SB855,81 22Section 81. 230.43 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB855,24,223 230.43 (1) (b) Willfully or corruptly, falsely marks, grades, estimates, or reports
24upon an application or resume examination, or proper standing of any person

1evaluated examined, registered, or certified, pursuant to this subchapter, or aids in
2so doing.
SB855,82 3Section 82. 230.43 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB855,24,54 230.43 (1) (c) Willfully or corruptly makes any false representations concerning
5the same, or concerning an applicant the person examined.
SB855,83 6Section 83. 230.43 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB855,24,107 230.43 (1) (d) Willfully or corruptly furnishes any person any special or secret
8information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances
9of any persons so evaluated examined, registered, or certified, being appointed,
10employed, or promoted.
SB855,84 11Section 84. 230.43 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB855,24,1412 230.43 (1) (e) Personates any other person, or permits or aids in any manner
13any other person to personate him or her in connection with any examination,
14registration, application, or request to be evaluated examined or registered.
SB855,85 15Section 85. 230.43 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB855,24,2416 230.43 (5) Taxpayers' suits. The right of any taxpayer to bring any action to
17restrain the payment of compensation to any person appointed to or holding any
18office or place of employment in violation of this subchapter shall not be limited or
19denied by reason of the fact that the office or place of employment has been classified
20as, or determined to be, not subject to a competitive hiring process examination;
21however, any judgment or injunction in any such action shall be prospective only, and
22shall not affect payments already made or due to such persons by the proper
23disbursing officers, in accordance with the rules of the administrator in force at the
24time of such payments.
SB855,86 25Section 86. 230.44 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1230.44 (1) (c) Demotion, layoff, suspension or discharge. If an employee has
2permanent status in class, or an employee has served with the state as an assistant
3district attorney or an assistant state public defender for a continuous period of 12
4months or more, the employee may appeal a demotion, layoff, suspension, discharge
5or reduction in base pay to the commission as the final step in the state employee
6grievance process procedure established under s. 230.445 230.04 (14), if the appeal
7alleges that the decision was not based on just cause.
SB855,87 8Section 87. 230.44 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB855,25,139 230.44 (1) (e) Discretionary performance awards. This subsection does not
10apply to decisions of an appointing authority relating to discretionary performance
11awards under s. 230.12 (5) or under the discretionary merit award program
12established under s. 230.04 (19)
, including the evaluation methodology and results
13used to determine the award or the amount awarded.
SB855,88 14Section 88. 230.445 of the statutes is repealed.
SB855,89 15Section 89. 321.65 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB855,25,2016 321.65 (3) (g) Veterans preferences. The right of a person to reemployment
17under this subsection does not entitle the person to retention, preference, or
18displacement rights over any person who has a superior claim under s. 45.03 (4),
1962.13 (4) (d), 63.08 (1) (f) or (fm), 63.37, 63.39 (2m), 66.0509 (1), 230.15 (2m), 230.16
20(7) or (7m), 230.21 (1m), 230.25, or 230.275.
SB855,90 21Section 90. Initial applicability.
SB855,25,2422 (1) Hiring preferences for veterans. The treatment of ss. 63.08 (1) (fm) and
23230.25 (1g) and (1m) first applies to a position that is posted on the effective date of
24this subsection.
1(2) Probationary periods. The treatment of s. 230.28 (1) (a), (am), and (c) first
2applies to a probationary period that begins on the effective date of this subsection.
SB855,26,53 (3) Standards for adverse employment actions. The treatment of s. 230.34 (1)
4(a) (intro.) and (am) first applies to employee discipline for conduct that occurs on the
5effective date of this subsection.
SB855,26,76 (4) Grievance procedures. The treatment of s. 230.44 (1) (c) first applies to an
7action taken against an employee on the effective date of this subsection.
SB855,26,108 (5) Reinstatement privileges, separation from classified service. The
9treatment of s. 230.40 (3) first applies to a person who separates from the classified
10service on the effective date of this subsection.
SB855,26,1111 (End)