DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.1. ‘All foster parents.’ As evidenced through interviews with foster family members, the use of formalized assessment systems, communication with references, and other methods considered to be effective components of a comprehensive foster home study, a licensee shall have or exhibit all of the following characteristics to a degree that will allow the licensee to adequately provide foster care services: DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.a.a. An adequate understanding of what it means to be a foster child and a recognition of a child’s strengths and needs consistent with the child’s age and abilities, or a motivation to learn. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.b.b. A history of managing or an indication of the ability to manage stress related to economic resources, employment, home, neighborhood, family size, health problems, or other factors and an indication of an ability to cope with an additional stress factor of the placement of a foster child. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.e.e. An outlook regarding the licensee’s own history that indicates that any negative aspects have been recognized and adequately addressed. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.f.f. Parenting ability appropriate to the age, abilities, strengths, and needs of foster children to be placed in the licensee’s home or a motivation to learn. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.h.h. An adequate knowledge of child growth and development or a motivation to learn. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.i.i. Reasonably constructive social relationships and the ability to provide encouragement and understanding of a foster child’s need for positive social relationships. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.j.j. Effective intrafamilial communication and the existence of appropriate family roles, marital or other relationship stability, integration into the community, and organization in the home. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.k.k. An appropriate understanding of child abuse and neglect as a social problem or a motivation to learn. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.L.L. An appropriate understanding of the needs of children who have been abused or neglected and of parents who abuse or neglect their children or a motivation to learn. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.m.m. Adequate preparation of all family members to become a foster family, particularly preparation for the stress that having a foster child in the family may place on each family member. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.n.n. An appropriate motivation for applying to be a foster family and an ability to follow through on difficult endeavors. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.o.o. A willingness to work with the supervising agency, placing agency, licensing agency, and the biological or adoptive parents in achieving a foster child’s permanence goal as established in the child’s permanency plan. DCF 56.05(1)(b)1.p.p. A willingness to promote normalcy for a foster child by encouraging the child to participate in age or developmentally appropriate extracurricular, enrichment, cultural, and social activities under s. DCF 56.09 (2m). DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.2. ‘Level 3 to 5.’ In addition to the requirements under subd. 1., a foster parent who operates a foster home with a Level 3 to 5 certification shall have the following knowledge, skills, and qualifications prior to placement of a child in the foster home: DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.a.a. Knowledge of the specific behavioral, emotional, or physical conditions; symptomology; and treatment and care needs of the child to be placed. DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.b.b. Knowledge of the operation of any specialized equipment and emergency back-up systems for the child to be placed. DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.c.c. Recognition of escalating symptoms or side-effects of the child’s condition and appropriate responses. DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.d.d. Knowledge of the medications, services, and treatments of the child to be placed. DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.e.e. Knowledge of the care requirements and techniques required for the child to be placed. DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.f.f. A demonstrated commitment to providing care for a child with serious treatment needs. DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.g.g. Commitment and time to receive the required pre-placement, initial, and ongoing training. DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.i.i. A demonstrated capacity to deal effectively with the dependency needs of the child. DCF 56.05(1)(b)2.j.j. Availability at all times except when respite care under s. DCF 56.21 or other arrangements for care of the child have been made with the supervising or licensing agency.