of the notification of compliance status required in s. NR 465.45 (1), you shall identify the coating operations for which you used the compliant material option and submit a statement that the coating operations were in compliance with the emission limits in s. NR 465.43 (1) during the initial compliance period because you used no coatings for which the organic HAP content exceeded the applicable emission limit in s. NR 465.43 (1), and you used no thinners or other additives, or cleaning materials that contained organic HAP, determined according to the procedures in par. (a). NR 465.46(3)(3) How do i demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits? NR 465.46(3)(a)(a) For each compliance period, to demonstrate continuous compliance, you may not use any coating for which the organic HAP content, determined using Equation 2 of sub. (2) (d), exceeds the applicable emission limit in s. NR 465.43 (1), and you may not use any thinner or other additive, or cleaning material that contains organic HAP, determined according to sub. (2) (a). A compliance period consists of 12 months. Each month, after the end of the initial compliance period described in sub. (1), is the end of a compliance period consisting of that month and the preceding 11 months. If you are complying with a facility-specific emission limit under s. NR 465.43 (1) (c) 2., you shall also perform the calculation using Equation 1 of s. NR 465.43 (1) (c) 2. on a monthly basis using the data from the previous 12 months of operation. NR 465.46(3)(b)(b) If you choose to comply with the emission limits in s. NR 465.43 (1) by using the compliant material option specified in this section, the use of any coating, thinner or other additive, or cleaning material that does not meet the criteria specified in par. (a) is a deviation from the emission limits in s. NR 465.43 (1) that shall be reported as specified in s. NR 465.45 (1) (c) 6. and (2) (a) 5. NR 465.46(3)(c)(c) As part of each semiannual compliance report required by s. NR 465.45 (2), you shall identify the coating operations for which you used the compliant material option. If there were no deviations from the applicable emission limit in s. NR 465.43 (1), submit a statement that the coating operations were in compliance with the emission limits during the reporting period because you used no coatings for which the organic HAP content exceeded the applicable emission limit in s. NR 465.43 (1), and you used no thinner, other additive or cleaning material that contained organic HAP, determined according to sub. (2) (a). NR 465.46 HistoryHistory: CR 05-040: cr. Register February 2006 No. 602, eff. 3-1-06.