SB673,33,76 b. The conditions of liability under s. 102.03 (1) are proven by the
7preponderance of the evidence.
SB673,33,98 2. The mental injury may not be a result of any of the following actions taken
9in good faith by the employer:
SB673,33,1010 a. A disciplinary action.
SB673,33,1111 b. A work evaluation.
SB673,33,1212 c. A job transfer.
SB673,33,1313 d. A layoff.
SB673,33,1414 e. A demotion.
SB673,33,1515 f. A termination.
SB673,33,1816 3. The diagnosis does not need to be based on unusual stress of greater
17dimensions than the day-to-day emotional strain and tension experienced by
18similarly situated employees.
SB673,69 19Section 69. 102.175 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,34,220 102.175 (2) If after a hearing or a prehearing conference the division
21department determines that an injured employee is entitled to compensation but
22that there remains in dispute only the issue of which of 2 or more parties is liable for
23that compensation, the division department may order one or more parties to pay
24compensation in an amount, time, and manner as determined by the division
25department. If the division department later determines that another party is liable

1for compensation, the division department shall order that other party to reimburse
2any party that was ordered to pay compensation under this subsection.
SB673,70 3Section 70. 102.175 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,34,84 102.175 (3) (c) Upon request of the department, the division, the employer, or
5the employer's worker's compensation insurer, an injured employee who claims
6compensation for an injury causing permanent disability shall disclose all previous
7findings of permanent disability or other impairments that are relevant to that
SB673,71 9Section 71. 102.18 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,34,1610 102.18 (1) (b) 1. Within 90 days after the final hearing and close of the record,
11the division department shall make and file its findings upon the ultimate facts
12involved in the controversy, and its order, which shall state the division's
13department's determination as to the rights of the parties. Pending the final
14determination of any controversy before it, the division department, after any
15hearing, may, in its discretion, make interlocutory findings, orders, and awards,
16which may be enforced in the same manner as final awards.
SB673,72 17Section 72. 102.18 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,34,2318 102.18 (1) (b) 2. The division department may include in any interlocutory or
19final award or order an order directing the employer or insurer to pay for any future
20treatment that may be necessary to cure and relieve the employee from the effects
21of the injury or to pay for a future course of instruction or other rehabilitation
22training services provided under a rehabilitation training program developed under
23s. 102.61 (1) or (1m).
SB673,73 24Section 73. 102.18 (1) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
1102.18 (1) (b) 3. If the division department finds that the employer or insurer
2has not paid any amount that the employer or insurer was directed to pay in any
3interlocutory order or award and that the nonpayment was not in good faith, the
4division department may include in its final award a penalty not exceeding 25
5percent of each amount that was not paid as directed.
SB673,74 6Section 74. 102.18 (1) (bg) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,35,157 102.18 (1) (bg) 1. If the division department finds under par. (b) that an insurer
8or self-insured employer is liable under this chapter for any health services provided
9to an injured employee by a health service provider, but that the reasonableness of
10the fee charged by the health service provider is in dispute, the division department
11may include in its order under par. (b) a determination made by the department
12under s. 102.16 (2) as to the reasonableness of the fee or, if such a determination has
13not yet been made, the division department may notify, or direct the insurer or
14self-insured employer to notify, the health service provider under s. 102.16 (2) (b)
15that the reasonableness of the fee is in dispute.
SB673,75 16Section 75. 102.18 (1) (bg) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,35,2517 102.18 (1) (bg) 2. If the division department finds under par. (b) that an
18employer or insurance carrier is liable under this chapter for any treatment provided
19to an injured employee by a health service provider, but that the necessity of the
20treatment is in dispute, the division department may include in its order under par.
21(b) a determination made by the department under s. 102.16 (2m) as to the necessity
22of the treatment or, if such a determination has not yet been made, the division
23department may notify, or direct the employer or insurance carrier to notify, the
24health service provider under s. 102.16 (2m) (b) that the necessity of the treatment
25is in dispute.
1Section 76. 102.18 (1) (bg) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,36,122 102.18 (1) (bg) 3. If the division department finds under par. (b) that an insurer
3or self-insured employer is liable under this chapter for the cost of a prescription
4drug dispensed under s. 102.425 (2) for outpatient use by an injured employee, but
5that the reasonableness of the amount charged for that prescription drug is in
6dispute, the division department may include in its order under par. (b) a
7determination made by the department under s. 102.425 (4m) as to the
8reasonableness of the prescription drug charge or, if such a determination has not
9yet been made, the division department may notify, or direct the insurer or
10self-insured employer to notify, the pharmacist or practitioner dispensing the
11prescription drug under s. 102.425 (4m) (b) that the reasonableness of the
12prescription drug charge is in dispute.
SB673,77 13Section 77. 102.18 (1) (bp) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,37,414 102.18 (1) (bp) If the division department determines that the employer or
15insurance carrier suspended, terminated, or failed to make payments or failed to
16report an injury as a result of malice or bad faith, the division department may
17include a penalty in an award to an employee for each event or occurrence of malice
18or bad faith. That penalty is the exclusive remedy against an employer or insurance
19carrier for malice or bad faith. If the penalty is imposed for an event or occurrence
20of malice or bad faith that causes a payment that is due an injured employee to be
21delayed in violation of s. 102.22 (1) or overdue in violation of s. 628.46 (1), the division
22department may not also order an increased payment under s. 102.22 (1) or the
23payment of interest under s. 628.46 (1). The division department may award an
24amount that the division department considers just, not to exceed the lesser of 200
25percent of total compensation due or $30,000 for each event or occurrence of malice

1or bad faith. The division department may assess the penalty against the employer,
2the insurance carrier, or both. Neither the employer nor the insurance carrier is
3liable to reimburse the other for the penalty amount. The division department may,
4by rule, define actions that demonstrate malice or bad faith.
SB673,78 5Section 78. 102.18 (1) (bw) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB673,37,126 102.18 (1) (bw) If an insurer, a self-insured employer, or, if applicable, the
7uninsured employers fund pays compensation to an employee in excess of its liability
8and another insurer or self-insured employer is liable for all or part of the excess
9payment, the department or the division may order the insurer or self-insured
10employer that is liable for that excess payment to reimburse the insurer or
11self-insured employer that made the excess payment or, if applicable, the uninsured
12employers fund.