The bill requires the secretary of administration to appoint a director of Native
American affairs in the unclassified service to manage relations between the state
and American Indian tribes or bands in the state.
Grants to American Indian tribes or bands
The bill requires DOA to award grants of equal amounts to each American
Indian tribe or band in the state for the purpose of supporting programs to meet the
needs of members of the tribe or band. No grant moneys may be used to pay
gaming-related expenses.
Civil legal services for the indigent
The bill requires DOA to make annual payments to the Wisconsin Trust
Account Foundation, Inc., for the purpose of providing civil legal services to indigent
Procurement and risk management educational services
The bill authorizes DOA to provide educational services in procurement and
risk management to local governmental units and private entities. The bill requires
DOA to charge fees for its services. The bill also creates an appropriation for fees
received from local governmental units and private entities for technical assistance
services provided by the Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy.
Plan for green and environmentally friendly state procurement practices
The bill requires DOA to develop a plan to expand the use of green and
environmentally friendly state procurement practices, and to provide the written
plan to the governor by June 30, 2022.
Contracts for written foreign language translation
The bill requires the Bureau of Procurement in DOA to enter into contracts or
amend existing contracts with vendors to provide written foreign language
translation services to executive branch agencies by September 1, 2022.
High-voltage transmission line fees
The bill requires PSC to administer annual impact and onetime environmental
impact fees paid under current law by persons authorized by PSC to operate
high-voltage transmission lines. Under current law, DOA administers the fees.
Excess insurance premiums
The bill creates an appropriation account to receive premiums charged to state
agencies for excess insurance under a contract entered into by DOA.
Worker misclassification outreach
The bill requires DOA to direct state agencies, constitutional offices,
departments, independent agencies, and societies, associations, and certain other
agencies of state government for which appropriations are made by law, to provide
educational outreach regarding worker misclassification to employers, workers, and
organizations that serve vulnerable populations.
Juneteenth state holiday
The bill designates June 19, the day on which Juneteenth is celebrated, as a
state holiday on which state offices are closed. Under current law, the offices of the
agencies of state government are generally closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and a total
of nine state holidays. The bill also increases the number of regular paid holidays
state employees receive annually from nine days to 10 days. The bill also requires
the administrator of the Division of Personnel Management in DOA to include June
19 as a paid holiday for UW System employees in the proposal it submits to the Joint
Committee on Employee Relations for compensation plan changes for the 2021-23
BCPL payments in lieu of taxes appropriation
Under current law, land that BCPL owns is not subject to property taxes. For
certain lands purchased on or after July 14, 2015, though, BCPL makes annual
payments to municipalities in lieu of the property tax that would have been owed on
these lands were they not tax exempt. Currently, these payments are made from
BCPL's general operations appropriation account. The bill creates an appropriation
account specifically for these payments in lieu of taxes.
BCPL gifts and grants appropriation
The bill creates a continuing appropriation for all gifts and grants received by
Raffle and bingo appropriations
The bill combines the appropriation accounts for general program operations
for raffles and bingo, and removes the requirement for unspent bingo funds to be
transferred into the lottery fund at the end of each fiscal year.
Defining “multijurisdictional” for the purposes of the lottery
Under current law, the state is authorized to operate a state lottery, which
includes participation in a multijurisdictional lottery. Under current law,
“multijurisdictional” is defined to include any U.S. state or territory, Canada, or any
Canadian province. The bill changes the definition of “multijurisdictional,” for the
purposes of the state lottery, to include any other country or nation.
Public records location fee
Current law allows an authority to impose a fee on any person requesting a
public record to cover the cost of locating that record, if the cost is $50 or more. The
location fee may not exceed the actual, necessary, and direct cost of locating the
record. Current law defines an “authority” to include any elective official or state or
local government agency that has custody of a public record.