Correctional officers, youth counselors, and psychiatric care technicians: additional compensation and recruitment and retention benefits from certain federal moneys [vetoed] -
AB828Crisis intervention training grants [Sec. 191] -
Act 58Crisis program enhancement grants expanded to counties and municipalities and to establish or enhance law enforcement and behavioral health services emergency response collaboration programs; report required -
Act 184Critical incident mapping data: grants to schools to submit data to public safety officials -
Act 109DOA grants to political subdivisions to combat crime re additional policing, strategic planning, uniformed beat patrol, and public safety goals; DOJ and report provisions; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys [vetoed] -
AB777Execution of search warrants at physical premises: report required and information specified -
Act 183Law enforcement equipment appropriations: "radio" changed to "technology" [Sec. 38-40] -
Act 58Law enforcement investigative services provided by local government re incidents in or in transit to a state prison or juvenile correctional facility: DOC to reimburse certain expenses [vetoed] -
AB569Law enforcement officer training reimbursement appropriation [Sec. 68] -
Act 58Law enforcement training reimbursement from LESB revised; Governor to allocate federal moneys, sunset provision [vetoed] -
AB832Law enforcement use-of-force incidents: DOJ annual report required -
Act 50LESB responsibilities: adding jails and juvenile detention facilities and recruitment standards; employment files on employees required -
Act 82“Pro-Cop Wisconsin Campaign”: WEDC and DOJ to collaborate on marketing campaign; Governor to allocate federal moneys [vetoed] -
AB831Search warrant may be executed without knocking; local governments and law enforcement agencies cannot restrict execution of a search warrant; expenditure of certain federal moneys by first class city [vetoed] -
AB834Sexual assault kits: procedures for transmission, processing, and storage created -
Act 116Sexual contact between law enforcement officer and person in his or her custody: crime created, sex offender registration provision -
Act 188Shared revenue payments decreased same amount municipality reduces certain law enforcement officer, paid fire department member, or emergency medical responder funding; conditions specified [vetoed] -
SB119TCS Board to establish part-time police academy programs; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys [vetoed] -
AB836Traffic violation in emergency or roadside response area with emergency vehicles or tow trucks present: penalties increased; wireless telephone use prohibition provision -
Act 115Use of force by law enforcement policy made available on the agency’s or municipality’s website with means to request copy -
Act 49Use of force by law enforcement: standards established, duty to report noncompliant use of force, duty to intervene, and whistleblower protections -
Act 75WC law changes re liability for public safety officers, payments in cases of injuries resulting in death, furnishing of billing statements, leased employees, and statute of limitations -
Act 29Clam Falls dam project appropriation, sunset provision [Sec. 43, 44, 9432 (5)] [43 -- partial veto] -
Act 58Immunization-related mail: government entities, schools, health care providers, and childcare centers required to ensure mail is sealed and no information is visible on the outside -
Act 81