SB1035,22,1915 4. A registration fee in an amount determined by the department but not to
16exceed $150, except that for an applicant who is a recipient of medical assistance
17under subch. IV of ch. 49, is receiving benefits under the federal social security
18disability insurance program under 42 USC 423 or the federal supplemental security
19income program under 42 USC 1381, or is a veteran, the fee shall be $50.
SB1035,22,2220 (ac) A person who is at least 21 years of age may apply for a registry
21identification card as a primary caregiver by submitting to the department all of the
SB1035,22,2423 1. A signed application form that contains the applicant's name, address, and
24date of birth.
12. A copy of a written certification or copy of a registration identification card
2for each qualifying patient for whom the applicant will be the primary caregiver.
SB1035,23,33 3. A registration fee of $250.
SB1035,23,74 (b) The department shall promulgate rules specifying how a parent, guardian,
5or person having legal custody of a child may apply for a registry identification card
6for the child and the circumstances under which the department may approve or
7deny the application.
SB1035,23,11 8(3) Processing the application. The department shall verify the information
9the applicant submitted under sub. (2) (a) or (ac) and shall approve or deny the
10application within 30 days after receiving it. The department may deny an
11application submitted under sub. (2) (a) or (ac) only if any of the following applies:
SB1035,23,1312 (a) The applicant did not provide the required information or provided false
SB1035,23,1514 (b) The department is required to deny the application under the rules
15promulgated under sub. (2) (b).
SB1035,23,20 16(4) Issuing a registry identification card. The department shall issue an
17applicant a registry identification card within 5 days after approving the application
18under sub. (3). Unless voided under sub. (5) (b) or (c) or revoked under rules
19promulgated under sub. (7) (d), a registry identification card expires 2 years from the
20date of issuance. A registry identification card shall contain all of the following:
SB1035,23,2121 (a) The name, address, and date of birth of all of the following:
SB1035,23,2222 1. The registrant.
SB1035,23,2323 2. Each primary caregiver, if the registrant is a qualifying patient.
SB1035,23,2424 3. Each qualifying patient, if the registrant is a primary caregiver.
SB1035,23,2525 (b) The date of issuance and expiration date of the registry identification card.
1(c) A photograph of the registrant.
SB1035,24,22 (d) Other information the department may require by rule.
SB1035,24,3 3(4m) Annual fee. Primary caregivers shall pay an annual fee of $250.
SB1035,24,13 4(5) Additional information to be provided by registrant. (a) 1. An adult
5registrant shall notify the department of any change in the registrant's name and
6address. An adult registrant who is a qualifying patient shall notify the department
7of any change in his or her practitioner, of any significant improvement in his or her
8health as it relates to his or her debilitating medical condition or treatment, and if
9a primary caregiver stops helping the registrant use or acquire medical cannabis.
10A registrant who is a primary caregiver shall notify the department if the registrant
11becomes a primary caregiver for an additional qualifying patient and shall include
12with the notice a copy of a written certification or copy of a registration identification
13card for each additional qualifying patient.
SB1035,24,1714 2. If a qualifying patient is a child, a primary caregiver for the child shall
15provide the department with any information that the child, if he or she were an
16adult qualifying patient, would have to provide under subd. 1. within 10 days after
17the date of the change to which the information relates.
SB1035,24,2218 (b) If a registrant fails to notify the department within 10 days after any change
19for which notification is required under par. (a) 1., his or her registry identification
20card is void. If a registrant fails to comply with par. (a) 2., the registry identification
21card for the qualifying patient to whom the information under par. (a) 2. relates is
SB1035,25,223 (c) If a qualifying patient's registry identification card becomes void under par.
24(b), the registry identification card for each of the qualifying patient's primary

1caregivers with regard to that qualifying patient is void. The department shall send
2written notice of this fact to each such primary caregiver.
SB1035,25,3 3(6) Records. (a) The department shall maintain a list of all registrants.
SB1035,25,64 (b) Notwithstanding s. 19.35 and except as provided in par. (c), the department
5may not disclose information from an application submitted or a registry
6identification card issued under this section.
SB1035,25,97 (c) The department may disclose to a law enforcement agency, upon the request
8of the law enforcement agency, only information necessary to verify that a person
9possesses a valid registry identification card.
SB1035,25,10 10(7) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules that do all of the following:
SB1035,25,1111 (a) Create a form for an application under sub. (2).
SB1035,25,1312 (b) Specify how the department will verify under sub. (3) the information
13submitted under sub. (2).
SB1035,25,1514 (bm) Specify how photographs under sub. (4) (c) must be taken and the
15requirements for such photographs.