AB56,343 20Section 343. 27.019 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,432,621 27.019 (10) Acquisition of land. Any county in which there does not exist a
22county park commission acting through its rural planning committee may acquire
23by gift, grant, devise, donation, purchase, condemnation or otherwise, with the
24consent of the county board, a sufficient tract or tracts of land for the reservation for
25public use of river fronts, lake shores, picnic groves, outlook points from hilltops,

1places of special historic interest, memorial grounds, parks, playgrounds, sites for
2public buildings, and reservations in and about and along and leading to any or all
3of the same, and to develop and maintain the same for public use. The power of
4condemnation may not be used for the purpose of establishing or extending a
5recreational trail; a bicycle way, as defined in s. 340.01 (5s); a bicycle lane, as defined
6in s. 340.01 (5e); or a pedestrian way, as defined in s. 346.02 (8) (a).
AB56,344 7Section 344. 27.05 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,432,178 27.05 (3) Acquire, in the name of the county, by purchase, land contract, lease,
9condemnation, or otherwise, with the approval and consent of the county board, such
10tracts of land or public ways as it deems suitable for park purposes; including lands
11in any other county not more than three-fourths of a mile from the county line; but
12no land so acquired shall be disposed of by the county without the consent of said
13commission, and all moneys received for any such lands, or any materials, so
14disposed of, shall be paid into the county park fund hereinafter established. The
15power of condemnation may not be used for the purpose of establishing or extending
16a recreational trail; a bicycle way, as defined in s. 340.01 (5s); a bicycle lane, as
17defined in s. 340.01 (5e); or a pedestrian way, as defined in s. 346.02 (8) (a).
AB56,345 18Section 345. 27.065 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,433,1119 27.065 (1) (a) The county board of any county which shall have adopted a
20county system of parks or a county system of streets and parkways, pursuant to s.
2127.04, may acquire the lands necessary for carrying out all or part of such plan by
22gift, purchase, condemnation or otherwise; provided, however, that no lands shall be
23acquired by condemnation unless and until the common council of the city or the
24board of trustees of the village or the board of supervisors of the town wherein such
25land is situated shall consent thereto. The power of condemnation may not be used

1for the purpose of establishing or extending a recreational trail; a bicycle way, as
2defined in s. 340.01 (5s); a bicycle lane, as defined in s. 340.01 (5e); or a pedestrian
3way, as defined in s. 346.02 (8) (a).
The cost of acquiring such lands by purchase or
4condemnation may be paid in whole or in part by the county or by the property to be
5benefited thereby, as the county board shall direct but in no case shall the amount
6assessed to any parcel of real estate exceed the benefits accruing thereto; provided,
7that no assessment for paying the cost of acquiring lands may be levied or collected
8against the property to be benefited until the governing body of the city, village or
9town where such lands are located has by resolution determined that the public
10welfare will be promoted thereby. Title to all lands acquired hereunder shall be an
11estate in fee simple.
AB56,346 12Section 346. 27.08 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,433,2513 27.08 (2) (b) To acquire in the name of the city for park, parkway, boulevard or
14pleasure drive purposes by gift, devise, bequest or condemnation, either absolutely
15or in trust, money, real or personal property, or any incorporeal right or privilege;
16except that no lands may be acquired by condemnation for the purpose of
17establishing or extending a recreational trail; a bicycle way, as defined in s. 340.01
18(5s); a bicycle lane, as defined in s. 340.01 (5e); or a pedestrian way, as defined in s.
19346.02 (8) (a)
. Gifts to any city of money or other property, real or personal, either
20absolutely or in trust, for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive purposes shall
21be accepted only after they shall have been recommended by the board to the common
22council and approved by said council by resolution. Subject to the approval of the
23common council the board may execute every trust imposed upon the use of property
24or property rights by the deed, testament or other conveyance transferring the title
25of such property to the city for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive purposes.
1Section 347. 27.08 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,434,122 27.08 (2) (c) Subject to the approval of the common council to buy or lease lands
3in the name of the city for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive purposes
4within or without the city and, with the approval of the common council, to sell or
5exchange property no longer required for its purposes. Every city is authorized, upon
6recommendation of its officers, board or body having the control and management
7of its public parks, to acquire by condemnation in the name of the city such lands
8within or without its corporate boundaries as it may need for public parks, parkways,
9boulevards and pleasure drives. The power of condemnation may not be used for the
10purpose of establishing or extending a recreational trail; a bicycle way, as defined in
11s. 340.01 (5s); a bicycle lane, as defined in s. 340.01 (5e); or a pedestrian way, as
12defined in s. 346.02 (8) (a).
AB56,348 13Section 348. 29.024 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
AB56,434,1814 29.024 (11) Automatic reissuance of approvals. The department may develop
15a system under which, when a person purchases an approval, the person may opt to
16automatically purchase the same approval for subsequent years. The department
17may contract with a 3rd party to store customer information in order to carry out this
AB56,349 19Section 349. 32.015 of the statutes is repealed.
AB56,350 20Section 350. 32.51 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,434,2321 32.51 (1) Purposes. (intro.) In addition to the powers granted under subch. I
22and subject to the limitations under s. 32.015, any city may condemn or otherwise
23acquire property under this subchapter for:
AB56,351 24Section 351 . 35.93 (2) (b) 3. im. of the statutes is repealed.
AB56,352 25Section 352. 36.11 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
136.11 (3) (a) The Subject to s. 36.25 (56), the board shall establish the policies
2for admission within the system and within these policies each institution shall
3establish specific requirements for admission to its courses of instruction. No
4sectarian or partisan tests or any tests based upon race, religion, national origin of
5U.S. citizens or sex shall ever be allowed in the admission of students thereto.
AB56,353 6Section 353. 36.11 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,435,167 36.11 (3) (b) Subject to s. 36.31 (2m), the board shall establish policies for the
8appropriate transfer of credits between institutions within the system, including
9postsecondary credits earned by a high school pupil enrolled in a course at an
10institution within the system under the program under s. 118.55 36.25 (56). If the
11board determines that postsecondary credits earned by a high school pupil under the
12program under s. 118.55 36.25 (56) are not transferable under this paragraph, the
13board shall permit the individual to take an examination to determine the
14individual's competency in the subject area of the course and, if the individual
15receives a passing score on the examination, shall award equivalent credits to the
AB56,354 17Section 354. 36.11 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,436,218 36.11 (3) (c) Subject to s. 36.31 (2m), the board may establish policies for the
19appropriate transfer of credits with other educational institutions outside the
20system, including postsecondary credits earned by a high school pupil enrolled in a
21course at an educational institution outside the system through the program under
22s. 118.55 36.25 (56). If the board determines that postsecondary credits earned by
23a high school pupil under the program under s. 118.55 36.25 (56) are not transferable
24under this paragraph, the board shall permit the individual to take an examination
25to determine the individual's competency in the subject area of the course and, if the

1individual receives a passing score on the examination, shall award equivalent
2credits to the individual.
AB56,355 3Section 355. 36.112 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 36.112 (1) (intro.) and
4amended to read:
AB56,436,55 36.112 (1) Definition Definitions. (intro.) In this section,:
AB56,436,7 6(a) Notwithstanding s. 36.05 (9), “institution” includes the extension. means
7any of the following:
AB56,356 8Section 356. 36.112 (1) (a) 1., 2. and 3. and (b) of the statutes are created to
AB56,436,1110 36.112 (1) (a) 1. Any university, including any branch campus associated with
11the university as a result of the system restructuring.
AB56,436,1412 2. Any operational unit of the University of Wisconsin-Madison assigned
13former functions of the University of Wisconsin-Extension as a result of the system
AB56,436,1615 3. Any operational unit of system administration assigned former functions of
16the University of Wisconsin-Extension as a result of the system restructuring.