SB225,28162Section 28. 340.01 (18m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB225,,163163340.01 (18m) “Fifth-wheel recreational vehicle” means a recreational vehicle that is towed by a vehicle with a flatbed frame so the trailer hitch of the recreational vehicle is bolted to the flatbed frame of the towing vehicle mounted on wheels that is designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, that is of a size and weight that a special highway movement permit is not required, and that is designed to be towed by a motor vehicle that contains a towing mechanism that is mounted above or forward of the rear axle of the tow vehicle.
SB225,29164Section 29. 340.01 (48r) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB225,,165165340.01 (48r) “Recreational vehicle” means a vehicle that is designed to be towed upon a highway by a motor vehicle, that is equipped and used, or intended to be used, primarily for temporary or recreational human habitation, that has walls of rigid construction, and that does not exceed 45 feet in length. “Recreational vehicle” includes a camping trailer, fifth-wheel recreational vehicle, park model recreational vehicle, as defined in s. 218.10 (7m), travel trailer, as defined in s. 218.10 (8v), and truck camper, as defined in s. 218.10 (8w).
SB225,30166Section 30. 341.25 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB225,,167167341.25 (1) (i) For each recreational vehicle, and for each camping trailer, a fee of $15.
SB225,31168Section 31. 348.08 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB225,,169169348.08 (1) (i) A 3-vehicle combination consisting of a towing vehicle and, in order by weight, with the lighter of the towed vehicles as the 3rd vehicle in the 3-vehicle combination unless not structurally possible, a recreational vehicle or camping trailer as the 2nd vehicle, and a recreational vehicle, camping trailer, or trailer carrying any vehicle for recreational use or carrying no load as the 3rd vehicle may, without a permit, be operated on a highway if the overall length of the combination of vehicles does not exceed 65 feet and, if the total weight, including any load, of all towed vehicles exceeds 3,000 pounds, one of the towed vehicles is equipped with brakes. No 3-vehicle combination may operate under this paragraph if highway or weather conditions include heavy snow, freezing rain, icy roads, high winds, limited visibility, or upon a highway that is closed or partially closed by the department due to highway conditions.
SB225,32170Section 32. 348.08 (1) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB225,,171171348.08 (1) (j) A 3-vehicle combination not exceeding 70 feet in overall length may, without a permit, be operated on a highway if the towing vehicle serving as the power unit is equipped with a 5th wheel and kingpin connection by which the 2nd vehicle in the 3-vehicle combination is drawn, the 2nd vehicle in the 3-vehicle combination is a recreational vehicle or camping trailer, including any combination camping-horse trailer, the 3rd vehicle in the 3-vehicle combination is a recreational vehicle or camping trailer or a trailer carrying any vehicle for recreational use, carrying equestrian equipment and equestrian supplies for recreational purposes, or carrying no load, and, if the total weight, including any load, of all towed vehicles exceeds 3,000 pounds, one of the towed vehicles is equipped with brakes. No 3-vehicle combination may operate under this paragraph if highway or weather conditions include heavy snow, freezing rain, icy roads, high winds, limited visibility, or upon a highway that is closed or partially closed by the department due to highway conditions.