Sudden cardiac arrest during youth athletic activities: DPI to develop information, in consultation with WIAA and pediatric cardiologists, and distribute to participants in private or public school or private club activities; sunset provision -
Act 210WPCP and RPCP prior year pupil attendance requirement to include Special Needs Scholarship Program pupils; transfers from RPCP or MPCP to WPCP when pupil’s residence changes [vetoed] -
SB608Youth apprenticeship program: schools to include in educational options information provided to parents and guardians -
Act 83Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm -
Act 187Persons on probation, extended supervision, or parole from another state and move to Wisconsin are required to submit human biological specimen to state crime labs for DNA analysis regardless of the crime committed -
Act 53Serving a sentence for certain violent crimes: individual is ineligible for challenge incarceration program, extended supervision, and special action parole release -
Act 227Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act adopted -
Act 87Vendors of personal property items at state correctional institutions: DOC to contract with 2 or 3, allow purchase on behalf of an inmate, and offer an online catalog -
Act 264Complex rehabilitation technology contributing to independent completion of activities and mobility: DHS to reimburse MA recipient in a nursing home for -
Act 88Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions and penalty provisions; conditions for removal from status list specified [vetoed] -
SB937MA changes re coverage of home health services and products and cross-references to “institution for mental diseases;” definition of “independent living core services” revised (remedial legislation suggested by DHS) -
Act 248Qualified ABLE savings account program under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code: DFI to study and report on establishment -
Act 119COVID-19 vaccines and tests administered by pharmacies: DHS to ensure MA coverage [vetoed] -
AB1Health care providers licensed in another state: DSPS may grant temporary credentials under certain conditions [vetoed] -
AB1Pharmacies and remote dispensing sites: revisions to licensing and regulations under the pharmacy practice law; free and charitable clinic and narcotic treatment service provisions -
Act 101Pharmacist services: MA reimbursement -
Act 98Pharmacists authorized to extend a prescription order: 2019 WisAct 185 provisions extended [vetoed] -
AB1Pharmacy benefit manager licensure requirements and regulations; cost-sharing limitation; specified disclosures to customers; notification of drug substitution -
Act 9