sunsetSunset, see also specific subject
Agricultural development loan guarantee program changes, sunset and fee provisions - Act 62
Autocycles exempt from emission inspections; registration plates for autocycles previously registered as motorcycles, sunset provision - Act 173
Child care quality rating system incentives, sunset provision [Sec. 9106 (5f)] [vetoed] - Act 9
Dam safety aid program: sunset extended [Sec. 348p] - Act 9
Intelligent transportation systems and traffic control signals appropriations: sunset removed [Sec. 185-187] - Act 9
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact: repeal provision of 2015 WisAct 116 that authorizes repeal of the statutes authorizing the compact - Act 49
Mental health consultation reimbursement sunset repealed [Sec. 678] - Act 9
Motor vehicle fuel tax: retailer refunds for evaporation sunsetted [Sec. 311m, 1067i-p, 9437 (6f)] - Act 9
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: certain sunsets extended - Act 121
Supplemental transportation aids to towns created, sunset provision [Sec. 182m, 1091m] [1091m -- partial veto] - Act 9
TEACH program extended and modified [Sec. 88-117, 275, 1570, 1570f, 1811m, 9434 (4)] - Act 9
Treatment and diversion (TAD) pilot program for nonviolent offenders: sunset extended, report to JCF [Sec. 234, 235, 9127 (2), 9427 (2)] [9127 (2) -- partial veto] - Act 9
Wisconsin Reading Corps grant made annual, sunset eliminated [Sec. 167, 1421, 9434 (1)] - Act 9
superintendent of public instructionSuperintendent of Public Instruction, see State Superintendent of Public Instruction
supervised releaseSupervised release, see Sex crimes
surveillanceSurveillance, see Privacy
surveying and surveyorsSurveying and surveyors
Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors required to promulgate rules re retired credential holder exemption from continuing education requirements but maintain professional title - Act 94
swattingSwatting, see Crime and criminals
swib _state of wisconsin investment board_SWIB (State of Wisconsin Investment Board), see Investment Board
tanf _temporary assistance for needy families_TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), see Public assistance
taserTaser, see Firearms and dangerous weapons
tax creditTax credit, see Income tax — Credit; Economic Development Corporation, Wisconsin; Corporation — Taxation
tax exemption or reliefTax exemption or relief, see Income tax — Deduction; Property tax — Exemption; Sales tax — Exemption
taxationTaxation, see also specific tax
Interest and penalties due on general fund taxes or taxes and fees deposited in the transportation fund: Secretary of DOR may waive on case-by-case basis if failure to file is due to effects of 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (14)] - Act 185
taxation _ assessmentTaxation -- Assessment, see Property tax — Assessment