NR 328.05(4)(h)(h) Riprap may not be placed at an elevation higher than the ordinary high water mark plus the storm-wave height as calculated in s. NR 328.08 (1).
NR 328.05(4)(i)(i) The toe of the riprap may not extend more than 8 feet waterward of the ordinary high water mark.
NR 328.05(4)(j)(j) For replacement, the final riprap slope may not exceed (be steeper than) 2 feet horizontal to one foot vertical.
NR 328.05(4)(k)(k) Riprap shall be clean fieldstone or quarry stone 6 to 24 inches in diameter.
NR 328.05(4)(L)(L) For replacement projects, the filter cloth or clean-washed gravel shall be used as a filter layer under the riprap to extend the life of the structure, improve effectiveness and prevent soil erosion behind the riprap.
NR 328.05(4)(m)(m) Riprap or other vegetated armoring shall be re-vegetated above the ordinary high water mark by using native plantings which may include native non-woody plants, native shrub plantings, native live stakes or native jointed plantings.
NR 328.05(5)(5)Riprap or vegetated armoring. Riprap or vegetated armoring on the bed or bank of a lake or flowage may be authorized under this general permit if it meets all of the requirements of s. NR 328.04 (3) with the exception that it may be located in an area of special natural resource interest, and with additional limitations as follows:
NR 328.05(5)(a)(a) Riprap or vegetated armoring may not exceed 200 linear feet of shoreline.
NR 328.05(5)(b)(b) The project site is a moderate or high energy site; or a low energy site where the bank-edge recession described in s. NR 328.08 (3) is equal to or greater than 0.5 feet per year and the applicant can show a biological erosion control structure was previously placed according to the standards in s. NR 328.04 (3) and (4).
NR 328.05 NoteNote: NR 328.08 (3) requires that the time between separate measurements shall equal or exceed 3 months during the open-water season.
NR 328.05 NoteNote: The applicant will satisfy the “equal to or greater than 0.5 feet per year” requirement by demonstrating that the bank-edge recession is equal to or greater than 1.5 inches per 3 months during the open-water season.
NR 328.05(5)(c)(c) Riprap shall be clean fieldstone or quarry stone 6 to 24 inches in diameter.
NR 328.05(5)(d)(d) The toe of the riprap may not extend more than 8 feet waterward of the ordinary high water mark.
NR 328.05(5)(e)(e) The final riprap slope may not exceed (be steeper than) 2 feet horizontal to one foot vertical.
NR 328.05(5)(f)(f) Riprap may not be placed at an elevation higher than the ordinary high water mark plus the storm-wave height as calculated in s. NR 328.08 (1). For waters subject to subch. II, riprap may not be placed at an elevation higher than the ordinary high water mark plus 1.5 times the storm-wave height calculated in s. NR 328.08.
NR 328.05 NoteNote: The listed waters in subch. II are typified by following conditions – impounded; 2500 acres and larger; extensive water level fluctuation; high shoreline recession rates; historic loss of shoreline vegetation.
NR 328.05(5)(g)(g) No fill material or soil may be placed in a wetland or below the ordinary high water mark of any navigable waterway.
NR 328.05(5)(h)(h) The riprap shall follow the natural contour of the shoreline.
NR 328.05(5)(i)(i) Filter cloth or clean-washed gravel shall be used as a filter layer under the riprap to extend the life of the structure, improve effectiveness and prevent soil erosion behind the riprap.
NR 328.05(5)(j)(j) Riprap or other vegetated armoring along moderate energy sites shall be re-vegetated above the ordinary high water mark by using native shrub plantings, native live stakes or native jointed plantings.
NR 328.05 NoteNote: Erosion control treatments may include a 10-foot shoreline segment where plant establishment is not required for the purpose of ingress/egress associated with the placement of a pier or access to the waterway, or associated with public park activities.
NR 328.05(6)(6)Replacement of an existing seawall with riprap or vegetated armoring. Replacement of an existing seawall with riprap or vegetated armoring on the bed or bank of a lake or flowage may be authorized under this general permit if it meets all of the requirements of sub. (5) (c) to (j) and s. NR 328.04 (3) with the exception that it may be located in an area of special natural resource interest, and may not exceed 500 linear feet.
NR 328.05(7)(7)Seawall replacement. Replacement of an existing seawall on the bed or bank of a navigable water adjacent to a riparian property may be authorized under this general permit if it meets all of the requirements and limitations:
NR 328.05(7)(a)(a) The replacement may not exceed 100 feet of shoreline located on an inland lake or flowage of 300 acres or more.
NR 328.05(7)(b)(b) Seawall replacement may be permitted only at the following locations:
NR 328.05(7)(b)1.1. Municipal or commercial marinas where vertical docking facilities are a practical alternative after considering the public interest.
NR 328.05(7)(b)2.2. Navigational channels actively used as thoroughfares or for access, where slopes are greater (steeper) than 1.5 feet vertical to one foot horizontal, showing evidence of erosion, where alternative methods of erosion control would impede navigation.
NR 328.05(7)(b)3.3. Locations where slopes are greater (steeper) than 1.5 feet vertical to one foot horizontal, and where the applicant demonstrates that alternative measures are not practicable taking into consideration bank height and the location of other permanent structures on the property.
NR 328.05(7)(c)(c) The seawall replacement shall incorporate an adequate footing to prevent settlement, tipping or undermining.