SB70-SSA2-SA5,27,86 (e) Take other steps necessary to facilitate the implementation of the initiatives
7specified in sub. (2) and to identify and address barriers to the implementation of
8those initiatives.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,27,11 9(4) Clean energy grants. The office shall establish a program for making
10grants from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (4) (cm) to fund research in support
11of clean energy production.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,27,17 12(5) Technical assistance. (a) The office may provide technical assistance to
13local governmental units and private entities to assist in the planning and
14implementation of energy efficiency and renewable resources and may charge for
15those services. The office may request technical and staff assistance from other state
16agencies in providing technical assistance to those units of government and private
SB70-SSA2-SA5,27,2118 (b) The office may require a public utility to provide energy billing and use data
19regarding public schools, if the office determines that the data are necessary to
20provide technical assistance under par. (a) in public schools, including those with the
21highest energy costs.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,27,2322 (c) The office shall consult with the public service commission in implementing
23this subsection.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,31 24Section 31. 16.955 of the statutes is created to read:
116.955 Clean energy small business incubator. (1) Incubator. The office
2of sustainability and clean energy in the department shall operate a small business
SB70-SSA2-SA5,28,6 4(2) Duties. The incubator operated under sub. (1) shall provide business
5development, mentorship, and expertise to small businesses with their primary
6place of business in this state that operates in the clean energy sector.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,28,11 7(3) Grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.505 (4) (cn), the incubator shall
8award grants to small business start-up companies with their primary place of
9business in this state that operate in the clean energy sector. The office of
10sustainability and clean energy shall establish requirements for grant recipients
11under this subsection.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,2 12Section 2. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
13the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-SSA2-SA5,32 1Section 32. 20.505 (1) (cf) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,29,42 20.505 (1) (cf) Climate risk assessment and resiliency plan technical assistance
Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for the climate risk assessment and
4resiliency plan technical assistance grants under s. 16.035 (3).
SB70-SSA2-SA5,33 5Section 33. 20.505 (1) (fz) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,29,96 20.505 (1) (fz) Office of environmental justice; office of sustainability and clean
7energy; administration.
The amounts in the schedule for the administration of the
8office of environmental justice and the office of sustainability and clean energy and
9for the chief resiliency officer.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,34 10Section 34. 20.505 (4) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,29,1211 20.505 (4) (cm) Clean energy grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule
12for grants under s. 16.954 (4).
SB70-SSA2-SA5,35 13Section 35. 20.505 (4) (cn) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,29,1614 20.505 (4) (cn) Clean energy small business incubator. Biennially, the amounts
15in the schedule for the operation of the clean energy small business incubator under
16s. 16.955 (1) and grants under s. 16.955 (3).
SB70-SSA2-SA5,36 17Section 36. 20.923 (4) (c) 1s. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,29,1818 20.923 (4) (c) 1s. Administration, department of: chief resiliency officer.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,37 19Section 37. 20.923 (4) (c) 1t. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,29,2120 20.923 (4) (c) 1t. Administration, department of: director of the office of
21environmental justice.
1Section 38. 230.08 (2) (ya) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,30,32 230.08 (2) (ya) The director of the office of environmental justice in the
3department of administration.
SB70-SSA2-SA5,39 4Section 39. 230.08 (2) (yf) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,30,65 230.08 (2) (yf) The chief resiliency officer in the department of
SB70-SSA2-SA5,30,7 796. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-SSA2-SA5,30,8 8 Section 40. 16.293 of the statutes is created to read: