SB254,22,2525 Signature....     Date....
1Section 31. 155.50 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB254,23,72 155.50 (1) (b) Failing to comply with a power of attorney for health care
3instrument or the decision of a health care agent, except that failure of a physician
4health care professional, as defined in s. 154.01 (3), to comply constitutes
5unprofessional conduct if the physician health care professional refuses or fails to
6make a good faith attempt to transfer the principal to another physician health care
who will comply.
SB254,32 8Section 32 . 165.77 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB254,23,109 165.77 (1) (a) “Health care professional" has the meaning given in s. 154.01 (3)
10means a person licensed, certified, or registered under ch. 441, 448, or 455.
SB254,33 11Section 33 . 302.384 of the statutes is renumbered 302.384 (2m), and 302.384
12(2m) (a), as renumbered, is amended to read:
SB254,23,1413 302.384 (2m) (a) A sheriff, jailer, keeper or officer arranges for a health care
14professional, as defined in s. 154.01 (3), to observe the prisoner.
SB254,34 15Section 34 . 302.384 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB254,23,1716 302.384 (1m) In this section, “health care professional” means a person
17licensed, certified, or registered under ch. 441, 448, or 455.
SB254,35 18Section 35 . 441.07 (1g) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB254,23,2319 441.07 (1g) (d) (intro.) Misconduct or unprofessional conduct. In this
20paragraph, “unprofessional conduct” includes making a determination under ch. 154
21or 155 if the person does not have sufficient education, training, and experience to
22make the determination.
In this paragraph, “misconduct" and “unprofessional
23conduct" do not include any of the following:
SB254,36 24Section 36. 448.015 (4) (am) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
1448.015 (4) (am) 2m. A determination made by a physician assistant under ch.
2154 or 155 if the physician assistant does not have sufficient education, training, and
3experience to make the determination.
SB254,24,44 (End)